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Messages - jerrybusey

Pages: [1]
BitShares PTS / Re: [ANN] - Fast PTS pool
« on: December 03, 2013, 07:23:18 pm »
How much faster is it?

Guys, you should really make use of the Amazon cloud (AWS) !!

Use the c3.4xlarge instances for low rejection rates (c3.8xlarge: 25% rejection, c3.4xlarge: 5-8% rejection) bundled with Ubuntu 13.10.
To access the instances use, e.g., WinSCP and Putty.
Upload the soucre code of the 0.5a miner, and execute the following commands, done.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev unzip mc
cd ptspool-master/src
make -f makefile.unix
./ptsminer PaPbuU9pVGm6rGnMDe8a8MzWAxymf3RXUW 16

(Of course, I'd like to see my wallet adress here. lol)

Oh, btw, use the Amazon (autcion based) spot instances which you get at approx. 0.5USD right now (see AWS-Irland, and AWS-Singapore for example).

Happy mining.
If you like this solution, please consider a donation: PaPbuU9pVGm6rGnMDe8a8MzWAxymf3RXUW


it says that you get 750 hours free every month:

so does that mean you basically get 1 free instance for a year?  after that, the price is $1.2/hr, which is insane

It's not profitable at this point to do the AWS thing, even with the best spot prices. As far as the free tier goes, it provides marginal computing power and really just exists so people can learn how to setup and run EC2 instances for free. In that respect it could be really useful to you if you're interested in being able to do this sort of thing in the future without waiting for someone to post a guide. Amazon has page full of tutorials to show you how it all works as well if you don't want to just dive in head first without looking.

hey, the new build (v0.5) looks quite faster but when using alongside cgminer (scrypt) it drops the hashrate 10-20%
I understand it's not necessarily a problem, just letting you know, the coyote miner does the same so I was using your client

I'm losing maybe 2-3% running 2 threads but when I was running 3 it was in the 10-20% range (on a quad core). I've had the same experience with all the pts miners though.

I have also had a few crashes since .5  whereas I hadn't had any crashes in prior versions. Otherwise it seems to be doing well.

Once you have time to do more than fiddle with parameters you should consider just adding a minimum time between payouts to the payout script.

Confirmations are painfully slow now that the blocks are lasting longer.

Marketplace / Re: [WTS] 195 PTS @ 0.0022 BTC
« on: November 08, 2013, 05:40:07 am »
Sent 195 PTS to PgPxUVBFJk4z6AT4YKYpRjF1RKg5xYLn3i.
Let me know when you get it. Nice doing business with you.

Marketplace / Re: [WTS] 195 PTS @ 0.0022 BTC
« on: November 08, 2013, 05:31:59 am »
Payment is showing up, what address do you want the PTS sent to?

Marketplace / Re: [WTS] 195 PTS @ 0.0022 BTC
« on: November 08, 2013, 05:23:34 am »
Seus since you have a public trade history I'm more comfortable trading with you. Want to go half and half or all at once?

Marketplace / Re: [WTS] 195 PTS @ 0.0022 BTC
« on: November 08, 2013, 04:48:14 am »
We can see if one of the repeat escrow people is on and proceed with that or we can do it in parts. If you want to do it in parts, send .044 BTC and I'll send 20 PTS. We can increase amounts as we go on.

My BTC address: 1GWoUGuRdDUWGXNhKj3MzLi9W2Db61fvkS

Marketplace / Re: [WTS] 195 PTS @ 0.0022 BTC
« on: November 08, 2013, 03:51:55 am »
still looking.

Marketplace / Re: [WTS] 195 PTS @ 0.0032 BTC
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:23:11 pm »
bump for edit

Marketplace / SOLD [WTS] 195 PTS @ 0.0022 BTC
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:22:57 pm »
We can use escrow or trade in parts.

Pages: [1]