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Messages - kickky

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General Discussion / Feels so sad about BTS PLAY
« on: April 07, 2017, 12:45:44 am »
Without proof of stolen and nothing done on this so-called BTS PLAY

was seriously think this is a scam

logxin can just took the money and report it lost, who knows its true or not. he and his team take no responsibility at all. bter still freezed the play coin i think

funny shoot and sigh for this BTS PLAY

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 听说最近斯坦又在说一些大逆不道的话..
« on: September 20, 2015, 07:21:24 pm »



坑到5分,我也认了~ 哈哈


已经涨到0.036啦 哈哈

中文 (Chinese) / 比特股2.0 十月十三號開始?
« on: September 10, 2015, 12:31:24 am »
ANNOUNCEMENT 10 - BitShares 2.0 Pitchfork Date is October 13, 2015?

no, thats wut i did. doesn't work at all.

tried, but doesn't solve my problem.

history command still now working, as well as the display problem.

go to console
1) type "history"
if yo cannot see ANYthing in there but have a balance
2) type "rescan" and wait for it to complete (may take some time)

typing "history" will not do anything, you need to specify an account. 
must type "history kickky"  using the name of your account.

Do you have a balance > 0? [YES]
Do you have your keys imported into an account? [YES]
Does "balance" tell anything? [It shows the correct amount]
Why do you think the transaction history should be non-zero? [coz i have received and sent bts so many times, it shows no transaction]

Do you have a balance > 0?
Do you have your keys imported into an account?
Does "balance" tell anything?
Why do you think the transaction history should be non-zero?

tried, but doesn't solve my problem.

history command still now working, as well as the display problem.

go to console
1) type "history"
if yo cannot see ANYthing in there but have a balance
2) type "rescan" and wait for it to complete (may take some time)


i thought cob wanted 2.0 comes out first, rite?

if that is the case. wut if 2.0 comes really late?

Technical Support / How to solve Recent Transaction not shown problem?
« on: August 20, 2015, 07:35:31 pm »
there is nothing in my recent transaction.

anyone knows how to fix it?


Technical Support / About BItshares 2.0 Snapshot
« on: August 18, 2015, 10:17:08 pm »
What really the snapshot is about? like the bts snapshot before? wuz the difference? wuz the gain for bts holders from the snapshot?


话说 2.0的快照有什么说法么?

掌握了比特股 , 就掌握了货币发行权!

发财只是时间问题啊亲 +5% +5% +5%

What you need to do is this:

Code: [Select]
wallet_regenerate_keys ACCOUNT-NAME 10500

Then, wait for the client to rescan the blockchain.

It works, xeroc
many hugs!

you sold your notes yet you want to know where they are?

yes, i sold my notes and i dont see my order now. i want to know where they are, because i can't cancel any of my orders without seeing them.

thx pend, is there other easier way to make it work. like using the commands?

It seems the sell order is still outstanding. I think the " Withdraw 54096981335 satoshi amount of asset" just means the order was placed.

A similar thing happened to me a while ago, with some NOTES seemingly gone from the wallet after I placed an order. Actually, the notes were not gone; they were just not displaying properly. IIRC, what I did to correct this was to start a brand new account and wallet, and let it sync (this can take a long while). Then, in the BitShares folder for the new wallet, I deleted the "wallet" subfolder and replaced it with the "wallet" subfolder from an earlier backup. After syncing and scanning, the missing NOTES had reappeared. Be sure to backup the BitShares folder to one or more safe places before doing any of this. Also, keep earlier backups if you have them...

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