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Messages - Btc38

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How much is the daily withdrawal limit on btc38? (I am not able to find this info in the English site)
It is 6btc, but you can sumbit a ticket to require uplimit. :)

I have the same problem: when trying to withdraw btsx a system error message pops up over and over again. What should I do to stop it?

That's happened to me before using btc38... I think it was solved when I did not include a memo.

OK, but how do I stop those error messages? They keep popping up and this prevents me from doing anything.
Also, I've tried different browsers and refreshing the web page - it does not help.

EDIT: With the assistance of btc38 help-desk I eventually managed to withdraw my btsx. But still don't know what the problem was.

Hi sorry for the trouble, can you show me the error?
Any problem feel free to PM.

General Discussion / Re: BTSX on exchange
« on: August 15, 2014, 08:42:23 am »

great support for the community.
:D We think it is more convinent for our PTS users

Dear customer.

We'll take snapshot of DNS and Vote for PTS user. :)
So if you don't know how to get DNS and Vote for yourself.
you can deposit your PTS to our exchange and we will do it for you.

We have enable PTS/BTC markets:

Thanks for your support.

Dear customer.  another notice

We'll take snapshot of DNS and Vote for PTS user. :)
So if you don't know how to get DNS and Vote for yourself.
you can deposit your PTS to our exchange and we will do it for you.

We have enable PTS/BTC markets:

Thanks for your support.

Dear customer.

We'll take snapshot of DNS and Vote for PTS user. :)
So if you don't know how to get DNS and Vote for yourself.
you can deposit your PTS to our exchange and we will do it for you.

We have enable PTS/BTC markets:

Thanks for your support.

如果你有 PTS 在比特时代上,比特时代将按照 BitShares DNS 和 VOTE DAC 两个 DAC 开发团队的开发计划为其进行快照,并在这两个 DAC 出来后为您兑换相应的 DAC 股份。快照日期为为2014年8月21日,具体确切的时间目前开发团队还未公告宣布。
如果您目前还有 PTS 不在比特时代平台上,而您想要比特时代为您进行这两个 DAC 的兑换,那么请您在 2014年8月19日前将您的 PTS 充值进比特时代。由于现在 PTS 出块非常缓慢,以及存在一定几率卡币现象,为了您的币可以及时到账,我们建议您早一点转账 PTS 早一点安心。
在此,我们也对这两个 DAC 做简单的介绍,以便您对此次快照的对象有个初步的了解。
Bitshares DNS
Bitshares DNS 是一个由 3I 公司官方开发的 DAC。它是一套分布式的去中心化 DNS 系统,它提供了不被劫持的更公平的域名/IP转换系统。Bitshares DNS 总量100亿,其中10亿分配给 PTS 持有者, 10 亿分配给 AGS 持有者,剩余的70亿将以挖矿(出块)的方式分配。根据官方的说明,在 Bitshares DNS 正式发布后,它将提供一下功能:
浏览.p2p网站 – 无监视, 无劫持!
“以KeyID登入” – 请把它想像成是google/facebook那样,但只会更加安全。而如果是浏览.p2p网站那更是安全到不行。
“KeyMail (邮件)” – 稍后有更多细节…这将会是BTS整体生态系结构的基础
更多关于 BitShares DNS 的说明,请查看下面的文章:   (中文翻译)   (英文原文)
VOTE DAC 是第三方使用比特股工具包构建史上第一个投票DAC。它的目标是成为更公平,不受第三方操控的投票工具。
VOTE的分配将包含100亿VOTES。其中一半(50%)的VOTES (50亿)将会随着时间配给负责维护区块链的受托人们,第一年的营运将会分配出其中的50%,而后的时间分配剩余的50%。另外的50亿VOTES则作为其他用途,包含了开发的成本和必要的营销以获取初始用户群。
更多关于 VOTE DAC 的说明,请查看下面的文章:  (中文翻译) (英文原文)
以上两个币的简介只是小编的个人理解。建议您点击简介结尾的文章,进一步了解这两个 DAC。

We have added Stellar to our BTC markets.
STR/BTC:  :)

Follow My Vote / Re: [ SNAPSHOT: 8/21 ] VOTE
« on: August 05, 2014, 08:00:58 am »
nice work.

BTC38: Why do we using Facebook log in our english site.

Because it is more safe and convenient than other methods.

Question 1: Will you get my private message when we launch your site.
No, Facebook will not reveal their customer’s private to public.

Question 2: How does Facebook relation to our site.
First when you login Facebook API, Facebook will generate an random but unique ID to us, without any other information. When we got ID from Facebook, we will make a bond between your ID and a account.

Question 3: Why you say it is more safe than using email?
Facebook account is more safe than usual email accounts.
You can enable login approvals. Require a security code to access your account from unknown browsers.
You can enable Login Notifications. Facebook can notify you when your account is accessed from a computer or mobile device that you haven't used before by email or Text message.

Question 4: Will you add email to be your login methods in the future.

If anyone who have withdrawl limit problem to get out your BTSX, please submit a ticket to us or pm me.
We will improve the limits for you manually.

Basically withdrawl limits is 6BTC equal to 350,000 BTSX :)


Does anybody knows what is daily withdrawal limit?

Thanks  :)

For security,
basic withdrwal limit is 6BTC, 0.2 btc will added when 1btc deal was make

Does anybody have a withdrawal problem with btc38?

Whe I go to a withdraw tab in my account balance I get a system error, try again message while it says loading BTSX address.

I go on refresh and it does the same thing over and over again.
can you show me the screenshot of that error?
Notice for withdrwal on btc38
Please make sure your name is registered.
Here is a guide link:
Thanks @bytemaster @puppies

General Discussion / Re: BitSharesX Client Question
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:38:02 pm »
You may creat a new in virtual machine.
I think the reason is same as you cant open two btc client at one system.

Btc38 support team.

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