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Messages - finn-bts

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 论比特股复兴之路
« on: January 04, 2024, 11:56:42 am »
 :) :) :)写在这里好像也没有 理事会也不存在了 实控人就abit一个 与其这里发还不如私发abit 或者就质押bts获得票权革abit的命


Great. I'll back you up

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 提议开发新功能,任务奖励功能
« on: May 29, 2020, 08:06:33 am »
这个主意不错  我支持 谁反对?

bitAssets资产奖励太少 又分散 很难搞起来~

中文 (Chinese) / Re: [BBF] BitShares全球发言人和法律代表
« on: January 11, 2020, 08:46:58 am »

I will give a draft translation later.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 做市/交易大赛第三阶段(更新了参数)
« on: December 31, 2019, 08:59:46 am »


就是这样 应该设定一个门槛 网关的日成交额低于一定额度 即取消挂单奖励 不要最后搞成了吃大锅饭

Didn't you posted before that you are going to send back to reserve pool when the amount gets to big ?

I guess 7 million bts could be considered as to big
As if he wasn't going to do that, he thought he had a right to the money.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 做市/交易大赛第三阶段
« on: December 19, 2019, 08:22:20 am »
... 在内盘没有深度与流动性好的USDT/BTC交易对 ...



Thank you for your participation. Since Google services are not available in China, could you upload your documents by other means?

Hi! Ad link to WeTransfer in first message, as I know it work in China :)
thank you!

Thank you for your participation. Since Google services are not available in China, could you upload your documents by other means?

General Discussion / Re: Committee Fund Operation Review
« on: October 21, 2019, 08:33:36 am »
so that means we need another BSIP to set the threshold feed price for eternity, or it can be increased but not be lowered?

0.202 bitCNY/BTS is cheap even when the market price is 0.19, we can buy at 0.22bitCNY/BTS when market price go to 0.22 without pay additional price , but I think it's not hard to tell which price is better.

Man, I really feel compassion for you. You have become an addict to gambling and now you are trying to gamble with committee's account, under the exact same strategy that got your ass burned. It doesn't matter at this moment if your strategy works or not. You have lost any sense of ethics or truthfulness.

it is just like in 1971, President Nikson announced to give up the peg of USD on GOLD.

it is irrelevant to ethics or thuthufulness, it is relevant to the demand of economy.

if you are not able to understand, I do not have time to explain more at this moment.

Mr. Liu Jialing, If you want to take the funds, please create worker on your own name so you can take full responsibility for actions with those funds. Leave the committee owned funds out of the pitch.

This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.

This is proposed by cn-vote and Chinese investors. By the way, it is Chinese investors who are pouring money into BTS to support all sorts of spending.

General Discussion / Re: Committee Fund Operation Review
« on: October 21, 2019, 03:10:58 am »
I will support this proposal. Too much debate is meaningless. If you do not safeguard the interests of shareholders, who will pay your salary? Please make it clear that the premise that bitcny has value is that BTS has value.

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