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Messages - guan1990

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General Discussion / Re: review for price feeding
« on: November 19, 2017, 12:06:09 pm »
I have now fixed my feed prices and released a new version of my feed script adding Fixer, CurrencyLayer, Quandl, AEX, ZB, Livecoin as feed providers

Thanks,,  I  find  this problem  at  this morning in  China.  I   think it  should  be  common sense  that  Poloniex  price represent  only  bts  what  is  not  circulated, just  like  when  btc  couldn't  be  withdrawed  in  Okcoin  this  Spring  because  CN  Gov.  forced,that  some  btc  index  removed  OKCoin's  btc  price.I'm  not  sure  whether all  witness  know  this.

I am curious how witnesses get their feeds... The only centralized exchange trading bts is poloniex and  AEX.
Normally the feed should be according to the weighted volume of each exchange including the internal DEX trading. I hope you do this.

Now that Poloniex has issues with bts withdrawals and deposits I believe feed SHOULD NOT take into account at all the price from Poloniex until the issue is resolved. If you guys take feeds from Polo now then this is extremely dangerous!!!

I can not comment on AEX yet..

Feed should be endogenous and not exogenous now until polo fix its problems and should be based from the internal DEX trading imho..

In regards to this proposal I have not decided if it should have been approved but my initial thought says that force settlement should not have been raised by 5% and instead the feed should have been adjusted accordingly..

Finally, does anyone has an update of what is the status with Polo and when the issue is expected to be resolved?

Not only  aex,but  also,it's  former  is  leading  all  the market in  BTS  price because it  keeps   RMB   deposit  channel in  a  delicate way.There are  also  some small exchanges like and (former which have a  place to  trade  BTSs.

Argument is good, but please focuse the problem,  the BTS in Poloniex was a "Stand-alone game" now, BTS can't Deposit and Withdraw for days, the feed price from the Poloniex has no any reference value.

So, we have four solutions: 
1. Cotanct with the Poloniex to open Deposit and Withdraw  BTS asap;
2. Kick out the Poloniex from the feed price asap;
3. Raise the bitCNY force settlement offset to 5% for now;
4. Do nothing on the sidelines, seeing the BTS to die slowly.

Which you can do? to do it now.

only reasonable solution is asking witnesses to fix their feeds. that's what they get paid for

please read my post on  38# to  see  if witnesses  can do it.It's  profitable by harming  the  CNY market  through   setting   low feeding  prices .We  should  admit that  the Poloniex price is not  real  market demand price(I  call BTSs which can be circulated  are True BTSs and polo's BTSs are fake BTSs).The  scene  is much  alike   some  institutions  removed  Okcoin's BTC price in the BTC  index when  the  CN  gov.  forced  okcoin to  forbidden  the withdraw of BTCs.

Good news, but please note that bitKRW is currently in global settlement. After the next hardfork (planned for Dec 08), witnesses can publish a price feed for KRW again, which should revive the asset.

Yes ,quite good news for the whole BTS community.Although the legal money  channel  into  coins is only restricted by China,we should know that all BTS users are community with a shared future.If the Chinese team
makes great achivements in  promoting the widely use of BTS,the fruit will be shared by all BTS holders around the world.I heard that a leading altcoins  exchange called Binance will list the BTS trading soon.What's more,some guys  recommend adding the bitcny trading area of all the coins.A new exchange called had added bitcny trading.

Hope for your work of bitkrw to be successfully finished!

Get the witnesses to adjust their price feeds 5% lower.

witnesses should be able to react, they get paid $50k a week to do this.

i will not support 5% force settle offset when its a simple case of witnesses not providing the correct feed.

Maybe you didn’t  see 2 crazy witnesses set the feeding price  at  astonishing  0.5089 CNY  while price at  poloniex is 0.54 CNY  at the same time.For the whole time ,they gave  much lower feeding price than  poloniex .
I strongly recommend you  a coin  price app tool  aicoin(website,not ) to you.

BTSs in  Poloniex are ‘fake' because they cannot  circulate in the market.A worse news is that the BTS transaction volume of Poloniex  consists of more than 70%  of the market.The old feeding price mechanism cannot represent the price of  true  circulating BTSs.But this situation is not  admited  or found by all the witnesses.The gap between BTS  feeding price and  price of wallet BTS exchanges&BTS circulation exchanges such as  is too big now.Things should be changed.

This scenario  is  not new. Since Feb. 9 to late May,Chinese major exchanges were forced by the gov. to forbid withdrawing bitcoins,which caused the price in these Chinese exchanges  much lower than  non-Chinese exchanges.As a result,the  proportion of Chinese exchange bitcoin price was removed from some  BTC price index.    You can see  here

In  short,we should admit that the feeding price should be more close to wallet  exchanges or exchanges that BTSs can be withrawed,and BTSs in poloniex are 'fake'.The proportion of   feeding price  of poloniex should be removed or at least not at  major postion .It is not consensus maybe because some witnesses want  to  manipulate price.or they don’t see it.

BTS based gateway currency bitUSD,bitCNY ,bitKRW,bitJPY will be used in AEX exchange,which makes it  second exchange  that  uses BTS based gateway currency use in outer exchange(the first is is former,which  was a major altcoins exchange in China as well as  the world.But now,it‘s lacking  deposit channels,because only coins can enter.(In the past  days,RMB can also can be deposited to buy coins)

BTS based gateway currency may significantly reduce the huge fluctuation of price of all the coins ,which may caused by pricing at BTC.In the past week (20171106-20171112),the  fluctuation of BTC  was  more than  30% 。

1.xbrick   俗称叉砖网,已上线交易,有app

2.aex  比特时代海外版,已经上线,即将开放bitcny,bitusd,bitkrw,bitjpy 四个交易区
数据最后更新于20171115  ,并将持续更新

近期(20171109-)由于占据比特股指数(官方名称是喂价 feeding price)权重大头的p网不能提币,p网比特股沦为不能自由流通的“假比特股”,p网价格失真,导致比特股指数严重偏离市场价,更加远离内盘价,所以导致有人不停发起清算以求获利,这导致cny不停消耗,低倍抵押者被清算,目前市场上的最低抵押都已经达到3.05。市场上的人都不敢抵押bts,害怕清算,这又使得cny供应日趋紧张,一些网关代理充值手续费高达3%,甚至提现手续费高达-1.8%的荒唐程度。虽然发起清算是任何人都能进行,但某些人似乎另有图谋,一个叫dazhima的账户引起了我的注意。




中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTS 相关 QQ 群、微信群清单
« on: November 14, 2017, 03:05:30 pm »
鼓鼓钱包官方群  467717392  有鼓鼓钱包的团队人员在
bitshares官方群  423951676   有巨蟹和币圈土豪猪总和一些承兑商东子,小三爷在
比特帝国2群 598969391  有著名比特股中文社区btsabc.org站长兼比特股网关比特帝国去交所发起者 帝国强在

李秉阳创立 ,有巨蟹,梓岑等人,可联系guanguansz 加好友拉进群(群常常爆满,需要定期清人,不一定可以加进去)


3.币信比特币钱包app    ,下载网址    ,这通讯软件免翻墙,可以担保交易比特币,以太,还能发比特币红包。下载注册后(中国区苹果用户用 AppleID Free版,在中国区苹果商店搜不到),加好友kwan,拉你进群。这个渠道应急用,作为不翻墙、国内屏蔽群时候的联系方式,目前有币圈名人、持比特股大户 石磊加入

4.telegram群  (国内需翻墙注册和使用)      比特股理事基本在此

新手入门 / Re: 请教下bts如何转移交易所
« on: November 14, 2017, 02:35:20 pm »
比特股系统给交易所也分配了账户,和大家的个人账户一样,名称是**交易所 wallet(如jubibts-wallet),为了区分交易所钱包内的不同用户,加入一个memo地址。所以你要转移到交易所账户,直接需要输入账户名(** wallet)和memo地址。一般个人转账不需要填写memo。


1.鼓鼓钱包承兑商  在钱包选项卡里,点击cny栏充值,充值方法和现在的担保场外交易一样,选择的充值承兑商都交了保证金,非常值得信赖。
2.比特股中文网, 充值1:1 RMB,然后在内盘用RMB买cny


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