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General Discussion / Re: Welcome to
« on: January 15, 2016, 09:57:28 am »

Technical Support / Re: The ..
« on: January 15, 2016, 09:56:25 am » can`t open the DEX on
Sorry for that. The machine that hosts the IPFS seed (pinned directory) went down due to an issue of the hoster.
There are plans to improve the robustness of the setup and add redundancy.

Technical Support / Re: The ..
« on: October 28, 2015, 02:47:16 pm »
Looks nice .. I'd like to join this ..
It seem you have not yet written much code .. so verifying the existing stuff should be quite easy atm ..

It would be wonderful if you find the time to do so. I'll add you to the repository as a contribute if you don't mind.
You may want to read into git's Signoff feature and sign commits if you feel they are ok and unaltered.

In the mean-time, some of you may have noticed, I took down the page for some time in order to clarify on the licensing with CNX.
I am happy to announce that I made an agreement with CNX and will continue to provide an entry point to the decentralized exchange via IPFS.

Additionally, I have just today added the MUSE wallet as well and am going to extend my work at this front as soon as I find the time

Technical Support / Re: The ..
« on: October 21, 2015, 02:56:52 pm »
Thank you for the input! +5%

I do have some more plans and would actually would like to bring people on board that help integrate other services and are willing to verify
+ the build process
+ the file distribution
+ github builds

My goals are to offer a open platform that reduces the risk to a bare minimum. If I could get some developers or community members to verify
that I have not tampered with the sources that would be a huge success.

Anyway, I plan to add customized patches (public, open source) to
a) enable customization
b) add the referral program to this page

once this page uses the referral program, I can even offer to pay people involved with a cut of the income. Sounds great? Let's do it!
Since everything is hosted in github, I could add other github users to this project. I don't want to host a one man show here! Let's improve this all together and have it hosted on a decentralized platform!

Doesn't this sound like .. just WAY better?

What are your thoughts?

Technical Support / The ..
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:09:16 am »
.. needs a decentral point of entry.

As it is now possible to trade counterparty-risk free, in a peer-2-peer manner using a decentralized exchange (dex).
The only thing we now need is a decentral network that allows to access it.

Therefore I have built a free and open platform that everyone can use to access the BitShares 2.0 DEX using the so called Inter-Planetary File-System (IPFS).
It essentially delivers the webpage and uses the currently known websocket servers a sentry points.

The page itself is bundled using travis-CI so that everyone can see that the sources have not been modified.
Now, with IPFS, we have a platform for content delivery (e.g. web wallet derliver) that stored its files permanently. If the web wallet has
been uploaded, no one can modify it again.

Nuf said. Here is the URL:

+ Customized designs
+ Additional fail back API servers (as many as possible)
+ setting up a DNS server for fall back notes (similar to the ntp pool)

Since the web wallet can make a profit on it's own (with the referal program), I do not intent to put advertisements there.

Have fun.

Feedback and Critiques welcome

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