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Messages - smiley35

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Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Launch Parties
« on: December 09, 2013, 04:12:53 am »
I'm going to get ID's for myself and my 2 parents, and I'm telling my friends all about Invictus! Gotta have someone to chat with right.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee browser plugin - a must
« on: December 08, 2013, 03:17:46 pm »
I'd like to ask about the future Keyhotee browser extension, in order to allow websites to ask for IDs and signatures to the user.

I suppose there is something in mind, isn't it?

I might be wrong but I believe keyhotee is a browser, paired with secure communications and a wallet.

I would like zee test

General Discussion / Re: Would you trade in ripple if there was a market?
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:24:41 am »
How do I get to see the order book, No mention of a ripple gateway to connect to. All the addresses on the sight yield 0.

BitShares PTS / Re: Coindays Destroyed Chart
« on: December 05, 2013, 07:23:40 am »
This should be a very interesting chart.
It could nullify all the talk about botnets holding most of the shares pretty easily.

How? I understand what Coindays Destroyed measures.


4) There will be many BitShares based chains, not one, and all of them will be 1:1 with ProtoShares

What is meant by 4) above. Are we talking about the different alt currencies that will be pegged to various fiat currencies or commodities (like BitUSD or BitGold)?

No, they're saying that in the future the ratio might be different than 1:1 - So there might be examples where for every 10 PTS you have you get 1 of the new chain (1:10), or for every 1 PTS you have you get 100 of the new chain (100:1).

Things could change with unannounced chains, they're leaving their options open to experiment.

I believe it is actually the opposite. They are saying PTS will always be a 1:1 ratio.

Have a look at Nxt:

Did you get paid to put this here? They are only giving them out to people that "promote" the coin on other forums.

BitShares PTS / Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« on: November 27, 2013, 10:32:19 pm »
Bought a cloud droplet, signed in through my local terminal and ran the command posted in the how to thread, got back a bunch of code that I don't understand. How can I verify that I'm mining?

Colored coins and Mastercoins are essentially add on's to the bitcoin protocol, they function by using the bitcoin blockchain.

Colored coins are stock/bonds that people send/issue through their bitcoin wallets. They represent whatever the issuer decidedness
Mastercoins has a few features such as "savings wallets", and "betting" (futures markets kinda that allow you to hold value at the price of (insert anything).

Protoshares and bitshares are a different ball game. They don't sit on top of the bitcoin blockchain. Protoshares are basically stock in what Invictus innovations does. Any protoshares you own will be forked into the DACs invictus creates. One of these is bitshares, there is a lot going on with bitshares and you can learn about them on this forum, but to dumb it down to a sentence they are tackling some of the same issues as mastercoin but not exactly the same. Bitshares hasn't come out yet so protoshares are the only way to get them right now. Bitshares will pay dividends. If you think about bitshares like a distributed financial services corp that will pay profits back as dividends to bitshare owners.   

To add on to what phoenix is said, don't forget that we are on the verge of decentralized exchanges. Mastercoin, Colored coins, Bitshares itself. Why would we follow bitbtc when we can just look at the value of the real thing.

Marketplace / Re: Dedicated Protoshare Mining Rigs
« on: November 26, 2013, 03:44:42 am »
We have mining rigs that cost $400 each... not good for much else. 

With GPU mining on the horizon you will want to wait until the best GPU algorithms are ready before investing capital there.

Huh, Who is selling dedicated pts miners for $400, where, how are the specs?

BitShares PTS / Re: Protoshare Giveaway
« on: November 26, 2013, 03:05:59 am »

I signed up through the link like 4 or five days ago, I was the one of 3 who didn't pm you, waiting for my paycheck to start mining. I appreciate the handout dude.

General Discussion / Re: Transition from PTS to Bitshares
« on: November 21, 2013, 07:31:28 am »
Oh, I was reading the white paper for bitshares but I must have misunderstood.

General Discussion / Re: Transition from PTS to Bitshares
« on: November 21, 2013, 05:40:37 am »
so for 6 months the supply will be 1.5 mil, meanwhile 5 million reward blocks are just piling up? By the way this is one of the more interesting things ive come across on the internet. thank you bytemaster

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