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Messages - gamey

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Regardless of how complicated the chosen software stack for BTS may or may not be, tutorials for at least one "smart contract" that does something useful is needed. Otherwise having to learn the code base to figure out how to get that far is going to make an obstruction no one is EVER going to try to tackle. There are simply better options. 

When reverse engineering something, it is always better to start from a top down type approach.  By not having this sort of documention, you are forcing a bottom up approach.  Good luck there.

edit - I suppose maybe tutorial is not the right word. An example would suffice, but even then enticing people to Bitshares is tough.  The example should use FBAs I suppose.

Edit 2 - I used smart contracts because I don't know what BitShares calls this vague concept of a feature voted in by the blockchain or how that works. (Granted, I have also not read existing documentation.)

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 21, 2015, 10:05:08 pm »
No! I'm fully aware that many stupid, meaningless and even unjust laws exist.

I'm arguing that you cannot break these laws and try to get away with that by creating some form of insurance. If you want to push back against laws you either have to do it on the political level within the system, or you have to start a revolution. (And no, this mutual aid society is not a revolution.)

Well, if you are looking at this version of mutual aid societies as letting someone off you are looking at it wrong. It mitigates the damage done, just like any insurance policy.  I mean, no one is trying to "get away" with anything more than they normally would.

Anyway, I find the idea worth considering but I am not sold myself by any stretch. I think that theoretically it seems workable but not necessarily for criminal defense. I also don't agree with the speeding analogies.

A lot of laws could be fought by taking them to trial etc but all of that is more costs.  Very hard to do for a lot of people.  A MAS would let them push back more often.

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:48:58 pm »
In the same way, society has effectively nullified copyright law (for personal use). 
I completely disagree. Perhaps your peers have done so, but I feel confident that the majority has not. For example, ask a sampling of Americans if they think it's OK to pirate the new Star Wars movie, and watch it for free (for personal use).

If this were OK, the movie would likely not have been produced, since it would not earn nearly as much revenue.

It is not "ok" but it is also not worth imposing the laws upon it. Someone should not be put in jail for a year and likely receive a felony over avoiding a $15 movie ticket. There is gray area ... and it forces people to rely on selective enforcement. I tend to think we have to have IP, but there are other areas where government grows favoring one side.

PC's argument basically seems to revolve around every law having a stated purpose that is for the benefit of society. The real question is whether any law is worth making a new class of criminal. Is it worth locking someone up at the thread of eminent death?  You will notice through-out his analysis he never approaches that question.

If no one ever pushes back against laws, the unjust laws will continue to unjustly push society.  Pot is the generic example. If no one ever smoked pot because it was against the law, then the law would never be an issue.  Is this argument the better one !?

General Discussion / Re: What is Factom?
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:43:59 pm »

Great to see Fav chime in with something he knows nothing about.

Factom is a legitimate project. Their office hosts public parties etc. The developers are real and known people. I can't speak to their distribution, much like any crypto project, but they are trying to create value. Pretty much the same level of transparency etc as BitShares.

What is Factom?
There are Factoms and some other credit you use to store hashes on a blockchain.  They have their own federated server system / blockchain but it periodically puts hashes on the Bitcoin blockchain. So they get the best of both worlds with all the added complexity. IE they are part of the Bitcoin world and dependent on it (well, Bitcoin is not necessary) along with having their own chain/invention. The stored Bitcoin hashes make it quite easy to verify timeframes in a very public manner. So this can be used for proving all manner of legal document existed at X time. Their storage is ultimately quite cheap given their own blockchain, but the data is also secured by Bitcoin... It really depends on the end-user software.

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 21, 2015, 05:27:59 am »

BTW, there was the original Insurance DAC etc.

That part of the forum is gone or moved to parts unknown.

This idea is not new to BitShares, it was part of the discussion well over a year ago when I first became interested.

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 20, 2015, 10:44:55 pm »
Just because something is a law/rule does not make it just or needed or actually bettering society.

That is true of course, but that doesn't mean you can simply ignore the rules that you don't like. The point is that if you want to be part of a society/community/whatever you have to accept the rules, because being part of that society means they are YOUR rules. You cannot claim the benefits of being part of a society without delivering on the expectations that society has on you.

As I said before, if you don't like the rules you can either change them or choose a different society, which in the case of citizenship means moving to a different country. Of course that's not easy, because it means you no longer claim the benefits of being a citizen. That's the point. Society cannot function if people only want the benefits but don't care about the rules. Breaking the rules will force society to take action against you (and rightfully so, IMO).

What is a society?  A country can have a overall layer of freedom to such an extent that we can have multiple societies and getting caught up in other societies just means you have to pay their price. I think you'll find a lot of people in disagreement with you. Disobeying laws is a calculated risk, and when there is no well defined victim of your actions then it is questionable whether state sanctioned violence is needed.

Your view goes way too far. What happens when your society is ruled by some evil entity? These are all just constructs of why we do what we do and ultimately it is a risk/reward ratio that is personalized to everyone's individuality.

Anyway, I came to this thread because there are a few problems with this. #1 You would not want your real identity broadcast over the net as part of Bitshares history. I mean maybe some here would not mind, but it is likely many would rather not have their name SEOed in such a fashion. This leads to #2 which is if it became known that you had such a insurance, it might very well be able to be used against you in a criminal case because it shows some admission of criminality. 

Both of the above reasons fly against the required transparency when putting forth a claim. So this thing will likely be pretty limited. :(

 One way to fix this is to have the people who decide on payment rather limited, but then you have more problems with trust even if you can do it cryptographically.

General Discussion / Re: Mutual Aid Societies
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:52:25 pm »
1. Those who are accused of possessing illegal substances but have not actually harmed anyone
2. Those who are accused of traffic violations for behavior that did not harm anyone
3. Those who are accused of copyright violation
4. Those who are accused of participating in prostitution that did not harm anyone and where no children are involved.   
5. Those who have their assets seized   

I have two major problems with this proposal.

1. I believe a functioning society needs rules in order to stay functioning, and rules are only useful when violation of these rules is punished in some way.

A durable functioning society also needs rules on how to change and adapt existing rules. So at least for those of us living in "democratic" countries there should be ways to change the rules that we don't like, or to emigrate into a country with different rules.

Your proposal is effectively an encouragement for breaking the rules, which I think is harmful to society.

2. Any kind of insurance costs at least as much as the risk that it covers. The problem there is that the insurance lowers the percieved risk for the insured individual, which incentivises them to take a higher risk, which drives up the overall cost and thereby the actual risk for the individual. From that it follows that an insurance can only work if there remains sufficient incentive for the insured to avoid producing an insurance case.

For example, health insurance works quite well, because although it lowers the percieved risk of the individual, nobody is interested in catching an illness. (Yes, that's a simplification. "quite well", not "perfectly".)

However, people who drive recklessly *want* to drive recklessly. Give them an insurance against traffic fines, and they will drive even more recklessly.

Not all laws are created equally. Although I disagree with Bytemaster on a lot, I can easily agree with the list he put forth as being laws that do not need to exist. Just because something is a law/rule does not make it just or needed or actually bettering society.

Just because you can move away to another country does not mean it is really viable. Voting has problems.  People are basically stupid by and large. Gun violence is at 50 year lows but everyone thinks there is some sort of new problem in the US. Yes, more gun violence than other countries, far less than some, but we have been consistently trending down.

Your analogy with health insurance is not very good. One could just as well argue that with health insurance, people have less reason to take care of themselves. The reality is more like insurance won't have much impact on how people treat their health, because other factors grossly outweigh financial concerns of being unhealthy. Just like no one will want to catch any sort of criminal charge, they won't want some unhealthy thing happening to them.  In health insurance, with very low deductible you have people requesting health coverage for every minor illness. They problems existing in all insurance systems.

I think there are problems with this, but it would be more with the underlying economics. As far as ideas go, this one is probably easier than most and might get coverage. Goodluck to whomever.

General Discussion / Re: Gold gateway
« on: December 17, 2015, 06:44:10 pm »

Never underestimate a long con.  Sociopaths enjoy it. I've seen people go on for months building friendships with people only to run off with a relatively small bag of loot. Then everyone comes to find out that the guy was deported after doing time in NY for financial crimes. The conman's promises of coming to some big get together were not even possible, given he it is doubtful he could gain entry into the states through normal means.

Jsidhu is the one that put up real work of value.  I hope he got part of that 50k. Everything I see about Ryan is questionable. Why not just leave the damn website up if it isn't getting any business for when the mining pipeline was finished etc ? 

Maybe the guy had some vice, or tried to freeroll the money on some speculative venture and it wasn't intentional.

One thing most people don't get, and especially us nerds is that the MORE LIKABLE A PERSON IS THE LESS YOU CAN TRUST THEM.  However, don't think just because someone isn't likeable you can trust them.. I've made that mistake!

I can google and email dropshippers too. That sort of work isn't hard nor does it take a hard skillset. Did he have an LLC and associated costs?  I would not cut the guy a bit of slack. It is unlikely a DA will prosecute this case though as it is too fuzzy and complicated with the crypto payments and emails.

General Discussion / Re: RaiBlocks coin
« on: December 17, 2015, 05:21:53 pm »
The anti-spam mechanism is a small proof of work attached to each block you sign, around 5 seconds of work, similar to the original hash-cash.

The write up goes over my thoughts of in-block rewards.  If someone wants to make money by speculating on currency appreciation, hold the currency and advocate.  Miners are an unnecessary function of the system so rewarding them is rewarding unnecessary work.

Well I did do a quick read through your paper, but as with most white papers...  people aren't necessarily willing to spend the energy to understand every nuance.  The only reason I skimmed it  is because we've met before where you were discussing your project at meetups. It is cool to see people finish their projects.  That is a rarity. Congrats.

I assume the distribution is all to yourself?  Then you sell/give it to others?  That will make it a bitter pill to swallow as so many will dismiss it as a pure capital grab. (Not making a judgement as to whether doing it is wrong.. )

Why is this better than POS?  That is another thing I didn't immediately grasp.

General Discussion / Re: Gold gateway
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:59:07 pm »

Well just do the public shunning thing and move on.

It is bizarre to me he was given 50k.  It is a low margin business, but it also means that there is little saved by buy purchasing wholesale.  You're basically just becoming a gambler with a lot of inventory if you can't rapidly turn it over.  At least the inventory doesn't depreciate I guess.  I wonder what his spiel was.... hustlers and their game are endlessly fascinating to me.

General Discussion / Re: RaiBlocks coin
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:46:03 pm »

What is the anti-spam mechanism/incentive ? 

General Discussion / Re: RaiBlocks coin
« on: December 17, 2015, 07:10:03 am »

Are there transactions fees with this system?

General Discussion / Re: Any interest in a more modern Discussion board?
« on: December 16, 2015, 10:55:12 pm »

I have no dog in this fight, but has anyone looked at the SMF plugin site?  Has anyone determined that the 'force multiplier' type functionality doesn't exist already, just waiting to be plugged in?

One thing I can confirm is that SMF is not developer friendly.  The plugin architecture was added afterwards and has a steep learning curve as far as those things go.  However... is it really worth spending time on ? Seems like people interested in supporting bitshares would find other things to develop ?  I agree with Fuzzy that social media is a good thing ... just not sure how good and is it worth losing all the history in the posts here and forcing everyone to migrate/create new accounts.

Random Discussion / Re: What if bytemaster's right ...
« on: December 15, 2015, 09:27:08 pm »

If I recall correctly, BM does not believe in man made global warming.  (Although I think it can be proven as far as anything empirically observed .. at least how CO2 / greenhouse gasses absorb radiation)  Seeing his life philosophy is an interesting one and explains a thing or 2. I can't say I agree at all if his view is as he presented it.

"I don't know, so I take the easy way out and damn the consequences! It is about me being happy." <- This sort of thought process leads to a lot of evil things.

This whole life is a simulation sounds like some new age philosophy that came about after computers have become mainstream.

Meta / Re: [POLL] Tipbot Yes/No
« on: December 13, 2015, 02:20:00 am »

The problem is that it is likely a minority that feels these UIAs will grow in value. If you do not believe that, you will likely find the posts more distracting than anything.

It costs the person giving the assets nothing once they set it up... but it spams everyone's use of the forum. When I heard 'tipbot' I at least thought it would be things of definite value. Tipping something that is worth $0.00 is not really tipping .. or $0.01.  I like the tipbot, but make tips be a dollar minimum or something.

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