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Messages - Harvester

Pages: [1]
BitShares PTS / Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« on: December 11, 2013, 03:51:37 pm »

I have a noob question:
Can anyone explain me the differences between the executables:

And the parameters:

I have one i7 2600k@3.40GHz (8 threads) and one Xeon (12 threads). Which setting is better for my rigs? I've done some test mixing things, but I can't notice the differences.

Thank you.

cat /proc/cpuinfo or use cpu-id to see if they have avx or sse4.   

well, i can tell you the i7 2600 has avx & sse4, unsure about whatever xeon that is.  since it's a hexacore i think it also has avx (all the hexacore xeons do dont they?)

avx is better, theoretically.  i dont notice much diff between avx and sse4, either.   the diff between avx/sse4 and sph should be noticeable though, maybe over a longer period of time

some machines are more suited to something like quark, eg dual core Xeon L5420 which will max out at around 100 collisions on ptsminer vs 650khash/s on minerd...   1240v3 will get around 800khash/s but 170-180'ish collisions
Thanks for the reply.
The cpus have avx, so I use that version.

Last question about ram influence on mining results. Is it better to use maximum amount? It's obvious to me.. but better asking :D

BitShares PTS / Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:54:37 am »

I have a noob question:
Can anyone explain me the differences between the executables:

And the parameters:

I have one i7 2600k@3.40GHz (8 threads) and one Xeon (12 threads). Which setting is better for my rigs? I've done some test mixing things, but I can't notice the differences.

Thank you.

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