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Topics - arubi

Pages: [1]
Meta / Renew the forum's SSL certificate
« on: December 04, 2014, 10:59:23 pm »
Please, it's very close to expiring..
Having a huge red [X] instead of out forum is pretty bad.

Hey all,

I created a few accounts for my friends in the Bitshares X software to be used locally (I didn't register the accounts).
I also have BTSX belonging to my friends on each of these accounts, and now I want to send it to them.
One of my friends created and also registered an account of his own and it seems like we've used the exact same name for that account.

1. I tried renaming the local (unregistered) account under his name in my wallet, and got the "Cannot rename a registered account" error :

Code: [Select]
>> wallet_account_rename <friend> <friend>.local 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception !registered_account: You cannot rename a registered account {} bitshares  wallet.cpp:1520 rename_account {"old_account_name":"<friend>","new_account_name":"<friend>.local"} bitshares  wallet.cpp:1550 rename_account {} bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:1155 wallet_account_rename {"command":"wallet_account_rename"}
    bitshares  cli.cpp:540 execute_command
<friend> is just a placeholder for the account name.

2. It seems like I'm now able to access the "Assets" menu under his account, although it's still in unregistered state, unlike other unregistered accounts where only the error "You must be a registered account to create and issue assets. Please register your account first." appears.

Any thoughts on what should I do?

Hi all,

I'm arubi and my team and I run .
You might have seen our ad on the forum if you've browsed here during the last few days.

The ad is down now, and we won't be advertising on this forum for the time being, but we do have a new service that might be of use to you during this time.

It seems that after our little ad run, a number of voices on the forum have expressed their willingness to buy or sell Bitshares, kind of like what we have running on our website, but on their own terms and price.
The problem still, there are no Bitshares to be actually transferred and a trade can not happen without the trust of actually fulfilling the deal once Bitshares XT is released.

Today we'd like to offer you our services as mediators for these trades.
Since we still have our system up and ready, it'd be a waste to not find a good use to it for the community.

The Mediator service takes two forms :

- The simple, old fashioned way
- The more advanced, multi-sig way

The old fashioned way is widely known and used in many forums for inside-forum trading and exchange of funds between users.
A trusted 3rd party takes the role of a mediator between the two trading sides.
The buyer sends the funds (Bitcoin in this case) to the 3rd party, who now 'holds' them until the trade is complete.
Upon a succesfull trade, the 3rd party releases all funds to the seller, minus a small fee, taken from the seller's side of the deal.

The new way involves the use of multi-signature transactions, currently supported on the Bitcoin network.
In this way, the trusted 3rd party never has actual hold of the funds, and can only regulate to which side the funds will be sent to (i.e. back to the buyer, or to the seller).
The process of creating and using a multi-signature address is not complicated, but does require a small bit of understanding in how the bitcoin network works.
We will be releasing a short guide on how to use this way of exchange if there is demand for it, but as said before, the major advantage of using multi-sig is that only public information is ever exchanged, and the actual use for a 3rd party comes into play only when a dispute occures between the sides. Other than that, the trades are managable between the two sides exclusively.

See an explanation here :

Our public key is at the end of this post. Please choose the method that works well for you when generating an uncompressed key.
Websites like and will help you with creating an uncompressed keypair.
The uncompressed public key is the long string starting with 04.
You will later have to import the private key into your Bitcoin client.

So, what should you do if you want us to be a mediator in a trade?

As a seller (have Bitshares to his name, wants to sell them now) :

1. Name your price
2. Amount of Bitshares to sell
3. A signed proof of holdings using the Bitshares-PTS address associated with your Bitshares
4. Bitcoin uncompressed public key (required only for multi-sig transactions)

As a buyer (want to buy Bitshares now, with Bitcoin) :

1. Name your price
2. Amount of Bitshares to buy
3. Bitcoin Public key (required only for multi-sig transactions)

Our public key for multi-sig transactions :
Code: [Select]
Our public address for regular transactions :
Code: [Select]
NOTE : A public key is not a public address. Please see above for a short explanation.

Terms :

1. The rate of BTC \ Bitshares will be based on the BTC \ USD conversion rate according to at the message is posted
2. Our fee for a trade is 2%. Of course, we can not enforce the fee on members who choose to use multi-sig, but we do trust this community to do the right thing.

Small bounty :
Translate this message into Chinese - 2.0 Bitshares-PTS

We hope that by using this service, buyers and sellers could buy and sell their Bitshares at a fixed price that is good for them.

Thank you for reading,
the team

For more information :

中文 (Chinese) / BuyBitshares.com团队的重要声明:
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:13:46 am »

最近我们的网站已经有了大量的来自 , ,甚至从weibo.com的访问者。

问: “你隶属于Invictus innovation公司吗? ” (或:谁在运营 ? )

答:我们的团队不隶属于Invictus innovation公司。
我们实际上是Bitshares科技的忠实信仰者 ,从Bitshares -PTS (当时Protoshares ) 数据链的最开始。

问: “如果你是一个私人卖家,这是一个私人业务,为什么我相信你呢? ”

答:我们提供持股我们资产的证明。 在2014年2月28日,III发布了一个Bitshares-PTS(原Protoshares )数据链的快照 。 (链接:

们的账本,并确保我们不超卖。 我们希望我们的业务可以在Bitshares和DAC社区被大家知道,我们已经投入了几个月的时间来构建它。

问: Bitshares还没有发布。你将如何发送Bitshares给您的客户?

答: 我们现在在网站上卖的BTS属于我们在BTS网络中的地址,但目前还没有办法将它们发送给其他用户(客户) ,直到bitshrares客户端发布。

当Bitshares客户端发布时,客户将在我们的网站上填写“Claim form(索取表)”,在那里他\她将为我们提供一个第二签名的消息,这个消息包含一个公共Bitshares地址,并且这个消息具有Bitshares-PTS最初的购买时的相同签名。

我们也将通过电子邮件,IRC或Keyhotee来支持这个过程 。

问:你为什么卖Bitshares 100 $ 一个?

答:我们认为, Bitshares是一个了不起的技术和非常宝贵的资产。100美元将是我们1000个BTS的卖出价,直至Bitshares客户端发布,然后,我们将
根据目前的市场改变我们的销售价格。我们觉得100 $是一个公平的价格,考虑到整个Bitshares项目的风险\回报率,以及价格将会在实际的交易开始之后变得更高这个预期。

Thank you, team

Marketplace / [Small Bounty] Translate this text into Chinese
« on: March 22, 2014, 01:21:35 am »
Hi, this is a proposal for Chinese speakers.
I need to translate some text. Will pay 4 PTS or 0.5 BTS (when bitshares is released).
Let me know if you're interested.

The text:
Important disclaimer from the team :

Recently our website has received a lot of visitors from websites such as,, and even from .

First, we want to welcome our Chinese guests. We are very happy our modest business has generated so much interest and we want to thank you for visiting our website.

Second, it seems there are many questions regarding our sale model. We will try and address these questions now.

Q. "Are you affiliated with Invictus Innovations?" (or: Who is running

A. Our team is not affiliated with Invictus Innovations.
We are, in fact, very strong beleivers in the Bitshares technology, and we have been from the very start of the Bitshares-PTS (then Protoshares) blockchain.
Our goal is to make a good name for our business in the coming world of crypto-equities and crypto-assets, and so we want to see Bitshares and more future DACs succeed.

Q. "If you are a private seller, and this is a private business, why shoud I trust you?"

A. We provide proof of holdings for our assets

On Feb. 28th 2014, Invictus Innovations has created a "Snapshot" of the Bitshares-PTS (formerly Protoshares) blochchain. ( Link : )
We provide proof (below) in the form of a signed message that our address is holding enough Bitshares to last for the entire sale duration. Together with the open online sell book on our website, it is possible for all to verify our book keeping, and make sure we are not selling assets we do not own.

We want to make our business known in the Bitshares and DACs community, and we have invested months of our lives building it.
Our good name is important to us. We value trust and openess in our business, and so we hope that you, as customers, could also trust us.

Q. Bitshares is not released yet. How will you send Bitshares to your customers?

A. The BTS we are selling now on our site belong to our address on the Bitshares network, but there is currently no way to send them to another user (the customer), until the bitshrares client is released.
Our solution to this problem is keeping a signed message, containing the bitcoin transaction hash from the purchase, signed with the customer's public Bitshares-PTS address.

When the Bitshares client is released, a customer will fill out a "Claim form" on our website, where he\she will supply us with a second signed message, containing a public Bitshares address to claim the Bitshares, signed with the same Bitshares-PTS address from the original purchase.

We will also be available for support with this process, on e-mail, IRC, or Keyhotee.

Q. Why are you selling Bitshares for 100$?

A. In our opinion, Bitshares is an amazing technology and a very valuable asset.
The 100$ price we have put on about 1000 of our Bitshares will be our selling price until the Bitshares client is released, at which point we will change our selling price according to the current market.
We feel 100$ is a fair price given the Risk \ Reward ratio of the whole Bitshares project, and we expect the price to go even higher once actual trading begins.

Thanks for reading.

Marketplace / [ANN] :: Buy BitShares with Bitcoin
« on: March 08, 2014, 08:50:29 pm »
Hi everybody,

We're the team behind and we'd like to invite you to visit our website and check out our service :

The BitShares blockchain the first major DAC honoring the ProtoShares blockchain.

The price of a Bitshare is currently unknown, but our best source might be this poll held on, showing members' asking price for when BitShares XT will go live:

We want to make a name for ourselves in this economy as trusted sellers of Protoshares, Bitshares and other DACs' shares.
Currently, we're accepting Bitcoin, but may add more payment options if there's a demand.

Since there is no way to currently move bitshares around (i.e. send them to an address), we will keep your bitshares balance on our (secure, multi-backup) books, paired with the Bitcoin address used to make the payment.
When BitShares XT launches we will ask you to sign your public BitShares address using the Bitcoin address you used to make the payment at our site, and promptly send them to you if everything checks out.

Thanks for reading, team

EDIT: After the these past delays in bitshares' release and changes in the development around the changes in the POS implementations (TAPOS, DPOS) we've decided to lower our asking price to 25$ per Bitshare.

*all previous orders will be recalculated accordingly

Marketplace / Are you the owner of 14kXmictr1veXEnBsyKAzprNfm2YuN5jJw ?
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:33:42 pm »
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, please move this topic if there's a more appropriate sub-forum.

0.7 BTC was sent to my address at : 1BUYPTSgyGmjMNPAFaQvxJNkBdgMeWRADZ
which is the payment address for my website at
I did not receive any orders or an address to send PTS to in return for these BTC.

If you are the owner of this address : 14kXmictr1veXEnBsyKAzprNfm2YuN5jJw
or probably this one, as it seems it's a change address : 1BsSFCnsLZn1KfqFDJz9waj9PEEXD1rLKY

please contact me via the e-mail form on, or a PM here, so we can sort this out. please also sign a message with one of these addresses (preferably the former).
I could send back the 0.7 btc but I can't be sure whether the owner still has access to the private key for that address. For now I'll store these funds on a separate account, until the owner comes forward.


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