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Messages - dannotestein

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Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: April 03, 2014, 06:14:08 pm »
I believe that I successfully re-registered my Keyhotee Founder ID since the points showed up when I entered my information, but when I click on my identity under Contacts, the yellow box says "Unregistered".

Founder ID - Evan
Keyhotee 0.7 Public Key - 7CkhKJBks2KHQiLVszhyPNcuGVBoFgeTtf4iDHrKfEjcMXxtJ1
Yes, the server shows you as registered to this key. It really should say the points under your identity for the contact also, however, unless it lost connectivity to the founder server (it just sends the same message it sent when you initially created the Identity). If this persists, PM me and we can try to figure out what the problem is.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: April 03, 2014, 02:26:15 pm »
I can't seem to find the link to the web form where we submit our founder ID and public key.  I'm guessing this form needs to be resubmitted with version 0.7?  Can someone please post the link.

Thank you.
It's much better to register your public key with KH 0.7.0 if you can. The web form link is best only used if you previously registered a public key with 0.7.0 and now you want to change that public key. I'll dig up the web form link, in case KH-based registration isn't working for you and PM you.

Keyhotee / Re: Can i custom the profile path of Keyhotee?
« on: April 03, 2014, 02:21:52 pm »
No, it's not changeable at this time.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: April 03, 2014, 02:01:39 pm »
I thought of one problem this morning in the shower (I guess I should have taken one last night): old KH clients were still able to register a public key with the server, and if this happened, it could block the new 0.7.0 KH clients from re-register it.

Fortunately, it's possible to distinguish old format keys from new ones, so I modified the founder server just now to reject old-format keys and I also cleared the founder database of any old-style keys that got re-registered. So if you had trouble registering with 0.7.0, please try it again and see if it lets you register your founder ID now.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: April 02, 2014, 09:18:56 pm »
Founder IDs need to be re-registered with Keyhotee 0.7.0

We recently discovered a problem with the way we're generating public keys in Keyhotee, and the best solution we could come up will require re-registering your Keyhotee Founder IDs. However, we've worked hard to make this process simpler than in the past, so it shouldn't be too bad I think. Below is a full description of the problem and our solution. Since we had to make this breaking change, we've also incorporated several other “breaking changes” that will require use of Keyhotee 0.7.0 versus the older alpha clients.

The Problem: city_hash64 is not stable across versions and is not well standardized

The algorithm Keyhotee uses to automatically generate the public key for a Keyhotee ID employs a hashing function called city_hash. While recently investigating the city_hash algorithm, we found that it's not a unchanging algorithm that will generate the same hash value over different versions of the function. This is in contrast to the standard cryptographic hashes like sha2 which are guaranteed to produce the same hash number for a given input across all implementations of sha2.

This guarantee provided by the standard cryptographic hash functions is important for Keyhotee IDs, because it is desirable for a user to be able to re-generate the same public keys for a profile when using many different Keyhotee-style clients. For example, a user might use the existing C++-based Keyhotee client on his desktop and a Java-based Keyhotee client (not yet developed) on an Android phone, and he would want to be able to use the same Keyhotee IDs on either system.

The Solution: Replace city_hash with sha2

To eliminate this problem so that the public keys are easy to regenerate on different Keyhotee-client implementations, we are replacing all uses of city_hash in the generation of Keyhotee clients with sha2 based hashes. The only problem with this solution is that it requires that all Keyhotee founder Ids to be registered again with the new public keys generated using sha2 hashing.

Steps to register your Founder ID(s)

1) Download the appropriate OS version of Keyhotee 0.7.0 here:

2) Create a NEW profile (existing profiles are invalid). Record in a safe location the information you enter to create your profile (first/middle/last name, your brainwallet passcode, and your profile password).

3) From the main Keyhotee GUI menu, select the menu option “New Identity”. In the New Identity dialog, enter your Keyhotee Founder ID and your Keyhotee Founder Code. If you've entered the information correctly, you should see some “points” appear at the bottom of the dialog. The points message indicates that you have successfully registered your Keyhotee ID with our server. If you no longer have your Founder ID or Founder Code, you can contact Stan for this information.

I think Vitalik's original point here just shows the weakness of trying to explain things too much in the form of analogies. While it can be helpful, such analogies often lead people to false conclusions when people try to attribute all kinds of characteristics of the analogous system to the actual system. In practice, there's very little involved in either design or execution of a BitShares DAC that is similar to the design or operation of an ASIC (I can say this with confidence, having been involved in both software and FPGA/ASIC design for most of my career).

Also, I suppose one of the ideas being promoted by the original analogy is that the logic of a bitshares DAC isn't changeable once a blockchain is started (ASICs are, to a large extent, fixed function devices), but there's nothing in the Bitshares technology that prevents changes in DAC operation based either upon agreement by individuals or by groups. We're just not explicitly building such out-of-the-box capability into the initial "DAC toolkit". Individual DACs could certainly build in "runtime-changeable" parameters.

Stan's analogy is actually by far the closest comparison, in my opinion, based on what I've heard about Ethereum so far. As I understand it (and I confess I haven't read about it depth, because the initial concept just didn't seem efficient to me), Ethereum is basically going to be running a scripting language interpreter on each peer that processes script commands in a blockchain block.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 27, 2014, 12:45:29 pm »
We're currently in the middle of implementing peer discovery for the p2p network code. As of yesterday we have a set of test nodes connecting up to each other and sharing the peer date in each node's local peer database.

Keyhotee / Re: When will free Identity registration start?
« on: March 20, 2014, 11:54:17 pm »
As you can see I am a Newbie!!  ;D

I gather from the previous comments that one can't download to help test Keyhotee at this point due to lack of a Keyhotee ID?
You don't need a Keyhotee ID to help test it, you can create an identity with just a public key (not tied to a KH ID) and use the public key as your mailing address for now. That's actually how everyone tests it right now.
I cant seem to create a public key without a Keyhotee ID.   Can anyone tell me how to do that?  It does not generate a public key until I type in something in the Keyhotee ID field.  Please advise. thanks
Sorry my previous statement wasn't clear enough, I think. You get your public key by typing some name in the Keyhotee ID field, just as you're doing. It's just not possible to "mine" that ID yet, so you have to give others the public key that gets generated instead of just the keyhotee ID.

Its like saying I can't trade my property with someone else.  Of course I can.

Sent using Tapatalk

If I sell you my house, you can change the locks.

If I sell you my AGS donation keys, you can't prove I don't still have a copy of the keys. In essence, you can't change the locks.
I think that's a good analogy to the current situation.

However, as a personal "holder" of AGS (not as an Invictus employee), my feeling is that recognition of AGS will inevitably move to a liquid form, just given the entrepreneurial nature of our community. I suspect this will happen not long after the AGS donation phase is completed. Bear in my mine, this is just my personal opinion (and desire, since I feel it will raise the value of AGS).

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 20, 2014, 03:52:07 am »
We completed an initial set of rules for peer discovery today. Naturally we read bitcoin documentation on how it's done there, but the docs left us with more questions than answers, so we decided to start with some relatively simple rules that nodes will use to maintain and broadcast their peer database, then tweak the various parameters of the rules via network simulations as necessary once we've coded them up. We've moved on now to coding up a very simplified version of the blockchain manager that our p2p node will be tested against.

Since all this code is common to all BitShares DACs, it's being developed in github here:

We're primarily working in the libraries/net and libraries/client directories. Most of our algorithms are documented in libraries/net/p2p_design_notes.h for those who are curious about the details of the design, although there's a few points that haven't been updated yet as of today's design work.

Keyhotee / Re: When will free Identity registration start?
« on: March 19, 2014, 09:33:02 pm »
As you can see I am a Newbie!!  ;D

I gather from the previous comments that one can't download to help test Keyhotee at this point due to lack of a Keyhotee ID?
You don't need a Keyhotee ID to help test it, you can create an identity with just a public key (not tied to a KH ID) and use the public key as your mailing address for now. That's actually how everyone tests it right now.

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: March 19, 2014, 09:26:25 pm »
Apologies if this has already been reported.  I took a quick look but was too lazy to check it all!!

Got Norton Virus Warning when I downloaded it and it removed it as a "Suspicious.Cloud.7.EP" virus.
You're the first to report this, but I'm pretty sure it's a false positive (unless you downloaded it from somewhere other than, then anything goes). I know Norton occassionally reports a false positives for SynaptiCAD products when we release a new version, then we have to file a report with Norton so that they analyze the problem and update their database to tell their virus analyzer that everything is ok.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 19, 2014, 03:55:28 am »
I haven't posted status for a few days, since I wanted to get to a well-defined point in our design work first, so here's where we're at now:

Together with Bytemaster, we defined the interface between the generic peer-to-peer (p2p) network layer and the generic blockchain code for DACs (and also Keyhotee).  Since then, Bytemaster has been working independently on the generic blockchain code. Eric and I are currently designing the generic p2p network layer . We finished designing the algorithm for syncing to peers, plus broadcast and validation of transactions and blocks during normal operation today, and moved on to designing the peer discovery algorithm, which we'll likely finish in the next day or two. After that, we'll do a final review of the design and move on to implementation. Keyhotee GUI guys are working independently on current outstanding feature requests and bugs listed in github.

BitShares AGS / Re: If the company is VC-backed, why do these exist?
« on: March 18, 2014, 01:24:09 am »
I often wondered what the business model of invictus is. Your VC money must have one ;)
Obvious would be to buy into PTS/AGS/BTS early?
Anything else to it?

Can Dan or Stan or any I3 staff member comment on this?

Now now.. Lets just sleep for a few days before we think about investments.

It is a very pertinent question...

In the Roanoke Times topic BM said that the VC money went into PTS and AGS and increasing PTS and AGS value are the way to make money for I3. See This is at least how I interpreted it.
That's correct.

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: March 18, 2014, 01:16:57 am »
There are times that keyhotee cannot load my profile . Any user also had experienced this bug?
Is it possible you have another copy running? Only one copy can open a particular profile at any given time (that's happened before to me).

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