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Messages - biophil

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General Discussion / Re: Dry Run 10: Viva la Vida Delegada
« on: July 17, 2014, 01:32:48 pm »

still can attack with these rules, if I have about 1% XTS.

1. use about 10^7 XTS  or more, control the price to 500USD/XTS, get about 5*10^9 USD
2. usd about 10^7 XTS or more + maybe 10^5 USD, control the price to 0.0005USD/XTS,get all the backup XTS.

It is just a matter of scale.  Attacking the network in such a manner would destroy the network and make your 1% worthless.  We can set that value as high as 5% or more.  The assumption is anyone with that much steak we not want to harm the network.  No one else would participate in the network and instead could go to a new bit asset.  You and then be trading against yourself and not profit at all. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Arrrg.  I'm not a tester, but I don't think I like this reasoning at all. Assuming that no individual person or group would spend money to harm the network is a bad assumption, especially at the early stages when the total NAV is still low.  There could be great incentives to try and destroy the network.  :o  Please tell me I don't know crap and I'm wrong because that's what I want to hear right now.  :-\

Totally agree, and I'm not going to hedge with "I'm not a tester." You can't build a system and say "oh that fatal fault should never happen." If the design allows it to happen, you're crazy to call that a good design. Alt just explained very clearly how a 1% attack could destroy everything you've worked for, BM says "Oh, I don't think someone would do that." Very reassuring.

General Discussion / Re: A Call to the Truthcoin Prediction Market
« on: July 16, 2014, 10:53:52 pm »
I just thought I would update everyone:

(1)  Although toast has expressed a desire to bang out a working version of this, he has been severely distracted by BtsX. The tentative arrangement we discussed did involve (at least) 20% of the Vote-ownership (not coin ownership, please see my presentation draft to learn more about this) going to AGS/PTS holders.

(2)  I am still working on Truthcoin in my spare time, and I may hire one or two freelancers to help. If so, I will feel less inclined to give away the ownership at all (as no one has been helping), or I may airdrop to Bitcoin for the superior network effects. In other words, it remains possible that AGS/PTS owners may "miss out" on their chance to own Truthcoin.

(3)  My feeling is that my project would be much simpler and faster to implement than BtsX (my understanding is that toast agrees). My personal opinion is also that it would be more successful. I would probably be happy if Bitsharestalk made a bunch of noise and diverted some developer talent here (or made some noise at Bitcointalk or something). As the project-owner, I unfortunately am in a bad position to make noise, as it appears selfish.

(4)  In general, I'm hoping that the devs at BTS will learn a lot from their BtsX experience and use that for my project.

AI, I hope I get to participate in some kind of sharedrop that you do; whether that's through PTS/AGS or BTC. I seriously doubt there's any chance you'll get the bitshares/invictus folks to divert energy from BTSX in the forseeable future. I mean, clearly, BTSX is bitshares/invictus. It's the first project idea they had, the reason they founded the company, and the only one (of their ideas) that people are terribly interested in.

I certainly hope you don't take it as a rebuff or an affront that they won't take time away from BTSX to work on your project, since BTSX is simply the thing that makes them what they are. It is my sincere hope that before too long you'll be able to get some bitshares devs working on your project. If you can't wait that long, then I wish you well and I'll keep an eye on truthcoin wherever it ends up.

Not sure I understand your question. There have never been any deposits. The only BTSX on bter are from the Feb28 PTS shapshot.

General Discussion / Re: Social Networking Service - Worth it?
« on: July 15, 2014, 09:25:52 pm »
I've thought a little about this. Here's a major problem:

Q. What is the product that Facebook sells?
A. Facebook sells its users. Facebook sells ad space and private data; Facebook's customers are never its users. Facebook users are Facebook's product.

So if you want to make a social networking DAC while preserving privacy, you can't simply copy Facebook's business model - their model is exactly antithetical to your goals. The only way Facebook can offer its services to the public for free is if they make money off the public somehow. How does a DAC do that without charging fees to set up a profile?

for AGS - PTS shareholders, even if we import the keys we cannot play until 2.5 months have passed correct? So in any case we should wait until 2.5 months have passed before we import our keys, or have I misunderstood?

That's correct - 2.5 months is the shortest you might have to wait. I imported my AGS and MMC keys, and the AGS matures in 2.5 months but the MMC doesn't mature until about a year from now.

There are orders on the NHZ asset exchange, and it looks like at least one person went and bought NHZ on poloniex specifically so they could buy some LTS. FreeTrade, maybe you should update your bitcointalk announcement to put the NHZ AE under exchanges.

LottoShares / Re: Where to trade?
« on: July 15, 2014, 03:37:34 pm »
There's a buy order on the NHZ asset exchange now at a price of about $0.20 per LTS!

General Discussion / Re: What is the Counter For?
« on: July 15, 2014, 03:30:30 pm »
The countdown is to the end of AGS donations, not to a snapshot.

So for which DAC is the "snapshot"? For every future DAC that honors AGS.

Some in the pipeline include the DNS DAC, the lotto DAC, the voting DAC.

Yup. So AGS donars are banking on people not understanding this so that they get the best bang for their buck on ags and, their pts holdings increase when people find out it is too late for ags. (directly or indirectly)

EDIT: Makes better sense why people wouldn't want to blast out hard about the end of ags.

The counter on the front page of the forum says "till the last day of AGS donations." That is completely literal. When the counter hits zero, AGS is closed forever.

Sorry that you felt we weren't spelling it out to you clearly enough; it just didn't occur to us that "the last day of AGS donations" wouldn't make sense to you, so we went round and round trying to help you understand how AGS worked.

Also, you seem to think that we're being hush-hush about donations ending. That's not true at all! It's just classic Bitshares lack-of-effective-marketing.

Yeah, this recommendation concerns me a little, especially since my biggest balances are AGS and we can't move those.  I already imported my private keys so I hope these are just precautionary measures.  Is this a real risk? Should I  :'(?

There's a chain of trust involved in getting the software to you - if you're reading and compiling yourself, that's the shortest chain - you're just trusting the code I've published and that your own system isn't compromised.
If you're using the binaries, or relying on someone else to vet the code, that chain is longer, you're trusting the compiler isn't compromised, that his system/software isn't compromised, that the network isn't compromised, that github and that your own system isn't compromised.
We're looking at other ways to handle this private key issue that require less risk and trust.
For now, there is no reason to import AGS/MMC/PTS keys - those balances don't start maturing for another 2 months anyway.

Wow! Now that I know this I'm very surprised the community would support any DAC without reviewing the code first.  Why are these risks only being brought up now?  No offense, but the code should have been completely reviewed before it was agreed to have it's own section in the forum and be fully supported.  Thank you for adding AGS/PTS to the distribution list, but at what cost do we blindly support a DAC?

At this early stage in the developement of DACs and this community, the leadership of Invictus has the most to say.  I'm pointing at I3 for not making this an important issue.  It could potentially compromise the entire project. No?

Sure, it's very important and we should be concerned with security and all that - but FreeTrade has been around forever, and as far as I'm concerned he's a trusted dev. I believe he created PTS - someone correct me if I'm wrong.

So what you're saying is absolutely true, but in this particular instance the community (and, I believe, I3) decided there wasn't much to be afraid of.

General Discussion / Re: What is the Counter For?
« on: July 15, 2014, 01:26:59 pm »
For what? If a person donates AGS then what do they get a share of?

There is an excellent FAQ on the bitshares website:

The middle column is all about AGS.

I think in multibit you export your private let to a text file or something along those lines. I bet 5 minutes of poking around would get you your answer.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Neat! Imported my AGS privkey, and lo and behold, it tells me I have some immature LTS, and apparently they're supposed to mature in 2.5 months. Thanks, FreeTrade, this is cool!

How do you import AGS priv key?

You find your BTC address that you donated to AGS with, let's call it 1addy-------------. Then you go to help->debug in Bitcoin-qt, and then click on the Console tab.
Code: [Select]
dumpprivkey 1addy------------- The text it spits out (let's call it AGSprivkey---------------) is your AGS private key! Be careful, the fact that you have to do this is one of the major vulnerabilities of AGS. If someone manages to steal the key, you could lose your entire donation.

Anyway, open up the lottoshares client, go to the console in it, type
Code: [Select]
importprivkey AGSprivkey--------------- hit enter, and wait a few minutes. If it works, you should see immature LTS show up in your wallet soon.

Neat! Imported my AGS privkey, and lo and behold, it tells me I have some immature LTS, and apparently they're supposed to mature in 2.5 months. Thanks, FreeTrade, this is cool!

DAC PLAY / Re: Worthy projects to distribute free LottoShares to
« on: July 13, 2014, 06:12:27 pm »
Hey, how about the Truthcoin guy? He has some ideas for an SVD-based prediction market thing; sounded like he really knew the math but needed funding to hire developers. He is member Asymmetric Information on this forum, check out thread

If you believe in the market peg then you would buy BitUSD when it is undervalued *even if* you want to short USD vs btsx in the long term. It's guaranteed short-term returns, once the peg is there you can slowly change your position.

Definitely! But I have read many, many comments on this forum that suggest that people do not understand this concept.

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