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Messages - FarmerD

Pages: [1]
Thanks Bangzi I will do - I know most of the guys (to some degree) through telegram so I will ask for their views there. Bitcrab is the exception as I don't think he is on there - is there an English WeChat group I might be able to reach him through?

You can try to contact bitcrab through btsangle2017 on telegram. He isn't always active, but he's there from time to time.

I am very excited to see this. I've been following DL and Britcoins of APasia-tech for awhile now and i think many will agree that they are quietly doing great things for bitshares. First APasia's release of dozens of nodes and now this collaboration, I can't wait to see what comes of this.

"The intention to create functional decentralized network of team members that can be coordinated well." This in particular is tremendously important. Indeed the strength of bitshares is also its greatest weakness. Being a decentralized entity, we are safe (er) from government and hacker interferance, but, and I don't think anyone can argue against this, we (bitshares) being a decentralized entity also lack a coherent vision (where bitshares is going and how to get there),  marketing,  and management. I am very excited to see this mentioned in this collaboration. There are great things ahead for bitshares, thanks in a large part to APasia-tech and now Zavod Premik.

"to grow, promote, and advocate the BitShares Blockchain worldwide"

Welcome Zavod Premik, glad to have you here.

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