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Messages - jckj

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 重塑keyid keyhotee bitshares
« on: January 31, 2020, 04:24:40 pm »
keyhotee ID:百度


像 一向以吹牛皮出名的 BSV 和 HC (红烧肉)这种,而连多次判死亡的ETC这种都会暴涨。


像BTS这种5年时间过去了,反而开 倒车的币,真是一 个极度失望的币种,排名从第三 名市值跌到百名开名了,已经无名无份了。没有人愿意购买和持有 投资这种币的。

不错的想法,可惜对于bts/eos等dpos高度畸形的中心化又没有价值 增长点的,可能拉盘嘛?谁来接盘? 为什么不敢拉,你想原来有一点价值的点都被做空了,又过度畸形的中心化,导致价值没有增长点。如果其只存在畸形中心化,那拉盘的人大赚,关键是没有价值增长点,那几个大户也不敢拉啊,小户拉的起来吗?

想见未来欢迎加入:重塑keyid keyhotee bitshares计划

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTS锁仓激励计划(初步方案讨论)
« on: January 01, 2020, 04:21:11 am »

dpos最大的毒瘤,只能存平台的bts,eos就等于完蛋!没有btc的价值增长支撑点。显然也没有当时宣传的各种应用,偏离大家期望了。bts所谓的银行功能,实际只有是做空再空,没有银行应该有的增值能力,放进去只有空。 这也是bts,eos需要改的,或者需要重塑

General Discussion / Re: Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares
« on: December 30, 2019, 05:30:15 am »
Real Threat for btc, bts and bloc chain.
Because it just needs not more than 1e+25 running cycle for Quantum computer solving traditional cryptography in a safe encryption protocol. because its solving methods. It needs not more than 100 running cycles for Quantum computer solving traditional block chain cryptography in byte by byte model model.  The btc system running at the speed of  1e+20 h/s (100Eh/s). If  Quantum computer running at this speed, it just need 1e+5 s (0ne day)  for cracking  encryption codes. It is easy for Quantum computer improving 1000 to 10 G times (1e+29 /s) speed under same Micron Manufacturing Technology。 Those means it is very easy crack the block chain system  encryption protocol  in 1 ms  to one day . It is already not safe for block chain encryption protocol such as btc, bts and etc. now, in my personal idea under up technical situations.

General Discussion / Re: What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc
« on: December 30, 2019, 05:10:43 am »
Quantum-resistant signature schemes exist, and are probably not too difficult to implement, but they generally have much bigger signatures and/or keys than ECC. This would seriously affect TX/s.

well done
 And it just needs not more than 1e+25 running cycle for Quantum computer solving traditional cryptography in a safe encryption protocol. because its solving methods. It needs not more than 100 running cycles for Quantum computer solving traditional block chain cryptography in byte by byte model model.  The btc system running at the speed of  1e+20 h/s (100Eh/s). If  Quantum computer running at this speed, it just need 1e+5 s (0ne day)  for cracking  encryption codes. It is easy for Quantum computer improving 1000 to 10 G times (1e+29 /s) speed under same Micron Manufacturing Technology。 Those means it is very easy crack the block chain system  encryption protocol  in 1 ms  to one day . It is already not safe for block chain encryption protocol such as btc, bts and etc. now, in my personal idea under up technical situations.

General Discussion / Re: BTS the river is flowing into the Ocean?
« on: December 28, 2019, 05:06:39 pm »
Because DPOS model has very big defect. So we are planing Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares, Reinvent new  solutons.
Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares;topicseen#msg340312

General Discussion / Re: What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc
« on: December 28, 2019, 04:59:22 pm »
There are ways to quantum proof a blockchain. It would take a rebuild of the blockchain and the encryption protocol. So one needs to take a step back and look at the underlying encryption. Once that is fixed. One can move on to making new chains. BTS faces a lot of challenges. Quantum is not going to be the thing that sinks BTS.

There are multiple ways to attack a problem. In World War Two, lots of people looked at "Who had the best tank." And the best tank was defined as "the biggest gun, the thickest armour, and the best speed." Generally, the germans did. However, the war was won by who had the biggest economic production, who had the fuel, who had the most people, who had the economic power and who could deliver the sweeping blow. Good tanks, didn't do any good, if you couldn't get them to site. (this is why Germany didn't invade England, they didn't have a way to get tanks across the english channel.) And the Russians had pure mass production of a good tank, and lots of people to get into them. And then there was the whole strategy thing. (Don't fight two super powers.)

So the black swan incident for BTS has been global settlements. It wasn't really intended to happen. BTC's problem is more than one of security. It needs usability, marketing and more. It is not always the big things that kill a crypto currencies. sometimes it is all the little things.

Excellent points, especial for bts. So Bts needs be improved or reinvented to solve its defects such as usability, marketing and more.
But I can't agree with "Quantum is not going to be the thing that sinks BTS". Maybe Quantum Speed is not the Threat, But safe protocol will be a big problem.  It is easily cracking block chain encryption code no more than hundreds running cycle  if they does not follow traditional encryption safe protocol.

General Discussion / Re: Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares
« on: December 27, 2019, 05:42:01 am »
What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc

There is no need to worry about Quantum computer If it running follow traditional method for cracking encryption.
But How can you make sure it will be?
That will be disaster if we use 64 Quantum bit Quantum computer with ability of  8 bit per 1 Quantum bit under the situation that  Quantum computer  does not follow all encryption should test one by one. The may just test if bit 1 is righ ,bit 2 is right, bit is 3 right . .. bit 512 is right, ok, One 64 Quantum bit Quantum computer just need one running cycle is solving the encryption.  So it is easy cracking the encryption.
So is there any solution avoid such teach will be used in traditional computer or cpu system  avoid these thing happens? If There is no solution.  Bts and btc could be cracked in no more than 1024 computer running cycles. So it will not be safer for these systems. More then 1E51 computer running times for avoid cracking encryption is just a ideal dreams.  ??

Is there a solution?

General Discussion / Re: What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc
« on: December 27, 2019, 05:38:19 am »
 No solution...?

最终还是得 重塑keyid keyhotee bitshares 甚至需要重塑btc

General Discussion / Re: What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc
« on: December 23, 2019, 04:23:41 pm »
Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares, mabey include btc:

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 重塑keyid keyhotee bitshares
« on: December 23, 2019, 04:19:38 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 做市/交易大赛第三阶段
« on: December 23, 2019, 04:18:48 pm »
几位努力不错 +5%,加油!

不过我现在不看好bts, btc问题也越来越多了。 计划解决价值,性能,安全等问题,计划引入FIFU等新算法,摈弃中心化区块链,全面采用去中心化技术,重塑bts,甚至是btc ,新的世界。重塑keyid keyhotee bitshares

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 重塑keyid keyhotee bitshares考虑点
« on: December 23, 2019, 04:11:39 pm »
遇到量子计算机,如果是捷径模式,量子计算机只需要1个执行周期就可以破解密码。 BTC BTS的安全岌岌可危
What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc

General Discussion / Re: Reinvent keyid keyhotee bitshares
« on: December 23, 2019, 04:07:13 pm »
What will be Black swan incident for bts and btc

There is no need to worry about Quantum computer If it running follow traditional method for cracking encryption.
But How can you make sure it will be?
That will be disaster if we use 64 Quantum bit Quantum computer with ability of  8 bit per 1 Quantum bit under the situation that  Quantum computer  does not follow all encryption should test one by one. The may just test if bit 1 is righ ,bit 2 is right, bit is 3 right . .. bit 512 is right, ok, One 64 Quantum bit Quantum computer just need one running cycle is solving the encryption.  So it is easy cracking the encryption.
So is there any solution avoid such teach will be used in traditional computer or cpu system  avoid these thing happens? If There is no solution.  Bts and btc could be cracked in no more than 1024 computer running cycles. So it will not be safer for these systems. More then 1E51 computer running times for avoid cracking encryption is just a ideal dreams.  ??

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