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Messages - boombastic

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General Discussion / Re: BTSX 0.4.13 was just posted by DAC Sun
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:05:45 am »
web_wallet language detection is broken, right now it only checks ru, otherwise goes to default en.  German and Chinese are skipped and will not be displayed.

Patch(ba7bf95) has been submitted to BitShares/web_wallet develop branch.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 钱包汉化翻译工作
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:42:23 am »


General Discussion / Re: BTSX 0.4.13-RC1 was just posted by DAC Sun
« on: September 10, 2014, 02:17:02 am »


DAC 委托人 / Re: 中国人和老外委托人圈子的分离
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:18:20 pm »
我觉得主要可能还是语言的关系。建议中国受托人团队至少在英文DAC Delegates版块开一个帖子,介绍下自己,并定期汇报下新的动态。其实中国受托人做了很多事情,尤其在中国的市场推广上有很大作为。让非国语用户知道下,大家都是会认可的。如果语言上有障碍,既然认真做团队了,时不时请人帮忙翻译下问题应该不大,即使有费用也应该不高。

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Thanks for the comprehensive list and recommendation.  mr.agsexplorer is honored to be included.  But I noticed in the blog and the HTML file to download, the delegate account is presented as 'mr.agsexplorer *' which is incorrect.  Can you fix it?  Thanks.

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Technical Support / Re: trying to register new account
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:52:28 pm »
Dot is used for child account.  You need to have parent account registered before you can register child account.  It has nothing to do with registering it as delegate.

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 钱包汉化翻译工作
« on: September 05, 2014, 06:29:51 am »



参考 @jakub 的阐述,做了如下修改,中英文都有调整,全从比特资产的角度描述。

A margin call will be executed any time the lowest ask is less than 110% of the moving average and the lowest ask is more than the call price.
    - the initial call price is 150% of the short price (ie: BTSX 45.00 for a short entered at BTSX 30.00).  This is the price at which 75% of the collateral would be required to buy back the USD necessary to cover the position.
    - If a margin call is executed and there is any collateral left over, then 5% is kept as network fees and 95% is returned to the owner. 
当资产最低卖价上涨到高于强制平仓价,并低于1小时平均成交价110%时,空头仓位将被自动强制平仓。初始强制平仓价(未增加抵押金的情况下)是空头头寸建仓价格的150%(比如,建立空头头寸时价格为BTSX 30,那么强制平仓价格即为 BTSX 45)。即,使用75%的抵押金可以从市场上购回资产以完全平仓的价格。如果平仓后还有剩余抵押金,95%将予以退回,5%将作为手续费支付给网络。

General Discussion / Re: The Market Peg Works!
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:49:51 am »

First I will summarize the rules for BitAsset markets assuming the BTSX : USD market where BTSX is priced in terms of USD.  For the purpose of providing concrete examples, we will assume a median price of $0.03 per BTSX.

1) 51 delegates or more must publish a price feed at least once per day
     - if they do not publish the feed, then the market reverts to a 1hr moving average.
     - if a feed is published, the 1hr moving average is set to the feed.
2) No short orders can be published to the network at a price 11% above the 1 hour moving average. (ie: they must be less than 0.0333)
     - the minimal short quantity is 100 BTSX
3) Short orders will only be matched against asks that are below the moving average. (ie: people must be selling BTSX for less than $0.03)
     - the highest short order is matched first, so a short selling USD at $0.03333 will be matched against someone buying USD at $.02999 and the difference (0.003333) * volume is captured as a fee.
4) A margin call will be executed any time the highest bid is greater than 90% of the moving average and the highest bid is less than the call price.
    - the initial call price is 66% of the short price (ie: $0.022 for a short entered at $.033).  This is the price at which 75% of the collateral would be required to buy back the USD necessary to cover the position.
    - If a margin call is executed and there is any collateral left over, then 5% is kept as network fees and 95% is returned to the owner. 
5) There are no restrictions on what prices people can set for normal BitUSD/BTSX trading.  All parties will receive what they ask for.
6) Rounding errors are inevitable when using fixed point math, any such rounding error is deemed to be a network fee.
    - for example you may place an order to buy $1.00 USD but end up with $0.99999 USD. 
7) The network saves all fees earned in USD and in the event that a short position lacks the necessary collateral to cover during rapid market movements, then the network will provide the stored USD.
8) You cannot use the collateral of your short position to buy the USD necessary to cover the position.  This USD must be purchased separately. 
    - This requirement creates a kind of "virtual collateral" that all shorts must maintain so they can cover for either profit taking or loss prevention.
9) When you partially cover a position it will reduce your exposure, but your collateral is not returned until the position is fully covered. 

I fully agree with the new rules but I find it confusing when we talk about short orders while looking at the market of BTSX being priced in terms of USD. So I've made an attempt to translate the rules into USD/BTSX terms. Maybe some of you will find it useful. The changes are marked in bold. Please correct me if I made any mistakes.

The rules for BitAsset markets assuming the USD/BTSX market where USD is priced in terms of BTSX.  For the purpose of providing concrete examples, we will assume a median price of BTSX 30 per USD.

1.) 51 delegates or more must publish a price feed at least once per day
     - if they do not publish the feed, then the market reverts to a 1hr moving average.
     - if a feed is published, the 1hr moving average is set to the feed.

2.) No short orders can be published to the network at a price below 90% of the 1 hour moving average. (ie: they must be more than BTSX 27.00)
     - the minimal short quantity is 100 BTSX

3.) Short orders will only be matched against bids that are above the moving average. (ie: people must be buying USD for more than BTSX 30.00)
     - the lowest short order is matched first, so a short selling USD at BTSX 27.01 will be matched against someone buying USD at BTSX 30.01 and the difference (BTSX 3.00) * volume is captured as a fee.

4.) A margin call will be executed any time the lowest ask is less than 110% of the moving average and the lowest ask is more than the call price.
    - the initial call price is 150% of the short price (ie: BTSX 45.00 for a short entered at BTSX 30.00).  This is the price at which 75% of the collateral would be required to buy back the USD necessary to cover the position.
    - If a margin call is executed and there is any collateral left over, then 5% is kept as network fees and 95% is returned to the owner. 

5.) There are no restrictions on what prices people can set for normal BitUSD/BTSX trading.  All parties will receive what they ask for.

6.) Rounding errors are inevitable when using fixed point math, any such rounding error is deemed to be a network fee.
    - for example you may place an order to buy $1.00 USD but end up with $0.99999 USD. 

7.) The network saves all fees earned in BTSX and in the event that a short position lacks the necessary collateral to cover during rapid market movements, then the network will provide the stored BTSX.

8.) You cannot use the collateral of your short position to buy the USD necessary to cover the position.  This USD must be purchased separately. 
    - This requirement creates a kind of "virtual collateral" that all shorts must maintain so they can cover for either profit taking or loss prevention.

9.) When you partially cover a position it will reduce your exposure, but your collateral is not returned until the position is fully covered.


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中文 (Chinese) / 钱包汉化翻译工作
« on: September 04, 2014, 09:18:20 am »
@hackfisher 在早些时间对web_wallet网页钱包做了一些基础汉化工作,最近钱包更新频繁,我正在对钱包进行进一步汉化工作。对字典文件结构进行了一些梳理,第一批翻译工作已经完成,提交了代码等待审核并入主库。之后会陆续提交一些不准确、遗漏的条目,并更随界面之后可能的调整一起调整。顺利的话在下一个版本或者下下个版本就可以出来了。



Margin orders will execute automatically when the highest bid falls below the call price and is within 10% of the 1 hour moving average. The call price is the price at which 75% of your collateral is required to buy back the USD owed.  When your position is called your collateral will be used to buy BitUSD and if there is any collateral remaining after the short position is fully covered then 95% will be returned to the short, the remaining 5% will be kept by the network as fees.


有问题的是黑体部分。空头仓位发生爆仓的话,不应该是由于做空的资产价格发生较大幅度上涨引起的么?为什么这里说的是highest bid price falls below ...呢?

General Discussion / BitsharesX sub-forum inaccessible
« on: September 04, 2014, 08:55:54 am »
Suddenly today, I can't visit

I was leaving the page open last night and today I freshed the window, it says
Code: [Select]
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.
I am pretty sure this is the BitsharesX sub-forum.  Is this sub-forum closed or moderator raised user level requirement?

Manually updated price feed for delegates:


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Thanks, very clear.  Non-transferable might be easier to understand.

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