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Technical Support / Re: Importing PTS to Bitshares 2
« on: February 17, 2017, 04:52:17 pm »
So this was indeed a bug that seems to be fixed after I updated to latest version from GitHub.

Unfortunately I ended up with another issue in the next step.

Now "Please confirm the transaction" modal window appears, but when I confirm the claim, error shows up and nothing happens again..
The error says:
Code: [Select]
Failed to broadcast the transaction:
now <= trx.expiration:

Can I do something about that?

Technical Support / Re: Importing PTS to Bitshares 2
« on: February 13, 2017, 08:52:41 pm »
Yes, this is what I'm already doing.

I see the right "UNCLAIMED BALANCES BELONGING TO THESE KEYS", I have chosen the account, the line with the amount is ticked and the "CLAIM BALANCE (ACCOUNT_ID) is requiring to insert a password after i click it, then, nothing happens, doesn't matter if I just wait 15 minutes or click the button again, nothing happens.

What is the problem there?

Technical Support / Importing PTS to Bitshares 2
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:18:26 pm »
So I successfully exported keys with 0.9.3c. created new account in 2.0 and and imported the keys, now the the last step where I need to CLAIM does not work, what can be the problem there?

Account is unlocked, I see the balance, checkbox is checked but the button to claim doesn't do anything, i can click it one time or 50 times, nothing.

Am I the only one with this problem? I tried the light client first, then the webwallet, same result.

BitShares PTS / Re: Hash of snapshot block
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:30:03 pm »
I'd also like to know when the block snapshot actually happened, that shouldn't be a secret, right?

BitShares PTS / Re: PTS Withdrawl from BTER not arriving in wallet!
« on: February 28, 2014, 10:35:19 am »
I have the same problem, contacted the support and got response pretty fast, if the PTS won't arrive in time, they will give me the resulting BTS to my account at BTER (as they stated will happen for everyone with PTS there).
It's not gone from their account if it's not confirmed TX.

v0.7 crashes on share submit for me, win7 64, default memory settings (no number)

hey, the new build (v0.5) looks quite faster but when using alongside cgminer (scrypt) it drops the hashrate 10-20%
I understand it's not necessarily a problem, just letting you know, the coyote miner does the same so I was using your client

EDIT 2 : hm, just got my first "payment" and I see the difference in data between all my previous zeros. Perhaps the "accept" on the cmd screen is not really "accept" in terms of doing actual work. (I don't know how to explain it -_-" )Am i making sense? If so, what were all those accepts? O_O

I also see a lot more accepted shares in the client than I see on the stats page

hashmeter shows 0, but shares are getting submitted and accepted ok
(it just took a few shares before showed up)

updating now, thanks for your work!  ;)

no crashes here btw

Marketplace / [WTB] 1000 PTS @ 0.001 BTC
« on: November 06, 2013, 07:30:42 pm »
[WTB] 1000 PTS @ 0.001 BTC = 1BTC

Through trusted escrow or you send first.

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