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Messages - warmach

Pages: [1] 2
Technical Support / Re: How to Stop Trading an Asset
« on: March 24, 2017, 05:40:56 pm »
I would like to de-activate an asset.  I updated the asset to turn on the flags requiring whitelist, issuer approve transfers, and transfer back to issuer. 

The problem is that I don't know how to enforce or use these options.  So far, trading continues despite me as issuer having to approve the transfers.  I also have a blank white list which would theoretically prevent from trading. 

I also can't find a mechanism in the UI to transfer the asset back to myself. 

I looked for something in docs but haven't found an API call or anything to do this. 


Hi Warmach,

did you active the Flag or the Permission? Flags are temporary, Permission finals.

Whitelisting features need to be activated first with the CLI-wallet and then you can add more people to the white list over the gui.

Asset override feature is only available via cli-wallet. But keep in mind that this transaction type is more expensive.

Please join our telegram channel for technical support and faster answers.

cheers Chris

Thanks Chris!

I did find what I was looking for.  I stumbled across a post from Xeroc with a reference to an example python script using his graphene python library.  Using several of his examples from the 0.4.8 version, I was able to halt trading by turning on the flags and establishing a whitelist authority.  I was then able to use his script to run the override transfer command to issue the asset back to myself. 

There are several great examples in there, might be worth checking out.  Some just use a witness, others use the cli-wallet.

Technical Support / Re: How to Stop Trading an Asset
« on: March 21, 2017, 12:45:04 pm »
Is this a bug? Or a lack of an instruction manual?

Not sure, maybe a combination of both. 

I had expected when turning flags on for approving trades, I would receive a message letting me know about a transaction to approve.  I expected it to act like a multi sig transaction.   

Maybe I misunderstood their intent...  Either way, the docs don't explain how to do it.

Technical Support / How to Stop Trading an Asset
« on: March 20, 2017, 07:58:59 pm »
I would like to de-activate an asset.  I updated the asset to turn on the flags requiring whitelist, issuer approve transfers, and transfer back to issuer. 

The problem is that I don't know how to enforce or use these options.  So far, trading continues despite me as issuer having to approve the transfers.  I also have a blank white list which would theoretically prevent from trading. 

I also can't find a mechanism in the UI to transfer the asset back to myself. 

I looked for something in docs but haven't found an API call or anything to do this. 


Technical Support / Reclaiming Asset Fee Pool Funds
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:36:23 pm »
If you are going to deactivate a UIA, is there a way to reclaim the fee pool funds you used when setting up the UIA.

Technical Support / Re: Is it possible to destroy some of your UIA?
« on: August 08, 2016, 01:55:07 pm »
A clarification on using "reserve asset"

If you perform this action and burn your UIA taking it out of circulation, can you then re-issue it later?  Or does it just mean that  your maximum supply has dropped by the burned amount. 


ABC token has max supply of 500,000.  I burn 100,000.  Can I re-issue the 100,000 burned or does my ABC token effectively now have a max suppy of 400,000


Technical Support / Re: Bitshares API function list
« on: August 04, 2016, 12:20:44 pm »

Thanks!  I knew this was out there, but I had not stumbled across it yet.  I was specifically looking for this page....

Technical Support / Re: Bitshares API function list
« on: August 03, 2016, 03:34:46 pm »
Can't you just use help on the cli?

That is a good idea!

I was hoping for something a little easier to use/navigate.  Something like the NXT API wiki would be extremely helpful,

Technical Support / Re: Claiming Fees from Asset
« on: August 03, 2016, 03:33:04 pm »
only the CURRENT issuer of the account can claim the fees .. so you need the active key of the issuer installed in your wallet ..

Thanks for your quick response. 

Technical Support / Bitshares API function list
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:19:31 pm »
Where can I find a function list for the Bitshares platform?  I am trying to use Xeroc's python library and that does a great job managing connection and RPC calls but it assumes you already know the function calls and their parameters.  Some of the examples I've found are outdated with functions that do not exist anymore.  Others have some functions, but with out a complete list of available function calls, I can't fully see how much I can do.


Technical Support / Claiming Fees from Asset
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:03:14 pm »
I have an asset that is being traded and fees have accumulated.  On the asset's Fee Pool page, the "Claim Fees" button is disabled.  Any idea why?

I created the asset with one account then transferred ownership to a second account.  The text on the page says "The asset issuer may claim any accumulated fees here."  Who is the asset issuer, the original creator account or the current owner?

Thanks for your help!

Technical Support / Re: Delayed Node
« on: July 28, 2016, 08:07:16 pm »
blocks that are accepted by the non-delayed node have been accepted at least once.
The delyed only returns blocks when they are irreversible (confirmed by ~2/3 of all witnesses) .. The delay is usually about 30 blocks which is 90 seconds.

I wanted to do some development against Bitshares and have tried running a delayed node.  It looks like it keeps its own blockchain and uses a reasonable amount of memory and cpu resources.  As a developer, couldn't I just use the witness node and only take action against blocks with at least 30 confirmations?  If so, that would save me HDD, memory, and cpu resources. 

Technical Support / Re: Delayed Node
« on: July 26, 2016, 07:54:43 pm »

So is the witness_node and CLI_wallet the same except that the CLI can initiate transactions?

Technical Support / Delayed Node
« on: July 26, 2016, 12:24:58 am »
What is the purpose of the Delayed Node? 

General Discussion / Re: python-graphenelib: Release 0.4
« on: July 25, 2016, 03:05:42 am »
I was hoping to develop using this library on a Windows machine.  The pip and manual compile fails with the scrypt part because it is missing unistd.h file.  As I understand it, this is a unix file that will not exist on windows machine.  Any ideas on who I can get past this?

VirtualBox is ultimately cool solution to develop on linux without losing sight of the beloved start button :)

Exactly what I was working on!   ;D  What flavor of linux to use....

General Discussion / Re: python-graphenelib: Release 0.4
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:05:16 pm »
I was hoping to develop using this library on a Windows machine.  The pip and manual compile fails with the scrypt part because it is missing unistd.h file.  As I understand it, this is a unix file that will not exist on windows machine.  Any ideas on who I can get past this?

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