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Messages - yvv

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I would not worry about "smart"coin on place of merchant. I would issue my own coin, which is fully backed by my business.

..which the Smartcoins POS supports by default. I have it set so that the code just loops through all of the (active) Smartcoins that have Holders >0 and Feed Price >0 and NOT “Settled” and sort them by name ascending.
In the POS settings, the merchant can also select a UIA that they would like to issue and accept (great for "rewards cards"). We loop through all of the (active) User-Issued Assets (UIA’s) that have Holders >3 and sort them by name ascending. For example:
(  ) OPENBTC (asset['options']['description'])
(  ) OPENDASH (asset['options']['description'])
(  ) MARRIOT.REWARDS (asset['options']['description'])
(x) STARBUCKS.REWARD (Cash in your Starbucks rewards for discounts!)
     [    ] STARBUCKS.REWARD for every $[           ] spent (over any timeframe).
This way, each time a customer buys something, the code can automatically issue some of their UIA to the customer after their purchase has been completed. The merchant can set how many to send and base it on amounts spent.
The mobile wallets of course incorporate this into the send and receive screens as you can see.
Please help support the OPENPOS token, I would really like to have these POS systems done by March!

This is an extremely good job, I admit.  +5%

So we'll get merchants. How about users?

Merchants can be the users, immediately converting to bitAssets, however I wouldn't bet much on that. It's awesome they can accept that as a form of payment but for that, someone must be willing to pay using those bitassets. To get people to use them would cost a fortune in marketing and education

I think the mobile wallets will help most with getting more users.
The biggest thing that concerns me is the smartcoins' pegs. But, with btsbots and what Blocktrades is working on right now, I have high hopes that In the coming weeks our smartcoins will get much tighter. I really don't know of any other way to make our smartcoins any better.
Smartcoins and POS go hand in hand IMO, it's the main thing Smartcoins should be used for. Buying stuff and not worrying so much about volatility.

I would not worry about "smart"coin on place of merchant. I would issue my own coin, which is fully backed by my business.

What sort of ROI am I going to get on the funds spent on the wallet?

This is a funny question. The term of ROI is irrelevant to such way of raising capital. This is a loan with 0 interest at best, and more likely a donation. This is useful donation, but expecting any return of it is silly.

General Discussion / Re: exchange preparing for voting
« on: January 08, 2016, 11:42:17 pm »
Exchange is free to vote with BTS which you, dumb assholes, keep in their wallet. This is absolutely just. You give your BTS away, you give your vote away. As simple as this. Don't complain about this, because if you do, you look like idiots.

General Discussion / Re: BitBTS
« on: January 08, 2016, 08:33:02 pm »
Exchanges may issue whatever token they want, even bitbitBTS. And they are free to vote on your behalf if you allow them to do this by keeping BTS in their wallet.


Разница между яндекс деньгами и криптовалютами, в том что в первых пользователи идентифицированы, а во вторых анонимны.

Так пользователи крипто шлюзов-то как раз идентифицированы. Как именно технически выпускать IOU, в битшарес, или в своём закрытом леджере, с юридической точки зрения разницы нет.

General Discussion / Re: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS
« on: January 08, 2016, 04:19:38 pm »
Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS

You shouldn't hold it unless you want to borrow bitAsset. It is a collateral token, nothing more.

This is not true, and if it were true there would be no reason to hold BTS.

BTS also represents a share in the value of profit made from services provided by the Bitshares blockchain, such as exchange, transfers, etc.  Currently this profit doesnt exist because its speculative phase, but if it reached enough adoption to generate a profit, this profit would go to BTS holders by a dividend in the form of a reduction in the BTS supply, and thus an increase in the value of each individual BTS.

That's not true. BTS does not give you a share in earnings. Burning BTS is not the same as distributing it. It's just not.

I think the question is whether reducing supply of something that is in demand, increases the price.

In general I think it does, supply and demand, so reducing supply acts as some form of return for holders imo though you could argue it is inferior.

What about reducing the supply of something that is not in demand?

General Discussion / Re: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS
« on: January 08, 2016, 04:12:41 am »
And who is going to buy back my BTS shares? At which prise?

It's in the docs under reserve pool and refund workers.

I've read it.  This does not answer my question. This buy back argument is a bull shit. Your BTS is a collateral token, no more.

General Discussion / Re: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS
« on: January 08, 2016, 01:46:19 am »
WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

Warren Buffet would disagree with you, and the empirical evidence that this method can work is Berkshire Hathaway.

Go tell about how your method can work to your clients. Cheers.

Its not 'my method', its a perfectly valid method of returning value to shareholders.

You can return value in two ways:  A Dividend, or a Share Buyback.  Many tech companies for example have stated a preference for share buyback over dividends.

BTS uses the share buyback model, not the dividend model.  Its a perfectly valid model, used by many large companies.

And who is going to buy back my BTS shares? At which prise?

General Discussion / Re: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS
« on: January 08, 2016, 12:44:24 am »
WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

Warren Buffet would disagree with you, and the empirical evidence that this method can work is Berkshire Hathaway.

Go tell about how your method can work to your clients. Cheers.

General Discussion / Re: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS
« on: January 08, 2016, 12:19:22 am »
Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS

You shouldn't hold it unless you want to borrow bitAsset. It is a collateral token, nothing more.

This is not true, and if it were true there would be no reason to hold BTS.

BTS also represents a share in the value of profit made from services provided by the Bitshares blockchain, such as exchange, transfers, etc.  Currently this profit doesnt exist because its speculative phase, but if it reached enough adoption to generate a profit, this profit would go to BTS holders by a dividend in the form of a reduction in the BTS supply, and thus an increase in the value of each individual BTS.

WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

организуйте гейт в рубли

Неплохо бы знать, как организовать такой шлюз, не нарушая законов.

Ничего не могу сказать по поводу российских законов, думаю то, что делает CCEDK с кредитками и фиатом будет сложно перенести на российские реалии, но что-то типа шлюза btc-e кодов в bitbtc/bitrub сделать можно вполне.

Мне вот интересно, всякие яндекс деньги и прочие вебмани по сути занимаются тем, что выпускают IOU, прямой аналог битшаревых UIA. И как-то это у них легально получается. Банкоматы имеют на каждом углу. Среди меня есть мнение, что им замутить рублёвый шлюз в битшарез не стоило бы ничего. Но, интереса похоже нет.

General Discussion / Re: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS
« on: January 07, 2016, 11:51:17 pm »
Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS

You shouldn't hold it unless you want to borrow bitAsset. It is a collateral token, nothing more.

General Discussion / Re: why all project raise funds in bts?
« on: January 07, 2016, 08:15:25 pm »
Because there is no quick on off ramp for bitUSD... They would have to convert to bitUSD into bts and then into BTC and then into USD all while being killed by the spread.

And don't think that these guys would ever use bitUSD as a payment mechanism, as you can't buy anything with it and no devs accept it.

They could raise funds in bitBTC and don't worry about BTS -> BTC conversion. That would make sense.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:51:08 pm »
One thing is interesting about BTS price: after initial fall, it stays incredibly stable during two month, unlike other cryptos at the end of the year.

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