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Messages - causevd

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: Protoshares 0 of 6 confirmations
« on: June 25, 2014, 12:21:45 pm »
Thanks for making some things more clear. Anyway I've received the money on BTER.

Technical Support / Re: Protoshares 0 of 6 confirmations
« on: June 24, 2014, 11:44:19 pm »
When I submit this thread I've receive 1 confirmation. 1 more needs so I can see the balance on my BTER account. Thanks though and it looks like the prize of PTS will stuck like $4 to $5.

Technical Support / Protoshares 0 of 6 confirmations
« on: June 24, 2014, 11:24:45 pm »
I am having a problem guys. I've deposited around 18.5 PTS into my BTER address and the problem is that, that transaction is still not confirmed. When I go to my desktop wallet it says Unconfirmed 0 of 6 confirmations. It's been like that for almost 2 hours. Anyway on my wallet it says that I have 1 active connection to Protoshares Network. Any help or I should just leave it like that?

Guys just gave them a time ! Support them, don't just throw over them all the time, yes that's true that we are all impatient but our waiting will pay off. Here what they informed on twitter 13 hours ago
Quote  is online for the time being. It is still only a temporary solution until our new servers are available next week.
Anyway mining at jhPrimeminer.exe -o stopped to work. Because they have some problems, please give them a time once again. 

You can do the following to be able to mine.

jhPrimeminer.exe -o -xpt -u siteusername.worker1 -p password

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