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Messages - abit

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The "worker budget per day" parameter is being adjusted to 1 BTS:

As of writing, one worker "BitShares Legal Attorney and Representative 2020" (ID 1.14.248, proposed by "escrow.zavod.premik" has been active for one day and received 3000 BTS.

General Discussion / 2020-10-26 Old bitCNY parameters adjustment
« on: October 26, 2020, 11:39:57 am »
to restore the peg of bitCNY in the long run and mitigate the issue that some debt positions' collateral ratio is too low.

MCR (Maintenance collateral ratio) adjusted from 210% to 220%
Maximum supply adjusted from 25,000,000 to 23,000,000

Current parameters:

ICR (Initial collateral ratio) 315%
MCR (Maintenance collateral ratio) 220%
MSSR (Maximum short-squeeze ratio) 180%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 5%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 1%

The median feed price is 0.22 CNY/BTS.

Borrowing is enabled. The maximum supply is limited to 23,000,000 bitCNY.


* As of writing, market trading price of BTS on CEXs is around 0.126 CNY, the collateral ratio (CR) of the debt position with the lowest CR in the BitShares DEX is 120.2%, the corresponding black swan price is 0.105 CNY.

* the ICR value 315% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 180% for market price 0.126, and the corresponding black swan price is 0.070:
0.22 / 315% = 0.126 / 180% = 0.070

* the MCR value 220% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 126% for market price 0.126, and the corresponding black swan price is 0.100:
0.22 / 220% = 0.126 / 126% = 0.100

* the MSSR value 180% for feed price 0.22 means collateral of low-CR debt positions will be listed for sale at 0.22 / 180% = 0.122 bitCNY
** the MCFR value 5% means the price for buyers' is 0.22 / (180%-5%) = 0.1257143 bitCNY
** 0.122 / 0.126 = 96.8% which means the actual penalty for being margin called is 3.2%

中文 (Chinese) / 2020年10月26日 老bitCNY参数调整
« on: October 26, 2020, 11:36:18 am »
参数调整目的:争取恢复 bitCNY 锚定,缓解部分借款仓位抵押率过低的问题。

维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 从 210% 调整为 220%
债务上限从 2500 万调整为 2300 万

初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 315%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 220%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 180%
爆仓费 MCFR 5%
强清价格偏移 2%
强清费率 1%
喂价 0.22 暂时保持不变

借款功能目前开放,债务上限 2300 万 bitCNY

按目前外盘价0.126算,内盘抵押率最低的债仓的抵押率为 120.2% ,黑天鹅价为 0.105 (注:数据待更新)

计算方法: 0.22 / 315% = 0.126 / 180% = 黑天鹅价 0.070

计算方法: 0.22 / 220% = 0.126 / 126% = 黑天鹅价 0.100

180%的MSSR结合0.22喂价,相当于抵押品最低卖出价为 0.22 / 180% = 0.122
再结合 5% 的MCFR,相当于要吃爆仓单,最低买单价为 0.22 / (180%-5%) = 0.1257143
同时,0.122 / 0.126 = 96.8% ,相当于实际爆仓惩罚为 3.2%

Removing these price feed producers since they haven't provided price feeds.
* sahkan-bitshares
* clockwork

* xn-delegate

General Discussion / Re: bitUSD price feed discussion (blackswan revival)
« on: October 25, 2020, 02:49:02 pm »
Adding these price feed producers who will feed real prices:
* syalon
* hiquanta
* clone
* xn-delegate
* xbtsio-wallet
* nexus01

Removing the following due to outdated feeds:
* clockwork

General Discussion / Re: 2020-10-24 Old bitCNY parameters adjustment
« on: October 24, 2020, 02:27:31 pm »
UPDATE: MCR adjusted to 210%

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 2020年10月24日 老bitCNY参数调整
« on: October 24, 2020, 02:18:17 pm »
更新:MCR 调整为 210%

中文 (Chinese) / Re: AMM池子赋能计划研讨
« on: October 24, 2020, 02:03:24 pm »
空投建议分期做,参考 CNVOTE ,不定期统计、一个月投一次那种。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: AMM池子赋能计划研讨
« on: October 24, 2020, 02:00:03 pm »

内盘玩 BTC 和 USDT 的人和资金相对多点,玩 EOS 的有一些, 玩 ETH 的相对比较少。

所以我个人比较看好 BTS/BTC/EOS/CNY/USDT 之间的交易对和 AMM 池,也会相应的投入一些资金。至于 ETH ,你们先玩玩看,如果热起来,我也可以参与。

另外, CNC 是个很好的补充,可以观察观察。

General Discussion / 2020-10-24 Old bitCNY parameters adjustment
« on: October 24, 2020, 01:45:41 pm »
to restore the peg of bitCNY in the long run and mitigate the issue that some debt positions' collateral ratio is too low.

MCR (Maintenance collateral ratio) adjusted from 195% to 200%, then adjusted to 210%
MSSR (Maximum short-squeeze ratio) adjusted from 151% to 180%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) adjusted from 8% to 5%

Current parameters:

ICR (Initial collateral ratio) 315%
MCR (Maintenance collateral ratio) 210%
MSSR (Maximum short-squeeze ratio) 180%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 5%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 1%

The median feed price is 0.22 CNY/BTS.

Borrowing is enabled. The maximum supply is limited to 25,000,000 bitCNY.


* As of writing, market trading price of BTS on CEXs is around 0.126 CNY, the collateral ratio (CR) of the debt position with the lowest CR in the BitShares DEX is 110.9%, the corresponding black swan price is 0.114 CNY.

* the ICR value 315% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 180% for market price 0.126, and the corresponding black swan price is 0.070:
0.22 / 315% = 0.126 / 180% = 0.070

* the MCR value 210% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 120% for market price 0.126, and the corresponding black swan price is 0.105:
0.22 / 210% = 0.126 / 120% = 0.105

* the MSSR value 180% for feed price 0.22 means collateral of low-CR debt positions will be listed for sale at 0.22 / 180% = 0.122 bitCNY
** the MCFR value 5% means the price for buyers' is 0.22 / (180%-5%) = 0.1257143 bitCNY
** 0.122 / 0.126 = 96.8% which means the actual penalty for being margin called is 3.2%

中文 (Chinese) / 2020年10月24日 老bitCNY参数调整
« on: October 24, 2020, 01:38:41 pm »
参数调整目的:争取恢复 bitCNY 锚定,缓解部分借款仓位抵押率过低的问题。

维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 从 195% 调整为 200% ,后来调整为 210%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 从 151% 调整为 180%
爆仓费 MCFR 从 8% 调整为 5%

初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 315%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 210%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 180%
爆仓费 MCFR 5%
强清价格偏移 2%
强清费率 1%
喂价 0.22 暂时保持不变

借款功能目前开放,债务上限 2500万 bitCNY

按目前外盘价0.126算,内盘抵押率最低的债仓的抵押率为 110.9% ,黑天鹅价为 0.114 (注:数据待更新)

计算方法: 0.22 / 315% = 0.126 / 180% = 黑天鹅价 0.070

计算方法: 0.22 / 210% = 0.126 / 120% = 黑天鹅价 0.105

180%的MSSR结合0.22喂价,相当于抵押品最低卖出价为 0.22 / 180% = 0.122
再结合 5% 的MCFR,相当于要吃爆仓单,最低买单价为 0.22 / (180%-5%) = 0.1257143
同时,0.122 / 0.126 = 96.8% ,相当于实际爆仓惩罚为 3.2%

General Discussion / 2020-10-21 Old bitCNY parameters adjustment
« on: October 21, 2020, 10:59:18 am »
to restore the peg of bitCNY in the long run and mitigate the issue that some debt positions' collateral ratio is too low.

ICR has been adjusted from 295% to 315%
Maximum supply has been adjusted from 28,000,000 to 25,000,000

Current parameters:

ICR (Initial collateral ratio) 315%
MCR (Maintenance collateral ratio) 195%
MSSR (Maximum short-squeeze ratio) 151%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 8%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 1%

The median feed price is 0.22 CNY/BTS.

Borrowing is enabled. The maximum supply is limited to 25,000,000 bitCNY.


* As of writing, market trading price of BTS on CEXs is around 0.122 CNY, the collateral ratio (CR) of the debt position with the lowest CR in the BitShares DEX is 103.7%, the corresponding black swan price is 0.119 CNY.

* the ICR value 315% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 174% for market price 0.122, and the corresponding black swan price is 0.070:
0.22 / 315% = 0.122 / 174% = 0.070

* the MCR value 195% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 108% for market price 0.122, and the corresponding black swan price is 0.113:
0.22 / 195% = 0.122 / 108% = 0.113

* the MSSR value 151% for feed price 0.22 means collateral of low-CR debt positions will be listed for sale at 0.22 / 151% = 0.1457 bitCNY
** the MCFR value 8% means the price for buyers' is 0.22 / (151%-8%) = 0.15385 bitCNY

中文 (Chinese) / 2020年10月21日 老bitCNY参数调整
« on: October 21, 2020, 10:53:12 am »
参数调整目的:争取恢复 bitCNY 锚定,缓解部分借款仓位抵押率过低的问题。

初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 从 295% 调整为 315%
债务上限从 2800 万调整到 2500 万

初始抵押率(抵押线) ICR 315%
维持抵押率(爆仓线) MCR 195%
最大轧空率(爆仓惩罚上限) MSSR 151%
爆仓费 MCFR 8%
强清价格偏移 2%
强清费率 1%
喂价 0.22 暂时保持不变

借款功能目前开放,债务上限 2500万 bitCNY

按目前外盘价0.122算,内盘抵押率最低的债仓的抵押率为 103.7% ,黑天鹅价为 0.119

计算方法: 0.22 / 315% = 0.122 / 174% = 黑天鹅价 0.070

计算方法: 0.22 / 195% = 0.122 / 108% = 黑天鹅价 0.113

151%的MSSR结合0.22喂价,相当于抵押品最低卖出价为 0.22 / 151% = 0.1457
再结合 8% 的MCFR,相当于要吃爆仓单,最低买单价为 0.22 / (151%-8%) = 0.15385

General Discussion / bitUSD price feed discussion (blackswan revival)
« on: October 16, 2020, 08:21:23 pm »
Since bitUSD has been globally settled, and likely won't revive anytime soon, we got some time to discuss how to deal with the price feeds and test new rules without messing up the market.

The global-settlement price was 0.0345 USD, the MCR is 150%, so bitUSD will only revive if median price feed exceeds 0.05175 USD.

The threshold was to prevent some debt positions from being margin called. Since all  debt positions have been closed, IMHO it no longer makes sense to have a threshold, but better start feeding real market price.

Please discuss what to do next.

The price feed producer list of bitUSD has been updated to [clockwork] only who are feeding real market price. The list will be adjusted as the discussion goes on.

Another related thread in Chinese:

中文 (Chinese) / Re: bitUSD 喂价讨论(黑天鹅复活相关)
« on: October 16, 2020, 05:50:38 pm »
目前 bitUSD 喂价人名单已更新,目前只有 clockwork 一个人,因为只有他是按实际价格喂价。


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