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Messages - Marketorder

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General Discussion / Why is Bitshares rising in price?
« on: June 29, 2016, 08:23:05 am »
I left Bitshares months ago and took a huge loss when they announced the pyramid scheme membership thing and pretty much since then Bitshares has been declining in popularity and price. Why all of a sudden is the price going up? Did they decide to get ride of that lame membership model and promoting pyramid scheme which will never work?  Sorry my post is negative but I'm just telling people how most people view Bitshares after 2.0 came out   

Any thoughts on the price jump recently?

General Discussion / Re: I just sold all my Bitshares!
« on: January 15, 2016, 06:51:35 am »
I'm out of the digital currency market. I haven't made a penny at it since the Bitcoin boom. I have no interest in investing in any digital currencies until the volume increases substantially. If I invested in UVXY like I originally planned instead of dreaming for miracles in the no volume digital currency market I would have made almost 10 times my money. For the time being I need to focus on making money from my regular job instead of investing in digital currencies 

Lower fees?!

Dude, my broker charges me $5 - $10 a trade. What's 30BTS worth, like 10 cents?!

We will lower fees as soon as a competitor steps into the ring, no matter how many years it takes.

And to prove you are not lying, tell us what you traded your BTS for:




wait, let me guess:


OK, it makes sense now. ... In that case, I have to disclose that I traded, sorry, SOLD some BTS too recently


General Discussion / Re: I just sold all my Bitshares!
« on: January 15, 2016, 05:49:40 am »
Because for the past 4 months I've been watching my investment tank. I'm very relieved and very happy I made this decision. Thiers allot of bickering and arguing that goes on here which was a turn off. Also charging $100 to become an affiliate is ridiculous, if you want ANY company or entity to succeed you simply don't charge people to promote your product or service!  To me Bitshares is a money making scheme for the founders and nothing else, while there out bowling and having pizza parties from all the millions in fees collected us investors are losing tremendous amounts of money.

If Bitshares wants to succeed you MUST Lower Fees, allow Everyone to spread the word without having to pay a $100 fine for doing so, make Bitshares more private and secure, make the platform more friendly to app developers who want to build on your platform.

In the future if this community gets there shit together I might buy back in, but in the meantime I'll stay on the side lines. 

why should you want to tell us this?

good luck and maybe you can join later on.

General Discussion / I just sold all my Bitshares!
« on: January 14, 2016, 07:04:25 am »
I just sold off all of my Bitshares which is thousands of dollars worth. I waited months and months for Bitshares to put me into profit and all it has done has had me lose money like crazy. With my luck shortly after I sell my Bitshares the market will rise substantially. I believe that my bad luck of holding Bitshares has kept the price down for the past 4 months. Now Bitshares shall rise again because I just sold my shares!

When I was holding Ethereum everyone complained about Ethereum and that's why I sold. When I bought into Bitshares everyone complains about Bithsares. I don't see the difference.

Wouldnt Bitshares be a good candidate to promote other than those random no use shit coins?
For sure .. do you speak Mandarin?
We do have a large Chinese community as well .. but it seems most of them have lost patience and left ..

Step back and do a read up and google on Bitshares as if you don't know anything about it. Reputation is devastated and there is a number of people not only "not liking" but straight away "hating" bitshares. I can imagine this will be the same in the mandarin part of the I-net, if not even worse - given the venom spiten around until some months ago from some chinese accounts. This is of course a concern for the literate investor (and for a reason) even though he maybe still comes here and gets a different impression.

General Discussion / Re: [Howto] Prediction Markets in BitShares
« on: January 13, 2016, 08:30:17 am »
You might want to post this on Reddit

Lost patience in what we have a working decentralized exchange. we are at the Genesis of Bitshares and they have the opportunity to get in at the ground floor, Ethereum doesn't even have a Gui interface yet and they have over a 70 million dollar market cap. We are leap and bounds ahead of Ethereum . I only speak English 

Wouldnt Bitshares be a good candidate to promote other than those random no use shit coins?
For sure .. do you speak Mandarin?
We do have a large Chinese community as well .. but it seems most of them have lost patience and left ..

General Discussion / Why aren't the Chinese flooding cash into Bitshares?
« on: January 13, 2016, 06:09:50 am »
looks like every shit coin in town has a larger market cap than Bitshares right now. Most of those coins are being flooded with cash by Chinese investors. Bitshares since I have bought mine in the past 4 months haven't seen any surge in price. Wouldnt Bitshares be a good candidate to promote other than those random no use shit coins?

How does Peer Tracks and Muse effect the price of Bitshares? The more people use Muse or Peer Tracks the higher Bitshares will go?

General Discussion / Re: How to take the most out of STEALTH
« on: January 10, 2016, 06:02:21 am »
When will this STEALTH feature be implemented and will there be press releases and marketing so people know it exists?

General Discussion / Re: Promotional Material?
« on: January 04, 2016, 04:29:53 am »
Those are exactly the sites I wasn't looking for. I want to see sites users have created that are baby block basic that show why Bitshares is awesome. Maybe a site that compares Bitshares to other crypto currencies and show's why Bitshares is better, etc. I need more or less a sales page to sell people that know nothing about digital currency or Bitshares and sell them on Bitshares so they become a Bitshares user.

General Discussion / Promotional Material?
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:36:54 pm »
I was thinking about helping promote Bitshares and I wanted to know what are the best web sites to use to send mew people to? I want to send them to a site that shows them where to buy it, it's benefits, etc. Has anyone created a really good 1 page web site designed to tell people the advantages of Bitshares? 

Technical Support / Re: 2.0 Light wallet question
« on: December 18, 2015, 01:10:36 pm »
What error? When I click on the program to install it it never loads all i get is a spinning wheel where my mouse curser is and the program never installs.

What Kind of system? I'm on Windows 10 64 bit system

The new wallet doesn't install at all!!!! It wont install so I dont have a choice but to keep the old wallet! It's not my choice.
What's the error?

Are my 2.0 coins on the 2.0 original light wallet the same as on the newest 2.0 wallet?
Absolutely!! The GUI is just a little slicker now :)

I'm using a PC and the new wallet wont install and freezes my whole computer
are you on 32bit or 64bit?

Technical Support / Re: 2.0 Light wallet question
« on: December 18, 2015, 12:17:45 pm »
The new wallet doesn't install at all!!!! It wont install so I dont have a choice but to keep the old wallet! It's not my choice. Are my 2.0 coins on the 2.0 original light wallet the same as on the newest 2.0 wallet? I'm using a PC and the new wallet wont install and freezes my whole computer
it's your decision and money. just test it, if it's too much work for you to download 30mb and install in 30 secs every 2 weeks :)

General Discussion / Re: New release 2.0.151209
« on: December 17, 2015, 02:51:36 pm »
I'm running the original 2.0 Light Client I don't want to keep updating every week. Will my original 2.o Light Client be fine to run and will my 2.0 coins still work if I send them from my original 2.0 client to an exchange?

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