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Messages - pariah99

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BitShares AGS / Re: Repost: Announcing AngelShares & BitShares Allocation
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:52:07 pm »
How do you specify this?  I keep having new addresses being generated.  All of my donations have been at least 1PTS or greater, so I'm not worried about the decimal issue, but its getting to be inconvenient tracking all of my donations.

You could transfer your PTS to a single wallet before donating it to the AGS address.  If you're talking about multiple addresses for the same wallet, I don't think it will be that much of a problem since they all share the same private key.

Regarding what Bytemaster said about allowing future DACs to determine how to interpret digit significance: I think it would be useful to have a canonical AGS distribution published by Invictus; otherwise, there might be some fragmentation in how people interpret the social contract.

To be clear - I'm not suggesting that you require DACs to award to a certain decimal significance - merely suggesting that there be an official summation per address of AGS.

BitShares AGS / Re: Repost: Announcing AngelShares & BitShares Allocation
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:10:40 am »
Would that apply to the intermediate calculations as well (I hope not)?  At some point you're going to have to calculate the intermediate payments for the daily distribution, although this would be prior to the genesis block so it wouldn't really need to be coded in.

Besides, agsexplorer/ have done all of the legwork for calculating the shares, and they're at least 8 decimal precision to boot.  I'm hoping that you just take a final tally using a similar method and then apply the truncation/rounding :3

BitShares AGS / Re: Repost: Announcing AngelShares & BitShares Allocation
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:22:24 am »
This may be a really dumb question, but at what level of precision are AGS going to be calculated?  I am assuming 8 decimal places, but if it's less, I'm curious; also, if they're less, it would be nice to know if they are going to be truncated or rounded.

I only ask because I'm considering trickling in my daily mined PTS > AGS.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing Idea: Double Dip PTS to AGS days?
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:13:08 am »
I disagree: I think that the proportional distribution with PTS and BTC is enough to get people to donate to AGS, regardless of the price of protoshares, and it also provides donors with some nice benefits.

The way I look at it from a long term perspective, if you send bitcoin into AGS, you're more than likely getting a ridiculously good deal on shares of future 3I DACs for a (relatively) common currency.  If you're sending PTS to AGS, it's kind of like a bond in that you're giving up your liquidity for a larger piece of the social contract pie (at least, as long as the donation threshold remains under 5000 PTS.)

Besides, if you add too much complexity to the rollout, it's going to drive away AGS donations.

Edit: Also, if you allocate more AGS shares, then you're effectively making everybody else suffer an inflation tax that was not clearly spelled out in the original terms.

Marketplace / [WTB] 10 PTS at 0.028 BTC each for a total of 0.28 BTC
« on: December 25, 2013, 07:05:24 pm »

I'm interested in purchasing 10 protoshares at 0.028BTC each for a total of 0.28BTC.  I'd like to use favdesu for escrow, and I'll pay the entirety of the escrow fee.

Before you point out that I could do it via cryptsy: I know I can, but with all the recent problems, I just don't trust that my coins wont get lost in the ether.

Reply here and I'll set it up with favdesu.  Thanks in advance!

12/29/13: Edited for updated price.

BitShares PTS / Re: ★Giveaway I★ Claim your free PTS - rule inside
« on: December 18, 2013, 10:59:07 pm »

Thanks :)

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