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Messages - mmiaow

Pages: [1]
Easy way!Ctrl+C,Ctrl+H,Ctrl+V Done!

I looked up my PTS address and found I "have" 2,640,096,539 BTS.
I remember I have only 18 PTS before the snapshot, if the balance is true, then it's ridiculous.

BitShares PTS / Re: ★Giveaway I★ Claim your free PTS - rule inside
« on: December 27, 2013, 07:40:07 am »

Thank you!

BitShares PTS / Re: NEW ProtoShares Logo
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:21:41 am »
anyone reminded of the logo of Nintendo GameCube?

Inside your .conf file if you have -rpcport inside, delete it. Restart wallet and try the mining client again. Make it something like this.


Had the "rpcport" line deleted and it worked! Thanks!
My configuration was given by others and I did not notice this.

Did you previously create a protoshares.conf file?

Yes, I also tried the RPC credentials in my conf file, same result.

Start the miner like this. Change to your own username and password.

ProtoShares-Qt.exe -server -rpcuser=your_own_user -rpcpassword=your_own_password
gw_miner.exe localhost your_own_user your_own_password

I tried that, the wallet is OK as always, and neither the miner have any output nor the %CPU gains.
Looks like the miner failed to connect to the wallet but did not crash.
Also I am using the latest version of wallet.

Launch your

 ProtoSHares-Qt.exe -server -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pass
./gw_miner.exe localhost user pass

I launched my wallet with the first line and then the solo miner with the second line.
The wallet started up successfully, but the miner did not output anything, and CPU usage rate kept 0%.
What happened here? Running Windows Server 2008 R2

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