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中文 (Chinese) / 测试网新版本 test-6.1.1
« on: November 16, 2022, 06:08:08 am »
测试网新版 test-6.1.1 已发布:

主要修复 test-6.1.0 版本中的ES插件相关问题。

启用了ES插件的 test-6.1.0 版本测试网节点需要升级,其他测试网节点建议升级,但不是必须。

General Discussion / BitShares Testnet release test-6.1.0
« on: November 10, 2022, 07:20:36 pm »
BitShares Testnet release test-6.1.0 with new APIs, improvements to P2P network security, Elastic Search plugin, account history plugin and more.

All Testnet nodes and command-line wallets are recommended to be upgraded.

More info on the release page (release notes, binaries, docker and etc).

中文 (Chinese) / 测试网新版本 test-6.1.0
« on: November 10, 2022, 07:09:57 pm »
测试网新版 test-6.1.0 已发布:

主要包含P2P网络安全性改进、新增API、 ElasticSearch 插件和账户历史插件功能改进等。


2022-09-21 bitCNY parameter adjustment:
* disabled borrowing (temporarily)

Mitigate potential systematic risks due to market volatility.

Current bitCNY parameters:

ICR (Initial collateral ratio) 175%
MCR (Maintenance collateral ratio) 160%
MSSR (Maximum short-squeeze ratio) 105%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 3%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 3%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
Force settlement delay 24 hour
Maximum force settlement volume per hour 0.5%
BSRM (Black swan response method) : individual settlement to fund
Minimum feeds 3
Price feed producers list:
1.2.183     hiquanta
1.2.35248   in.abit
1.2.987999  zapata42-witness
1.2.1031601 btspp-witness

Borrowing is disabled.
Force-settlement is enabled.

2022年9月21日 bitCNY 参数调整:
* 借款功能暂时关闭(不能借、只能还)

缓解近期因 BTS 市场价格大幅波动导致的系统性风险压力

初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 175%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 160%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 105%
爆仓费率 MCFR 3%
强清费率 FSFP 3%
强清价格偏移(强清补偿) FSO 2%
强清延时 24小时
每小时最大强清比例 0.5%
最少有效喂价人数 3
1.2.183     hiquanta
1.2.35248   in.abit
1.2.987999  zapata42-witness
1.2.1031601 btspp-witness


See the Chinese post:

By the way, adjusted price feed parameters of bitSILVER1.0 to be aligned with other 1.0 bitAssets. See the Chinese post:

2022年1月26日 调整部分比特资产参数

bitCNY bitUSD 参数未调整

bitEUR 最少有效喂价人调整为 3 ,市场费率及返佣调整为与 bitCNY 一致,其他不变
初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 160%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 160%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 102%
爆仓费率 MCFR 1%
强清费率 FSFP 1%
强清价格偏移(强清补偿) FSO 1%
强清延时 24小时
每小时最大强清比例 0.5%
市场交易费率 maker 0.08% taker 0.12%
交易费返佣 40%

1.3.118 GBP
1.3.119 JPY
1.3.1325 RUBLE
初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 未设,以喂价为准,目前 175%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 未设,以喂价为准,目前 175%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 未设,以喂价为准,目前 110%
爆仓费率 MCFR 3%
强清费率 FSFP 3%
强清价格偏移(强清补偿) FSO 2%
强清延时 24小时
每小时最大强清比例 0.5%
市场交易费率 maker 0.08% taker 0.12%
交易费返佣 40%

下列已全局清算的曾经热门的资产,参数调整为与 bitUSD 一致(除喂价外):
1.3.103 BTC
1.3.105 SILVER
1.3.106 GOLD
初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 135%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 125%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 105%
爆仓费率 MCFR 3%
强清费率 FSFP 3%
强清价格偏移(强清补偿) FSO 2%
强清延时 24小时
每小时最大强清比例 0.5%
最少有效喂价人数:BTC 2 ,SILVER和GOLD暂时为1,待有更多喂价人开始喂价后修改
市场交易费率 maker 0.08% taker 0.12%
交易费返佣 40%

1.3.102 KRW
1.3.107 TRY
1.3.108 SGD
1.3.109 HKD
1.3.110 RUB
1.3.111 SEK
1.3.112 NZD
1.3.114 MXN
1.3.115 CAD
1.3.116 CHF
1.3.117 AUD
1.3.1017 ARS
初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 未设,以喂价为准,目前 175%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 未设,以喂价为准,目前 175%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 未设,以喂价为准,目前 110%
爆仓费率 MCFR 3%
强清费率 FSFP 0%
强清价格偏移(强清补偿) FSO 0%
强清延时 30 秒
每小时最大强清比例 100%
最少有效喂价人数 2
市场交易费率 0

Update (2022-06-27): this has been fixed in version 6.0.2

This is a translation of the original Chinese post (

On January 22, 2022, the market price of BTS fell, triggering the bitCNY black swan event, and the insolvent debt positions were independently liquidated to the fund pool.

As of the time of publication, the total collateral in the independent liquidation fund pool is 43,755,308.66640 BTS (more than 43 million), and the corresponding debt is 6,257,567.7942 bitCNY (more than 6 million).
The average liquidation price is about 0.143 bitCNY/BTS. The BTS in the pool can be obtained instantly by force-settling bitCNY.

While the price of BTS continued to fall, some insolvent debt positions were not automatically liquidated, which was confirmed as a code BUG after inspection.
At the same time, due to the existence of these unliquidated debt positions, most debt position adjustment operations cannot be completed, no borrowing, no increase or decrease in collateral, and no partial repayment, only full repayment to close the debt position. (It may also be the case that limit orders cannot be matched or filled normally, to be verified)
For a detailed analysis of the problem, see Github issue: .

In response to this problem, the Committee performed a temporary adjustment of the bitCNY parameters at the block height of 65663048, triggering the independent liquidation of the insolvent debt position, allowing the debt position adjustment function to be temporarily restored. The specific parameter adjustment is as follows: first adjust the MCR to 1.599, and then adjust it back to 1.6. Other parameters remain unchanged. The adjustment has no impact on other debt positions.

However, the bug still exists, and if the price of BTS continues to fall, resulting in new insolvent debt positions, the same problem will still occur.
This issue may not be fully fixed until the next major version upgrade (hard fork).

Before the problem is fixed, the Committee's temporary response plan is:
* Regularly adjust the bitCNY parameters to trigger independent liquidation in time
* Currently it is tentatively scheduled to be triggered every 10 minutes, and the time is 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 25 minutes, 35 minutes, 45 minutes, and 55 minutes of each hour. It may be adjusted according to the actual situation in the future.
* The implementation method is to send proposals in batches in advance and complete the approval to ensure that they can be executed regularly. All operations can be verified on chain by checking the committee-account.
* After each independent liquidation is triggered, until a new insolvent debt position appears, the debt position adjustment operation can be carried out normally. Please act in time for accounts that need to adjust their debt positions.
* When the feed price is much higher than the black swan price, the adjustment operation will be suspended because it is unlikely to trigger independent liquidation.

Please be advised that the above.

2022年1月22日, BTS 市场价格下跌,触发 bitCNY 黑天鹅事件,资不抵债的债仓被独立清算至资金池。

截止发文时,独立清算资金池内共计抵押品 43,755,308.66640 BTS (四千三百余万), 对应债务 6,257,567.7942 bitCNY (六百余万)。
平均清算价约 0.143 bitCNY / BTS 。可以通过强清 bitCNY 的方式来即时获取池中的 BTS 。

在 BTS 价格继续下跌的过程中,出现一些资不抵债的债仓没有被自动清算的情况,经检查确认为代码 BUG 。
问题详细分析见 Github issue :

为应对这一问题,理事会在高度为 65663048 的区块执行了临时调整 bitCNY 参数的操作,触发了对资不抵债的债仓的独立清算,使债仓调整功能得以临时恢复。具体的调整参数的操作为:先将 MCR 调低到 1.599 ,再调回为 1.6 。其他参数不变。这一调整对其他债仓没有影响。

但是, BUG 仍然存在,今后如果 BTS 价格继续下跌导致新的资不抵债的债仓产生,仍然会出现同样的问题。

* 定期调整 bitCNY 参数以及时触发独立清算
* 目前暂定为每10分钟触发一次,时间为每个小时的5分、15分、25分、35分、45分、55分,后续可能根据实际情况调整
* 实现方式为提前批量发好提案并完成批准,保证可以定期执行。所有操作在链上可见,详见理事会账户 committee-account 。
* 每次触发独立清算之后,至新的资不抵债的债仓出现前,债仓调整操作可以正常进行。请有需要调整债仓的账户及时操作。
* 当喂价高出黑天鹅价较多时,由于不太可能触发独立清算,会暂停该调整操作。


Reason: promotion.

* Update smartcoin options (asset_update_bitasset_operation): 24.13047 BTS -> 4.82609 BTS
* Update smartcoin producers (asset_update_feed_producers_operation): 24.13047 BTS -> 4.82609 BTS
* Fund asset fee pool (asset_fund_fee_pool_operation): 24.13047 BTS -> 4.82609 BTS

By the way, the following changes were done in 2022-01-21:
* Create a collateralized lending pool (credit_offer_create_operation): 1 BTS -> 0.4826 BTS , size fee per KB: 1 BTS -> 0.4826 BTS
* Update a collateralized lending pool (credit_offer_update_operation): 1 BTS -> 0.09625 BTS , size fee per KB: 1 BTS -> 0.4826 BTS
* Create a no-collateral lending pool (samet_fund_create_operation): 1 BTS -> 0.4826 BTS
* Update a no-collateral lending pool (samet_fund_update_operation): 1 BTS -> 0.09625 BTS

中文 (Chinese) / 2022年1月22日 部分操作手续费下调
« on: January 22, 2022, 10:58:18 pm »

更新智能资产参数操作手续费 asset_update_bitasset_operation 24.13047 BTS -> 4.82609 BTS
更新喂价人操作手续费 asset_update_feed_producers_operation 24.13047 BTS -> 4.82609 BTS
费池充值操作手续费 asset_fund_fee_pool_operation 24.13047 BTS -> 4.82609 BTS

P2P借贷池创建操作手续费 credit_offer_create_operation 1 BTS -> 0.4826 BTS , 交易大小费(每KB) 1 BTS -> 0.4826 BTS
P2P借贷池更新操作手续费 credit_offer_update_operation 1 BTS -> 0.09625 BTS , 交易大小费(每KB) 1 BTS -> 0.4826 BTS
闪电贷池创建操作手续费 samet_fund_create_operation 1 BTS -> 0.4826 BTS
闪电贷池更新操作手续费 samet_fund_update_operation 1 BTS -> 0.09625 BTS

2022年1月13日 bitEUR bitRUBLE 每小时强清上限从0.01%上调至0.5%

2022-01-13 bitAssets parameter adjustments

The Mekong update (BitShares 6.x) is done, migrating to a new model.

bitCNY parameter update:
* ICR reduced from 185% to 175%
* BSRM adjusted from "global settlement" to "individual settlement to fund"
* Remove limitation on maximum supply
* Enable force settlements

bitUSD parameter update:
* ICR reduced from 300% to 135%
* MCR reduced from 150% to 125%
* Disable collateral bidding
* Remove limitation on maximum supply
* Minimum feeds adjusted to 2 so that price feeds will show on GUI normally
* Update price feed producers list
* no update on BSRM because bitUSD is already globally settled. Will update after revived. The revive price is around 0.06 USD/BTS

bitEUR and bitRUBLE:
* BSRM adjusted from "global settlement" to "individual settlement to order"
* Maximum force settlement volume per hour adjusted from 0.01% to 0.5%

Current bitCNY parameters:

ICR (Initial collateral ratio) 175%
MCR (Maintenance collateral ratio) 160%
MSSR (Maximum short-squeeze ratio) 105%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 3%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 3%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
Force settlement delay 24 hour
Maximum force settlement volume per hour 0.5%
BSRM (Black swan response method) : individual settlement to fund
Minimum feeds 3
Price feed producers list:
1.2.183     hiquanta
1.2.35248   in.abit
1.2.987999  zapata42-witness
1.2.1031601 btspp-witness

Borrowing is enabled. No limitation on maximum supply.
Force-settlement is enabled.

Current bitUSD parameters:

ICR (Initial collateral ratio) 135%
MCR (Maintenance collateral ratio) 125%
MSSR (Maximum short-squeeze ratio) 105%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 3%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 3%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
Force settlement delay 24 hour
Maximum force settlement volume per hour 0.5%
BSRM (Black swan response method) : global settlement
Minimum feeds 2
Price feed producers list:
1.2.183     hiquanta
1.2.14035   xn-delegate
1.2.35248   in.abit
1.2.738675  xbtsio-wallet
1.2.987999  zapata42-witness
1.2.1035733 syalon

Borrowing is enabled (but unable to borrow due to global settlement). No limitation on maximum supply.
Force-settlement is enabled.

2022年1月13日 bitUSD 参数调整:
* ICR从300%下调至135%
* ICR从150%下调至125%
* 竞价复活功能关闭
* 债务上限放开
* 最少喂价人 2 人(喂价正常显示,复活价0.06 USD/BTS)
* 更新喂价人清单

 6.0 湄公河版本升级完成,逐步过渡到新的运营模型

初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 135%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 125%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 105%
爆仓费率 MCFR 3%
强清费率 FSFP 3%
强清价格偏移(强清补偿) FSO 2%
强清延时 24小时
每小时最大强清比例 0.5%
最少有效喂价人数 2
1.2.183     hiquanta
1.2.14035   xn-delegate
1.2.35248   in.abit
1.2.738675  xbtsio-wallet
1.2.987999  zapata42-witness
1.2.1035733 syalon


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