« on: March 26, 2014, 04:33:50 am »
D:\挖矿\clpts-v1.0a_win_x86-64>clpts_x86-64 -o 1,2,3,4,6 PsYGu95S3PwoPcUyNrXr
m2G8DuTZ5Zx -u visterln.3 -p 123 -t 0
** clpts - OpenCL PTS Pool Miner v1.0 by NaN
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Vendor of used platform (#2 / 2): Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Name of device #1 / 1 (deviceID 0): Tahiti
[MASTER] | Spawning 1 worker threads
[WORKER0] Hello, World!
Error during compilation of program for device 'Tahiti':
Frontend phase failed compilation.
Error: Compilation from LLVMIR binary to IL text failed!
failed to connect (system:10038) to
请按任意键继续. . .
one is ok,copy then to another can't use