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Topics - cryptosile

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Technical Support / Automated build and test server for graphene
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:23:58 am »
I started off by making this docker build box:

After that I thought, it can't be too hard to automate the build process so when a new commit hits github I'll run the build capture the output and print to html.  Took about 10 times longer than it probably should but here it is:

Every 5 minutes my server checks for a new commit, will download build and update the webpage with the results.  It also builds docker images once a day for the witness node and cli, but those aren't quite ready for use as I still need to tweak the docker configs to allow the correct ports through etc.  But theoretically i'll be able to deploy witness nodes from the auto generated docker images:

Once we actually have a taged release on github for graphene those tags should propagate into the docker image as tags.   I'd like to do this for the testnet / devshares as well but not sure what github repo will be used for that whether bitshares/devshares will be used or cryptonomex/devshares   ... 

I'm new to all this docker stuff so if you have a good idea how to make it better let me know.

Oh,, and all the code i'm using the automate the build process is at:

I'm sure someone is going to tell me you can do this with jenkins in like 2 lines of code or something.....  hahaha

General Discussion / Build issues with secp256k1-zkp
« on: August 09, 2015, 04:34:44 pm »
Submodule path 'libraries/fc/vendor/websocketpp': checked out 'c5510d6de04917812b910a8dd44735c1f17061d9'
Unable to checkout 'bd067945ead3b514fba884abd0de95fc4b5db9ae' in submodule path 'libraries/fc/vendor/secp256k1-zkp'
Failed to recurse into submodule path 'libraries/fc'

I can't get past the git commands.  These same commands have worked for me tons of times before but now I can't checkout head or even get older commits to work either. 

The tree seems to exist:

General Discussion / ethereum is android vs Graphene is Ios Comparison
« on: August 01, 2015, 02:30:19 am »
On today's dev hangout Dan made the comparison between graphene and ethereum.  Ethereum is an interpreted language and anyone can submit and start running code.  Whereas, graphene is a pre-compiled chain with many smartcontracts as modules and adding features really isn't "that" much harder than in ethereum and anyone can submit a pull request to get their feature into the codebase.  The additional challenge is getting into the code base and then deployed out into the network, which is similar to getting approval in the Apple app store with the end result of a highly optimized compiled version of a specific smart contract.  I really like this comparison and it makes it easier for people to conceptualize the different approaches. 

I think it would be awesome to embrace this, one key challenge is when choosing a platform to develop to it's not just the code.  If we are really saying and encouraging people to contribute additional smart contracts to graphene, the whole toolchain and process needs to be documented and made as simple as possible:

1.  Document graphene internal api's , data flows, objects, etc.
2.  Make getting a development environment up and running very easy with step by step instructions. like what files are necessary, make files, etc.
3.  Provide examples of several simple smart contracts.
4.  Provide a policy to which pull requests are evaluated.  Need to have public guidelines that need to be met to be considered for acceptance.  Just like apple store policy, (but maybe try and be even more transparent.)

Until this is available I don't think it's really a legitimate comparison.

I'm curious if we could provide these two things:
1.  Allow a specific smart contract to pay 10% of fees to the creator of said smart contract.
  - This would incentivize a lot of developers to submit smart contracts and compete for inclusion into the blockchain.
2.  From a security point of view could these smart contracts be sandboxed in such a way so that a secuirty issue in a specific smartcontract doesn't put the whole chain at risk? 

If these two possible and we had all the documentation, toolchains, and processes in place it would be a very powerful story to attract new developers.

General Discussion / Docker build box
« on: July 27, 2015, 10:33:43 pm »
Update: 8/2/2015
I added a script for easier use, moved the build files outside the container, and made the container smaller.
The original example will still work but a new easier method is now available:

docker run -v <local host path for build>:/build sile16/graphene-build [optional tag or commit sha]

[Install docker on ubuntu, sudo apt-get install docker]
sudo docker run -v /home/sile:/build sile16/graphene-build
this builds the latest master into -> /home/sile/graphene

now... I think i'm close to where I can automate the creation of runtime docker containers with just binaries...  to be continued..

=========  Original Post  ===========================
I was wanting to learn docker so I thought I'd make a build box for graphene:

Docker Image on Docker Hub:

The image gets everything installed right before you download graphene and compile.

Now if you want to compile graphene you can use the following docker file:

Code: [Select]
FROM sile16/graphene-build:pre

# Install Graphene
RUN cd && git clone
WORKDIR /root/graphene
RUN git submodule update --init --recursive
RUN make -j4

Actually do the build
Code: [Select]
#docker build -t build01 .
Start a shell inside the docker container to run tests / use graphene , etc
Code: [Select]
#docker run -it build01 /bin/bash

Here is the docker file i used to create sile16/graphene-build

My Dockerfile:
Code: [Select]
FROM ubuntu:14.04

# Prep Server
RUN apt-get update

# Install Prerequisite Packages
RUN apt-get -y install git libreadline-dev uuid-dev g++ libdb++-dev libdb-dev zip
RUN apt-get -y install libssl-dev openssl build-essential python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev
RUN apt-get -y install libbz2-dev automake doxygen cmake ncurses-dev libtool nodejs nodejs-legacy npm mc
RUN apt-get -y install autoconf wget
RUN apt-get -y autoremove

# Install Boost 1.57
RUN wget -c ''
RUN tar -xf download
WORKDIR /tmp/boost_1_57_0
RUN ./ --prefix=/usr/local/
RUN ./b2 install

#Cleanup Boost Install
WORKDIR /root/
RUN rm -rf /tmp/boost_1_57_0
RUN rm -f /tmp/download

if there are ways to make this better please let me know.  I'm definitely not an expert in this stuff just dabbling.

Forced cover doesn't happen until a short falls below 150% collateral.  I had an open short myself that was at 164% collateral.  60 USD short, with a BTS collateral of about 98.4 USD.  I believe the forced margin call would happen at 150% a.k.a. 66% of collateral, but I've not seen a forced cover on any of my personal transactions.
Code: [Select]
      auto call_collateral = collateral;
      call_collateral.amount *= 2;
      call_collateral.amount /= 3;

So, call collateral is when 2/3 (66%) of total collateral.  Which is the same thing as saying 150% (3/2) collateral.

I'm not 100% sure this is the correct line but it would be nice to know exactly where this is controlled.  It looks like it maybe referenced in more than one place.

I think it's important to get this right as ByteMaster and others references the 200% number fairly often.  Here is one:

DevShares / delegate.everydaycrypto 5% pay delegate
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:23:02 pm »
I'm testing the waters with a delegate in the devshares chain... (good timing for me btw.) 

I run the website and would like to eventually launch a delegate on the BTS chain to help support making bitshares videos. 

As well as I would like to be able to run extremely stable delegates using multiple nodes via a tightly coupled consensus technique like etcd or consul .   I would start with a minimum of 3 servers but I need to have an activate delegate to start testing the failover and failback process.  Once I get this developed and tested I'll be happy to share with the community and potentially ask for a little higher pay rate.

Please help me get my delegate into the 101.


General Discussion / 2 new video's on bitAssets and shorts
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:22:30 am »
I just published two new videos around bitAssets and how they work.  The first video is a whiteboard where I talk about shorting and the mechanics behind everything.  The second video I run through the process of shorting an asset using the bitshares client.


General Discussion / How is it possible for a market to have overlap?
« on: December 23, 2014, 02:41:23 am »
Overlap in the bid ask,

I think it may have to do with the open short order.  On bitsahresblocks it shows a pricelimit on the limit order which woudl make sense and make the error just a display error.

General Discussion / are bitAssets 2x or 3x backed by BTS?
« on: December 18, 2014, 03:38:15 pm »
I've seen a lot of stuff written and mentioned on Lets Talk Bitcoin, that bitAssets are 2x backed by BTS.  However, when walking through the process myself it appears to me to be 3x collateralized.

I put up 2x BTS for the initial 1x bitUSD.  That bitUSD is immediately sold and the proceeds give to me.  However, the original 2x collateral and the proceeds from the sale are marked as "add collateral" and neither hit my available balance.  It seems like the whole 3x balance is available for the system to use in a forced cover.  Seems like 3x to me.  Also, confusing is the language that says if I have to use 150% of my collateral to cover it will force me to cover.  But this value seems to be based on a 2x cover.  Example, if the short price was 50, you would be forced to cover at 75.

Also, from a practical point of view if you want to avoid a forced cover you actually need additional funds to manually buy the asset before you can actually cover.  So, if you plan to short and cover manually you need to have ~3x the funds yourself.  Maybe in the future you could put out a special buy order where it allows you to use your collateral to buy the asset and the asset is immediately used to cover that particular short so you would not need that additional capital to use shorts.

which actually brings up another question around short expiration.  I understand the forced cover, but if the short just expires how is that process handled?  Same as a forced cover I assume except maybe you don't have to pay the 5% penalty?

KeyID / Here is my rant about namecoin
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:14:36 am »
I really want the namecoin concept to succeed.  Maybe that will happen through the bitsharesDNS project.  I'm hoping that maybe bitshares can explode onto the scene with these issues resolved:

Namecoin Rant:

KeyID / Why the certificate system is broken
« on: August 29, 2014, 09:16:46 pm »
I put together this video to help explain why the certificate system is broken.  I thought it would be of interest to this community for explaining to others why bitshares DNS is important.

Here is the video:

I'm currently working on the follow up that talks about namecoin and bitshares.  Honestly I haven't looked into bitshares Namespaces, but what makes it different/better namecoin?  besides POW/DPOS.

General Discussion / Video Introduction to bitsharesX
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:31:05 am »
I made a video talking about BitsharesX .  Hopefully it's useful to some folks.  I'll be posting demonstration of the wallet here in the next couple of days as well.

Also, please let me know if I got any technical details wrong and I can put in corrects if necessary.


General Discussion / Incorrect Balance Shown [RESOLVED]
« on: August 25, 2014, 08:35:35 pm »
I have two incoming transactions from bter.  For argument sake, lets say the first one is 20 and the second one is 10.  So my balance should be 30, however, it's only showing my balance as 10.  I've updated my client and deleted the DB but still the same behavior.

I'm using the mac client.  0.4.7

When I use the command:

"wallet_account_transaction_history everydaycrypto"
It shows all the transactions and the correct final balance in the balance column.

However, when I use "wallet_account_balance everydaycrypto"  again it shows the incorrect balance.

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