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Messages - cylonmaker2053

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General Discussion / Re: Bitassets trading
« on: June 19, 2015, 02:28:35 pm »
Don't worry, BM's lopsided BitAssets 2.0 means you will continue paying a premium while buying.

why's that?

Technical Support / Re: What happens to expired shorts?
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:59:04 pm »
IIRC covers are ordered by their margin call limit, and orders with identical limits are in fact ordered by their owner address.

LOL oh ok, well at least it's within the same order limit bundles :)

too bad the secondary ranking isn't done by expiration date! maybe an easy fix for future update?

General Discussion / Re: Bitassets trading
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:11:22 pm »
also a similar problem in the bitGOLD market. I have a buy order sitting there above peg, but no takers as of yet...

What happened to Chinese funding?  Thought that was provided indefinitely.  Is that still available in emergency uses? Why the need for vc funding

What was this?
I remember they gave(from AGS fund) BO SHEN 400 btc for Chinese marketing purpose.
Is there still something left?
and i also want to know how BO used this fund.

wow, that's quite a hefty capital injection...where were the terms? purely for marketing in China? Any expectation of ROI? i'd also love to see how the funds were spent, but is that public knowledge, or was this a private deal?

Technical Support / Re: What happens to expired shorts?
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:05:13 pm »
haha @tonyk ...but what's the real answer? are shorts covered in order of call price or expiration date???

General Discussion / Re: Crypto/Bitshares Feature Documentary
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:02:34 pm »
Any ideas on the magnitude of funding needed?

General Discussion / Re: Bitassets trading
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:01:42 pm »
i agree, it sucks there's such a large premium over peg for the bitUSD...the only fix i see is for the entire Bitshares system to gain popularity as a digital fiat proxy; add a few billion more to the system and that premium will be driven very quickly to the peg. Until then...

i) more flexibility in the incentive structure, for example the possibility to take a royalty as well as just trading fees, and the ability to share fees between the designer of the asset class and promoters of various specific assets within that class (parametizations of that asset), and

ii) extending the flexibility of privatised Smartcoin design, primarily through the use of customised scripting, to generalise its application to a much more diverse range of possible structures.

ii) requires a scripting language built into the blockchain, and the complexity equals that of etherium.

I think there is a plan for smart contracts of some kind, but the details aren't available yet.

this is definitely a cool idea for future experimentation; i know i say this often, but i think the community should focus all effort on making the existing p2p asset trading platform awesome, make it such a compelling value proposition for the handful of assets currently trading, and then encourage the natural transition for these assets to be used in trade. If we get this right for even just bitUSD, then the entire network would be orders of magnitude more valuable. from there, experimentation with other value propositions / use cases for the blockchain can proceed with a big source of capital underlying the base.
I appreciate the sentiment. We have limited resources and need to prioritise. What I'm trying to do is my bit to help get the asset trading platform to the position where it is "awesome" enough to be self-marketing. When we see demand for our core products expanding their markets beyond the immediate bitShares community, we will know we have reached that first stage of success. We've made a lot of technical progress in that direction, but its not complete. We will have a network platform unmatched in its performance. To really impress the broader market with our products, we need stable currencies that maintain tight pegs, tokens that track the performance of any external asset with tight tracking errors, and the ability to take leveraged positions based on asset performance. Only then, in my opinion, will we have all the essential ingredients for an unmatched peer to peer exchange.

The generality sought in my OP was perhaps overly ambitious for now. Yet I am hoping that we can put in place a project to extend the proposed scope of Smartcoins, to the minimal point required where the designs for these exchange services can all be properly implemented, to launch our wider success. Then that will just be the end of the beginning...

Love it!  +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Cryptonomex and the JOBS act?
« on: June 19, 2015, 12:39:19 pm »
I would rather they continue to focus the way they are on making bitshares a sustainable source of income rather than wasting a lot of time hunting for more money. They appear to be capitalized enough now.

true, funding comes in all kinds of flavors with all kinds of potential strings attached; the ideal capitalization would be BTS jumping in price. i was thinking more in terms of side ventures, like remittance co's, growing in the ecosystem with alt types of direct funding...

What happened to Chinese funding?  Thought that was provided indefinitely.  Is that still available in emergency uses? Why the need for vc funding

What was this?

General Discussion / Re: BitPay pivoting
« on: June 18, 2015, 11:36:19 pm »
I wonder how ahead we are compared to the competition ...

maybe we could use a 'competitor intel' thread to keep an eye on new entrants and possible pivots into our space from others...

Not a question, but a thought I'd like to keep expressing to the group:

BTS has a winning core value proposition of being the first/best p2p asset exchange, and that the 2.0 upgrade seems to bolster that core value by upgrading the tech infrastructure.

There are a lot of ideas floating around this forum about tangential ventures using the blockchain. those are great for the long run, but the near term battle will be won by making our core business as awesome as possible, super easy to use, and compelling for all sorts of customers to start using the system. what would kill this business is if we diluted the core biz and let someone else dominate that potentially multi-trillion-dollar market. how long before some offshore hedge fund realizes this and pumps $50M into designing a superior p2p asset exchange?

General Discussion / Re: Cryptonomex and the JOBS act?
« on: June 18, 2015, 11:24:18 pm »
Title III only limits crowdfunding to a million dollars per year from non-accredited investors. So probably not.

Not sure if snark... $1m is a lot of runway especially now that dan has learned how not to waste money. With the investment cap you could auction shares off, then use that as the valuation for VC money.

the community could do wonders with an additional $1M in crowd funded equity, which would certainly spice up the incentives for VC and other angels to enter the space.

hopefully blockchain tech is part of a broader social revolution where people can peacefully choose alternative systems designed to meet all sorts of wants and needs. If the BTS mission of creating viable p2p asset markets is successful, that, alone, would be a massive disruption to the predatory gatekeeper / oligopoly world of finance that currently dominates. BTC is another great example of having the potential liberate people from banking cartels and financial repression, in general.



Countries that have the best quality of life have a mix of both. Privatization where it makes sense and socialization where it makes sense. Germany, France, Japan, Denmark, Canada, etc. For example health care, education, and pharma as for-profit institutions are in conflict of interest (i.e. treatments are more profitable than cures). Places where it makes sense are consumer goods and non utility services.

Not as cut and dry as that but any system that tries to apply one philosophy to all things is doomed. You either end up with North Korea or where the USA is headed. How many ISPs do we have now? Two? How's that working out?

mixed social models are inevitable bc of the vast mixture of the species we call human; hybrid systems are also likely more robust than forced one-size-fits-all alts. however, my gripe with anything political is the horrible notion that it's acceptable to use violence to shape peoples' lives in any direction. humans are social and would form all sorts of collective associations (e.g. insurance pools) on their own; no violence needed to force anyone's great ideas on the rest.

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