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Messages - bitmeat

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General Discussion / Re: Delegate vote swaps
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:03:37 pm »

It would be nice if setting production off, releases your slot temporarily to others who are eager to produce blocks.

+1 +1 +1

thats a very good idea!!!
It should help for maintenance periods,  or to deactivate them due knowing problems and give the opportunity to stand-by delegates to participate!!!

I think I got a better idea here.

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:02:12 pm »

I'm trying to make sure that if a delegate has 5% of the votes, they get to produce 5% of the blocks. Some services run a good cause and pay for a node regardless this can help them offset that cost even if it doesn't fully pay it.

I understand the concern of running 1000 nodes instead of 100. But come one $50k/mo is nothing when the network grows.

Also as far as voting goes these numbers should be votes by the community and not hard coded let the market decide how many delegates we need.

No no no, that just can't be. All of the potentially good delegates with 5% will be right alongside the crappy/evil delegates that were good long enough to get more votes and havent gone back down to 0% yet. It may be okay to adjust the number of delegates but that needs to not allow for all potential delegates to get a chance. Bad idea! And it also can't screw over the really awesome delegates with 90% of the vote but can randomly not get to produce blocks and not be able to predict the income that they need in order to be such an awesome delegate.

To be honest if I'm a delegate and my rate starts going down I would rather not have bad reliability % and be paused and my slot given to someone else temporarily until I say it's ok to go again.

General Discussion / PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:53:43 pm »
Ok. How about this:

Self correcting system. Based on a delegate % of missed blocks, you let in a random potential candidate for a block.

So a delegate drops down to 80% of reliability. In the future with a 20% chance you give their block to a delegate waiting in line.

That will motivate delegates to be 100% and also self correct if they are down for some reason.

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:38:28 pm »
I'm trying to make sure that if a delegate has 5% of the votes, they get to produce 5% of the blocks. Some services run a good cause and pay for a node regardless this can help them offset that cost even if it doesn't fully pay it.

I understand the concern of running 1000 nodes instead of 100. But come one $50k/mo is nothing when the network grows.

Also as far as voting goes these numbers should be votes by the community and not hard coded let the market decide how many delegates we need.

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:19:17 pm »
He doesn't have to validate blocks he missed because he won't be included in the batch selection if he has marked himself as I'm no longer running.

In fact you kinda already have that. If I edit my account could I remove the delegate portion? If yes then you have what I'm talking about. I'm not sure if one can make themselves not a delegate and then later reregister. And if they lose the votes in the process.

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:29:10 pm »
It's a flag that says "include me in the considered delegates" only needs to be switched when a delegate WANTS to be considered. Say my servers are down instead of missing blocks and screwing up my stats - like it happened to me I could turn myself off for awhile

General Discussion / PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:20:49 pm »
Delegate pays a fee which gets destroyed to toggle online presence or in fact set any attribute on their user.

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:20:11 pm »
Sure it is

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:04:34 pm »
Also my proposal is for the numbers 101 and 1001 to be dynamically adjusted. You can start with 101/101 which is what you have right now

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:03:03 pm »
So implement online presence for delegates and only pick from the ones that are running.

General Discussion / Re: Ubuntu No Connections
« on: July 22, 2014, 04:09:20 pm »

Marketplace / 1000 BTSX - help me setup dedicated Ubuntu node.
« on: July 22, 2014, 04:05:37 pm »
I'm sure I can figure it out if I keep digging, but my time is spent wiser elsewhere.

client can't seem to be able to establish connections. I opened up the ports, tried starting without UPnP.

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 03:50:16 pm »
In short you have not read the economics of the situation.  Your proposal costs 10x as much for the network to operate.

Because 1001 delegates need to be running in case they get selected, instead of 101? How is that different at the moment, all the pending candidates are running a node anyways.

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 03:25:58 pm »
Updated in red so proposal is more clear.

General Discussion / PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 03:21:32 pm »
These are assumptions, correct me if wrong. We have 101 slots reserved for elect delegates, rearranged every 101 blocks.


Each batch of 101 blocks randomly assign 101 delegates based on certain total % (adjustable) of their total votes.


A1-A10 have 20% of the votes (2% each)
B1-B20 have 20% of the votes (1% each)
C1-C40 have 20% of the votes (0.5% each)
D1-D100 have 20% of the votes (0.2% each)
E1-E1000 have 20% of the votes (0.02% each)

In our configuration each of the groups will technically have equal chance to get a delegate to "represent" them.

A typical example might be that each batch you could have a good distribution of delegates, should closely represent the following:

21 A (technically I only listed 10 delegates above)
20 B
20 C
20 D
20 E

This means that the delegates in the E section will have a very tiny chance of getting selected, but will have a very big chance of having a delegate picked out.

To Bytemaster, please consider this option. Otherwise whoever has the highest stake, dominates the delegate selection and nothing is stopping them from having 100% delegates even if they only have 20% of the BTSX.



We currently have 101 out of 101 elect delegates. Make elections every batch and pick 101 out of 1001, such that chance to get selected is proportional to vote count. Make the two numbers adjustable via proposals + shareholder voting.

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