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Messages - biophil

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General Discussion / Re: MaidSafe IPO on Mastercoin
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:50:47 pm »
So what happens when someone forks Safecoin with an initial coin distribution based on the current distribution of bitcoins?

Or based on the current distribution of PTS... wink wink... ;)

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Back to OP's main point briefly: he seems to be saying that because we can copy a song and distribute it ad infinitum, that the song is abundant. That somehow an item's abundance is related to how many copies of it exist. But this is really a form of artificial abundance, right? In an important sense, songs are actually scarce, because it's not trivial to produce a good song. A song is a special type of good that can fall prey to artificial abundance, which really screws with the incentives to produce songs.

This is the problem that Bitshares Music is trying to solve: the illusion of abundance that the Internet produces has caused incentive problems for musicians. Record labels tried to solve the incentive problem by legislating scarcity, and that approach has mostly turned out to be a huge failure. Bitshares Music is just a new approach to the incentive problem, one which I suspect may turn out to be a bit more successful. :)

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General Discussion / Re: Should have been there...
« on: April 22, 2014, 10:17:29 pm »
Meh, you're good. The IPO was botched and now Mastercoin is back down to $40.

MemoryCoin / Re: My investment is in FreeTrade
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:41:30 pm »
Wow, we have a fight between MemoryCoin's oldest squeaky wheel and MemoryCoin's newest squeaky wheel!

Please excuse my paraphrasing in the following:
newmine's position: FreeTrade is a self-serving jerk who has twisted and manipulated MemoryCoin from day 1.
Tigerlore's position: FreeTrade is a gift from the gods, our true savior and bringer of coin profits; anybody against him is "Too disturbed to create anything of value."

Let's see how this plays out!

MemoryCoin / Re: Would MMC be interested in sponsoring an athlete?
« on: April 20, 2014, 02:30:37 am »
Hey everybody who hasn't switched over to MMC-Square, I'm posting updates on my training over at

Thanks for the thoughts, luckybit. I heartily agree. Objecting to a merger on the grounds that "bitshares is ours, we shouldn't give it away" seems misguided at best and fatal at worst.

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General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: April 15, 2014, 02:18:49 pm »
I3 gathered tons of money from investors,then what?I CAN'T SEE ANY SOLID PRODUCT RIGHT NOW.
infinite DELAY.. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

TIL that 1 month=Infinite.

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KeyID / Re: Namecoin airdrop?
« on: April 12, 2014, 02:09:08 pm »
Technical question: How will the half life idea (I love the idea, by the way) work in terms of Bips/dividends? Suppose NMC-holder genesis block coins lose 50% per month: will that 50% that's destroyed act like any other coin destruction; i.e., will the 50% be returned to shareholders as dividends? It seems obvious to me that this would be the easiest way to implement it.

Maybe this has already been discussed somewhere else, but this seems like a pretty cool effect. It means a couple things:

1) all early adopters get a bunch of huge dividends right at the beginning. Yes, this apparent increase in wealth will mostly be illusory because it's just a re-scaling of balances, but it will be fun! And it will a pretty good way for people to learn how dividends work in the Bitshares world.
2) If airdrop coins aren't claimed quickly, they're just given back to the shareholders. So even if the initial distro is 35/35/20/10, if only half of that 20% airdrop is claimed, the effective distro ends up being closer to 39/39/10/12 (I made those numbers up).

PR issues that will rear their heads:
1) An airdrop will probably really piss off the NMC devs. Of course, NMC devs will already be pissed since we're building a better product.
2) The half-life might make people feel like they're being coerced.
3) Smart people, of whom there are many in the crypto world, will understand that the flood of initial dividends is merely a re-scaling and it might make them feel like we're being dishonest.

General Discussion / Re: Nodeshares
« on: April 11, 2014, 02:31:54 pm »
I'd guess this will be a hard sell around here. If Bitshares is to become what we all think it can be, it can't rise and fall with bitcoin! Initially, yes, bitshares will have important links to bitcoin, but if all works as planned, that won't last long. :)

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General Discussion / Re: Automated Hydroponics
« on: April 08, 2014, 02:00:17 pm »
Use the waste heat from a mining rig!! I love it! Who here knows about the thermodynamics of computation? How much of the energy input to a computer is lost as heat? It's been too long since my semiconductors class to remember how all that bandgap stuff works. But if you had a decent use for all the waste heat, such as heating a tilapia pond to 25C, you'd have a pretty cool setup on your hands.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

KeyID / Re: Should domains count as stake for DPOS?
« on: April 08, 2014, 01:50:07 pm »
We want to avoid the situation where most of the value of DNS is in the domains and so the shareholders don't represent the best interests of the customers of the DAC. I'm thinking you could give all the domains a fixed % of the network's total stake (for selecting delegates), so each domain has (ratio*(sale_price / sum(sale_prices))) stake.
Ui, havent even thought about that issue, yet. But your solution sounds good

Is this a good idea? Should ratio be above or below 50%?
I'd say below and would go for a 30% .. just because :-)

This would be price fixing and cause domains to be purchased for the sake of gaining control.   I think your premise is wrong that shareholders don't care about customers.   The value of their shares is directly related to how well customers are served.   

If you wanted to give them a 'vote' the vote should be based upon the fees paid to the network to secure the domain.    I still think domain name holders are not shareholders, but customers.

I'd be very careful with the idea that "the shareholders care about the customers." If the shareholders could act as a coherent whole, of course that would be true. However, the shareholders are a collection of independent agents, so toast is right to be concerned: beware the Tragedy of the Commons!

On the other hand, you do want to avoid price-fixing.

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MemoryCoin / Re: Would MMC be interested in sponsoring an athlete?
« on: April 07, 2014, 01:32:52 am »
After some consideration and changes in our team, and because of your low cost of living expenses, I may be able to consider a deal with you.

Please PM me for negotiations.

Well, fantastic! PMing you now.

KeyID / Re: Pre-allocate share as "Dev DNS"?
« on: April 06, 2014, 08:17:24 pm »
Looks like it's pretty unanimous to do 45/45/10, except that random 40/40/20 guy - come on, get on board ;)

Go for it!

KeyID / Re: Pre-allocate share as "Dev DNS"?
« on: April 05, 2014, 02:27:36 pm »
Will you and Vikram have complete authority over how the funds are spent? If so, then go for it! I like 45/45/10 as much as anything else. The exact split probably doesn't matter much.

I don't want any more of this back-and-forth between toast and Invictus about how much money toast can spend on this. If he's project lead, let him go for it. Waiting for a stamp of approval from Invictus is getting tiresome.

General Discussion / Re: Pricing Bitassets
« on: April 03, 2014, 02:53:57 pm »
Looking into the future, assuming BitUSD is paying interest as originally planned,

There is reason to assume it will be more valuable than dollars

I think that is understood.

If that was consistent a decentralized gateway could serve the community by providing fiat for bitAssets, and also capturing a gain (if this is true this gain COULD be used creatively, at least more creatively than OLD WORLD model of pocketing it).

Could a gateway pull something like that off though?  Theoretically?  Efficiently buy bitAssets at their nominal price and make a profit?

Just looking for gaping holes in this theory.

Look at it like this: if I can make a profit exchanging bitassets for realassets at the nominal price, that will pull the values of the two closer together. If I can do it, so can anybody else, and competition will drive the difference between the prices to 0.

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