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Messages - fuzzy

Pages: 1 ... 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 [45] 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ... 336
General Discussion / Re: [ANN] Bitshares E-sports Tournament [ANN]
« on: December 20, 2015, 09:50:57 pm »
The registration site and wallet system is nearly complete, we intend to open registration today via social media and various other means, we will keep the community updated as we proceed.

We have a beyond bitcoin twitch stream i was planning to use with PLAY.  I would gladly stream it from twitch if i get more details and have time to plan real life around it. 

#sharebits "kuro112" 300 BTS

If you have a project/token and would like to sponsor these events by ShareDropping to the Following Attendees, please do so and provide a little advertisement for your Sharedropped token.  And always remember that the individuals who show up to these hangouts are about as avid of crypto/bitshares fans as it gets, so giving them some of your tokens is essentially giving tokens to a demographic who will be most likely to hold longterm and also participate in your project's initiatives! 

Do not underestimate the value of Sharing a stake in your dreams with these people.  They are guaranteed to be one of the best sharedrop targets available!

#sharebits "Tuck Fheman" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="tuckfheman")
#sharebits "DestBest" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="DestBest")
#sharebits "Bhuz" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="bhuz")
#sharebits "spartako" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="spartako")
#sharebits "lafona" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="lafona")
#sharebits "ingenesist" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="ingenesist")
#sharebits "onceuponatime" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="onceuponatime")
#sharebits "hadrian" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="hadrian")
#sharebits "fuzzy" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="fuzzy")
#sharebits "betax" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="betax")
#sharebits "jcalfee1" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="jcalfee2")
#sharebits "Luca21" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Luca21")
#sharebits "cube" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="cube")
#sharebits "abit" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="abit")
#sharebits "mangou007" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Mangou007")
#sharebits "testz" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="testz")
#sharebits "iHashFury" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="ihashfury")
#sharebits "rgcrypto" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="CryptOctopus")
#sharebits "bitbuckster" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="brindleswan")
#sharebits "JWF" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Jwf-mobile")
#sharebits "Stan" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="Stan")
#sharebits "twitter" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="twitter")
#sharebits "xeldal" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="xeldal")
#sharebits "pc" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="pc")
#sharebits "facer" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="facer")
#sharebits "dmo09" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="dmo09")
#sharebits "xeroc" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="xeroc")
#sharebits "topcandle" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="sxis")
#sharebits "EstefanTT" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="EstefanTT")
#sharebits "thom" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="thom")
#sharebits "gchicken" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="gchicken")
#sharebits "godzirra" [amount] [asset] (MUMBLE="godzirra")

General Discussion / Re: [GIVEAWAY] 1000 MEGUSTA
« on: December 18, 2015, 05:50:12 am »

Send my Share to: btc-tadakaluri

Thanks in advance.

give that man megusta! :D

This Hangout is w/ Bytemaster of Cryptonomex

Please ask questions Here:

Follow Twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin

Retweet This Week's Hangout [ANN]!

Or better yet--Join us!  For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Mumble Server!

**Attention Brownie/UIA Lovers**
Make an account at and to access our customized token sending features.
Sponsor the latest Beyond Bitcoin Hangouts by sending to our attendees and employees via the Guestbook!

General Discussion / Re: Open Ledger by...IBM
« on: December 17, 2015, 08:08:19 pm »
So, every news story on this just needs to get commented with a link to

Be creative.  Just say:  "Nice web site at"  or something.

That helps establish prior existence everywhere.


great idea to use as a community quest that pays out in bitshares and other sponsored/donated tokens. 

"For every post you write and link to as proof we will give you 500 bts, 200 Brownies, 300 Obits and.....(fill in the blank).

Freebie / Re: Maintainence on ShareBits
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:19:45 am »
Maintenance on the BTS daemon is currently being conducted (as well as worth noting Reddit is experiencing down time). All services are expected to be back online within the next 24h, thanks.

thanks for notification hybridd.  Out of curiosity do you guys have an image to post here on the forums for the freebie section?

Odd. I had 3235.0000 brownies in my sharebits account. I withdrew 3235, but the transaction on the blockchain shows 5 extra brownies sent in the withdrawal (sharebits sent 3,240 BROWNIE.PTS to bitsharesblog) . @hybridd  @fuzzy @Freebieservers

very interesting.  might be that the withdrawal code was accidentally is giving as opposed to taking the withdrawal fee?

Hey merivercap, here are the results of your tips...
  • fuzzy: has been credited 1 FISTBUMP
Curious about ShareBits? Visit us at and start tipping BTS on today!
Created by hybridd

Cool thanks mr. bot.

Thanks fuzzy.. seems to be running again.

yeh no prob.  hybridd said it was something we shouldnt have to worry about often, but if the program freezes or something ee might occasionally have some little issues like this but it is a quick fix so the faster we are notified if it happens again someday, the faster it will be reset.

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Brownie Points (BROWNIE.PTS)
« on: December 16, 2015, 08:35:57 pm »
New blog posts since last time on :

User Issued Assets METAFEES and Obits
New BitShares Whitepaper
OpenLedger Launches
Cryptonomex’s Dan Larimer – Forbes
OpenLedger, IDENTABIT, Remittio in the News
BitShares Solves the Barriers to Adoption Problems of Crypto
BitShares Crypto Monitor
BitShares and Graphene Documentation
LottoShares: Transparent Lottery on the BitShares Blockchain
BitShares 2.0 Forked Blockchain to Launch October 13, 2015
Identabit Announcement

Plus, updated my other information site, created and published OpenLedger banners for both sites.
Total Time: 32 hours
bts: bitsharesblog

#sharebits "mint chocolate chip" 3200  BROWNIE.PTS

Sorry about that man.  I still haven't sent all them back so I can still help fix all this if anyone else has one I have missed please let me know so I can finish sending. 

bumping this to ensure people know we are STILL not out of the beta testing phase.

if you have issues needing fixed with the sharebot dont forget to mention @Freebieservers @hybridd @kuro112

They have been busy working on bunkermining but it looks like that is starting to get where it was intended to be.

#sharebits "fuzzy" 1 FISTBUMP

Hopefully this works... :)

it should. but i havent received anything saying i got it.
It is not working, I still haven't received my brownie tips @fuzzy sent me in that thread, and got no confirmation there.

i messaged @hybridd and he said hed look into it.  this thread is the place to post these issues though so thanks for bringing it here :)

bumping this to ensure people know we are STILL not out of the beta testing phase.

if you have issues needing fixed with the sharebot dont forget to mention @Freebieservers @hybridd @kuro112

They have been busy working on bunkermining but it looks like that is starting to get where it was intended to be.

#sharebits "fuzzy" 1 FISTBUMP

Hopefully this works... :)

it should. but i havent received anything saying i got it.

General Discussion / Re: [ANN] For those who care to know
« on: December 16, 2015, 07:41:41 pm »
Hey guys.  I was just trying out the Sharebits system and clicked on Tip Generator for the UIA.  I can't find the link anymore and it says the amount I was planning to tip is unclaimed.  How can I either reclaim it or get the url link again?  How do we pass the url to someone? 

Also I assume for the forums we just type the following: #btstip  [name] [amount] [UIA] ?  (without the brackets)

You can do it with or without quotes around the name?


All unclaimed tips get refunded to the tip issuer after 48 hours. I'm not sure what you mean by how you pass the url to someone... however you want? Skype, facebook, etc... lol

The syntax for the forum is no longer #btstip but rather #sharebits other than that, yes that's correct. Quotes around the name isn't required, but you will need it for names that have spaces.

@hybridd i think he means he cant find the link that was generated. 

Freebie / Re: received a pm for a code i have not requested
« on: December 16, 2015, 06:03:40 pm »
any one could request a code for your account at btstip .. it will always be sent to you though ..
It's like pressing the "forgot password" link on most pages :)

this ^

General Discussion / Re: [ANN] For those who care to know
« on: December 16, 2015, 05:59:32 pm »
Also, if you guys have any issues with the bot that need itoned out it helps substantially for the freebie team to receive them all in the same thread:,20090.msg266706.html#msg266706
this is the best thread to post it in. :)

bumping this to ensure people know we are STILL not out of the beta testing phase.

if you have issues needing fixed with the sharebot dont forget to mention @Freebieservers @hybridd @kuro112

They have been busy working on bunkermining but it looks like that is starting to get where it was intended to be.

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