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Topics - tianshi

Pages: [1]
yesterday, i downloaded my old muse wallet  on my computer, but i cannot open it, because it cannot be connected.

who can give me a useful faucet address? thank you so much. 



中文 (Chinese) / 求助MUSE钱包的问题
« on: May 08, 2018, 11:59:59 pm »

我先登录的旧的网页钱包,用我以前的文件恢复了下。 但是我点那个owner permissions里的public key 想看 private key的时候,点击show 没有任何反应。


Muse/SoundDAC / I cannot get my private key in the old web wallet
« on: May 08, 2018, 11:57:20 pm »

Yesterday, i tried to  tranfer my old muse to the new muse blockchain,  so I tried to get my old wallet private key about my owner permissions.   but when i click the button "show", nothing is shown, there is no any response. 

Is anyone who can help me. i will be so grateful.

中文 (Chinese) / 关于BTS多链事件的看法
« on: June 23, 2014, 12:09:29 pm »
我也感觉很郁闷。记得半年前,大家收到的消息应当是BTS会50% 50%分给PTS AGS持有者。正是这个消息刺激那几天PTS快速涨到130多元。
后来也有了2.28之前出现一天就有 5000多个PTS 投AGS的事件。
而现在,BTS 50% 50%的分发仅限于一条链 BTS xt, 而不是所有的BTS, 确实有点令人感觉不公平。

不过细想一下。这个方案也许对长期发展有好处,虽然具体我没想明白。 而且不公平的事情在所有的公司中都存在,大股东欺负小股东。

第一,开发团队,集中精力搞代码。 我们要不断的发帖施压让他们快干活,给他们加油助威。懂代码的同学好好帮助他们找错误。

第二,作为我们每个人一定要收起眼泪,收起委屈,像个男人一样去战斗。现在我们能做的就是,拼命唱多。只有愿意看多3I的产品多起来,有人愿意进场,我们才有可能翻身。整天抱怨一点用没有。唱多,唱多,找更多的人来买。 如果大家能解套了,到时候大家在用脚投票。你可以选择或走或留。

如果现在抱怨太多,只能一影响开发团队的心情,出不了产品,二影响小白们对3I的看法,使得3I名声越来越差,最后无人愿意接盘。我们永远解不了套,翻不了身,赚不到钱。 最终的结果只能是你想跑也跑不掉,只能被套着。

I feel depressed about the development progress right now and sorry for that i have to say something which is really unpleasant to the ear.

Please, work and all focus on bitshares XT. Stop discussing the other things or just let Stan to be responsible for the discussion part. All programmers just work onthe codes.

I think we are too slow. Orignially I thought it was because we wanted something perfect. But now, I think it is because 3I have too many thoughts but lack of execution ability. A brilliant idea is worth nothing, only the team could make it can earn billions of dollars.

See NXT, they work so fast with only 21 BTC. I think that's because they are more concentrated. 3I have so many BTCs and PTSs. However, until now, nothing,  even a wallet without any real market funtion seems to be so far away from being released.

I think, first, stop thinking so many ideas. It is useless.
Second, please do not waste too much time on the forum and see everybody's opinion. It is also useless.
Only one thing matters, that is trying to make some real product.

Focus, execution ability are the only two things which are imporant for 3I teams.

Please, make some products. Before that, stop saying anything. It is useless. 

If you guys go to the forum and say something that should be, when you could release the products. Can anyone answer this? If no, please just work on XT with full concentration and stop thinking the other things too much.

I saw a photo of 3I teams on the forum several days ago and i saw someone wearing a nice black T-shirt with bitshare logo printed on it.

I love the T-shirt, and i wanna know there is any way for us to get some of this kind of T-shirt?

by the way, i am from China, and i think the proportion of chinese fans for bitshares might be the highest in all countries, even higher than in the US, so maybe many other people have the same question as me.

Thanks a lot~


General Discussion / some advices For Stan
« on: June 15, 2014, 04:05:27 am »
i think BM and his men have been fully focused on the development of BTS X.

And i just think the first priority for the other staff (who cannot programme ) should be concentrated on finding many IT talents to join 3I.
i think at first, we do not lack of moeny right now (due to AGS), second, we have so many projects to be finished, music lotto, keyhotee etc.

I think we do not have enough people for programming right now, and i think 3I does not put their biggest effort into this issue. ( you might do something on this issue but not enough )

i don't know if i am right, this is just my opinon and advice based on my experience: i am once in charge of a team of nearly 100 people.

at last, best wishes to you all.

i think the team for keyhotee is a disaster, for they have made nothing for so long.
i just wonder if they still get paid every month or they have been fired?
i don't want to see the money has been wasted. :( 

各位,我今天用 这个网站查了下自己的  BTS数目。

发现和我的PTS数 按照1.3的兑换比例 对不上。 好像算完了是1.288的比例,不知道这个比例对不对?

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