General Discussion / Re: BitShares X rebrands itself as BitShares; adopts greater scope [DRAFT]
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:35:14 pm »
What will the daily vesting rate be?
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Is there going to be a new genesis block for BTS?From what I understand there will be a SECOND genesis block hardcoded and accepted by the client ..
For those who never claimed their stake, how will it work? Would they still be able to claim it in the new system?
Yep, in that case you'd just import whatever wallets you were supposed to import into DNS to begin with.
We don't want anyone to lose out, especially those who bought into the systems like DNS after launch. Toast and I have been working on a solution that does not involve changing my proposal and upsetting the markets further.
Only ~10% of DNS has moved from the genesis block. Prior to the 50% fall DNS had a market cap of $6.5 million (according to Toast) which means the total value of all DNS purchased prior to my proposal post was about $650,000. After the post it lost 50% of its value causing some DNS fans to lose $325,000 while those that sold prior made $325,000.
We happen to own a large part of DNS through the PTS Angel address and this part that we own was in excess of 10% (haven't actually imported it yet)... we will divide this fund among DNS holders outside the genesis block based upon a snapshot just prior to my post.
This allocation should not harm any other players other than us and should make everyone who purchased DNS whole.
There is no point in moving your funds from the genesis as a result of this post.
We would like to thank everyone in the community who supports our project and to show our commitment to make sure that you all are taken care of even if it comes at our own expense.
Once again.. this is not an obligation and we may change our mind on the details of this post. I just wanted you to know the gist of what our plans are to make everyone as happy as possible.
outside the genesis block based upon a snapshot just prior to my post
"my post" = this one ? or the topic about merging?
You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.
I think we are seeing "true colors" from a lot of people, out on display for all the community to see. Who can handle the intensity of the reality of what needs to be done? I am most impressed by the ones that haveaccepted this reality, even though it may have meant a temporary personal "loss". My observation is that those who hold most tightly to their "expectations", are the ones who cry the loudest when they find out the world does not revolve around them.
I'm getting sick of Rune's thinly hidden cheerleading. The account is not even a month old and this person is condescending to people who have been around far longer, done far more, and bought into something completely different.
He is telling us same cheerleading we heard before he was even around.
It was not an honor or a privilege to have been early investors. We did this by making the correct decisions. Make those correct decisions required labor and intelligence. We worked for it. You probably came around after seeing BTSX on coinmarketcap. So save your bullshit for others.
As for everything else it seems fairly close to a done deal. I'm not happy, but mainly it is over the cultural shift. It is likely required and likely a good thing. I just don't understand what exactly these "mergers" mean or what exactly they imply and it is a source of my irritation. The value equation is very complicated and depends on a lot of small factors which have been vague and scattered about.
In the end I'd ask people to start being nicer. I'm sure Dan never really wanted it to turn out like this, and it really is as much a proactive move as reactive I believe. Yesterday I had a lot little jabs and snide posts. It is hard not to be that way. For me this pivot makes it harder to be a rah-rah fanboy as my vision isn't as much aligned with this single DAC centric one. I'd imagine it is like being a sports fan (whatever thats like) and seeing your whole team just die on the field. Ok.. not really.. I'm kidding.. Seriously though I will try to be more positive. We'll see where she goes as I can't see any other project as worthy of my time. :|
I'm tired of seeing all the squealing and moaning about percentage this and percentage that, and the petty infighting of people who complain they didn't get enough of the pie, arguing that they should get more of some other guys piece.
Look at the bigger picture. Look at what we are making.
A couple of years from now, you will have wealth that is completely unfathomable to you now. It will not make any difference if your current stake is cut in half, or cut into tenths - you will have more money than you could ever possibly spend.
You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.
The last thing BM and the team need to worry about right now are people moaning on the forums. There are space ships to build, and until they're built and safely in interstellar space there is no time to spend on ANYTHING else.
You got in at the ground. Now help build the ground floor. And then the top floor. And then the biggest freaking crypto-rocket the world has ever seen.
If you want to take on your responsibility as a stakeholder, then go read the thread about transparency measures (https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=10301.0) and help envision how YOU, as a stakeholder, can help govern this ship.
DNS and PTS should be immediately liquid. The only reason I can think of to justify this is that BTS will have far greater liquidity than PTS/DNS and a large motivated seller would have incentive to not sell now but wait for BTS liquidity to sell into. However, vesting these 2 creates some other current market distortions and may carry over into BTS as a long drawn out sell pressure that could have been satisfied today in the PTS and DNS markets.
I think this is an opportunity to squash the quibble between the PTS/AGS liquidity arguments. PTS should remain liquid and perhaps AGS should be completely locked for a year and then vested over the following year. I only own AGS currently (of the two) and did not expect to be able to sell them anytime soon. (though, I did expect someone would eventually make a tradeable asset to replace AGS. That had been talked about many times)
So i suggest:
PTS - no vesting
DNS - no vesting
AGS - locked then vesting
VOTE - normal vesting
This make sense to me and puts out a few needless fires.
Im all for change and want to see our blockchain adapt. Just get a solid proposal together with all the information and present @ top of forum.
You are damn right!!!!!!!The only people who've lost out in the equity deals are the key talent that drive the underlying development. If this was a centralised venture they'd have much more equity.
I think this point cannot be driven home enough.... FollowMyVote had 30% stake in VOTE and now has 1% stake vesting over 2 years. I3 had a much larger stake in VOTE than in BTSX and now has a much smaller stake in BTS and Toast had a much larger stake in DNS and now has a small stake in BTS.
Would the core developers agree to this strategy if they didn't think it would be better for them as a whole? It was a very hard decision for everyone.
Damn you guys need to learn something about PR. Why wasn't that the very start of the OP?? Why didn't you mention that the dev stakes aren't included in the buyout?? You guys utterly baffle me. You're announcing a huge major buyout of several companies, and you completely botch the announcement, and then you don't even seem to realize how badly you botched it.![]()
Yes we realize it.
I personally didn't invest in your PR skills. I invested in your vision and I3's capacity to make it happen. Up to now I've been flabbergasted more than once by what you've said here on the forum regarding BTS future and what you work on accomplishing with all your team (before and after the merger proposal).
In time you will be surrounded by a team that will polish every announcements you make before it gets out in the wild. But for now I really like the transparency and honesty you use to communicate with the community. It makes you human and more accessible. Some may be outraged by some "mistake" you might have made in certain announcements and say you lack PR skills, but I personally don't give a damn.
You delivered and will continue to do so. And that's why I pledge several of my future pay checks, which I will happily invest in your vision.
I prefer you have average PR skills than an average vision.
Nobody's perfect.
Do we follow these instructions for delegate setup? https://github.com/BitShares/bitshares_toolkit/wiki/DPOS-initial-delegate-setup