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So its been a bit more than a day, with a disconnection in between, but I feel, I am earning less. I may be totally wrong though as I have not put things on a timer.

I have a question though. I understand the 20 people one car and 10 people one car example given earlier in this thread or somewhere else about smaller pools working in the same way as larger pools in terms of payout as there are fewer workers for the same reward.

But does the number of blocks found make a difference as well? For eg on the larger pool I see a block found every few minutes from various pool members, but on 1GH, I see a block once every few hours or so, maybe sometimes 2 in the same hour, but these are few and far between.

Does this make a difference to payout?
The pool luck is lower than what is statistically justified: at current difficulty and total hashrate it should be finding around 10 blocks per day. But the same goes to, so it looks like the *cough* bigger pool is employing some dirty techniques after all.

MemoryCoin / Re: [ANN] MMC.1GH.COM - CPU/GPU mining
« on: January 16, 2014, 10:51:21 pm »
Well here we go again, every time that user churns up to over 25000 the reject rate on 1gh shoot up to 15% , what a waste of hardware.

Im guessing that user is totally destroying the server with his thousands of connections . :/
What are reject reasons you get?

BitShares PTS / Re: Why is ypool destroying PTS? (70% mined by ypool)
« on: January 16, 2014, 10:34:13 pm »
There is no problem with ypool having 70% of the hash power because they are very limited in what they can do with that hash power.  They can do a Denial of Service or they can attempt a double spend... however, they cannot get away with a double spend because they would have to steal their customers hash power which could not be done in secret. 

This reality is why we can eliminate mining.  If ypool simply signed every block the situation would be the same as it is today.  They could do no more harm nor could they perform a double spend attack.   

Consider this a case study in the reality that the 51% attack is not really a concern.
Or they can get hacked and someone else will double-spend all our money.

No one can double spend *YOUR* money except you.
Well, this is true, I rather meant mined blocks not distributed yet. Which is not possible too if the pool pays out matured blocks immediately, if it does.

BitShares PTS / Re: Why is ypool destroying PTS? (70% mined by ypool)
« on: January 16, 2014, 09:35:14 pm »
It's not that easy, really. How do you think it works? You gain access to the pool server in whatever way and then you just press the big red button? We don't even have standard wallets running and there is no source to be modified or anything. All the attacker will see are just some weird applications running with strange debug output, every intruder will be happy if he is even able to steal some coins.. but even that is not as trivial as you might think. Not on ypool at least.

Security through obscurity is no security.

BitShares PTS / Re: Why is ypool destroying PTS? (70% mined by ypool)
« on: January 16, 2014, 09:15:23 pm »
There is no problem with ypool having 70% of the hash power because they are very limited in what they can do with that hash power.  They can do a Denial of Service or they can attempt a double spend... however, they cannot get away with a double spend because they would have to steal their customers hash power which could not be done in secret. 

This reality is why we can eliminate mining.  If ypool simply signed every block the situation would be the same as it is today.  They could do no more harm nor could they perform a double spend attack.   

Consider this a case study in the reality that the 51% attack is not really a concern.
Or they can get hacked and someone else will double-spend all our money.

 0.10909446 PTS PbFmDH5TqZViVm4TR2e4p9H4DqDYpUKdnN

        N: 11
        Required sigs: 1
        Type: pubkeyhash
        Script pub key (ASM): OP_DUP OP_HASH160 247f819a62f494174688c825977736841d5efc17 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
        Script pub key (hex): 76a914247f819a62f494174688c825977736841d5efc1788ac
And what now?
So your payment is on the blockchain, you need to ask bter support why did this transaction not get credited to your account. I assume they have not updated their wallet yet and this has something to do with recently removed transaction fees.

And coins disappear: 26    2014-01-16 02:55:51 (15 hours ago)    0.10909446    685c25cb614ef564c52cbf362b4f85bd5e0e02ac67bde4759a3b1fd512d99a4b
 went to the bter and nothing came.
Can you find your address here?

BitShares PTS / Re: Why is ypool destroying PTS? (70% mined by ypool)
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:11:20 pm »
The problem is, there is no punishment to having 100% hashrate - noone will jump the ship, nor the value will fall until they violate the rules and do something stupid like attempting double-spend. That is, until they get hacked, and that will be the real disaster.

MemoryCoin / Re: Value of MMC Going down
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:01:01 pm »
Why would anyone try to sell that much at once
To press down the price so he could rebuy cheap. This is what they do on MtGox every day.

MemoryCoin / Re: [ANN] MMC.1GH.COM - CPU/GPU mining
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:54:49 pm »
Im guessing the user on who goes from 25000 down to 5000 depending on hours of day is likely abusing some university ie. At the lowpoint of 5000 its likely all the computers are in use by students and then afterhours he drills all of them at max speed.

Either that or a flaky botnet :)
Or he is chain-hopping with another coin, which is the most rational explanation.

BitShares PTS / Re: GPU Mining and the market price of PTS
« on: January 16, 2014, 10:37:24 am »
And the bounty was a hefty 1BTC..

By long run, do you mean a week, a few weeks, a month?
Several days at least, to let the pool luck average out.

I have been mining on this pool for a few hours now and payouts seem to be very low as compared to where I was mining earlier. I am at around 1000 cpm but I just dont see any returns. Am I reading too much into the numbers?
It only pays out in the long run: the pool is finding blocks rarely due to 95% hashrate being on *cough* another pool. But when it does, you get more.

badbonez - I had that issue when using machine with 8GB of ram but 24 cores.

Currently, this miner requires 1GB of RAM per thread. So what I ended up doing was using
6 threads - which uses 6GB, and then use another miner that only uses 1GB for the other 18 threads.

I see now I have a similar situation.  How do you tell the miner to use 1GB for the other 18 threads?

I used a different optimized miner in the other thread. Alternatively I would suggest if you can get more RAM - try on one machine and see how much it improves.

After all it's MEMORY coin :) It should benefit it! :)

According to my cloud server specs (cat /proc/meminfo and cat/proc/cpuinfo) I have 24 threads and 24GB RAM.  But it does not work if I specify 24 threads, I can only get 12 threads to work.  If I try to run another instance with 12 or fewer threads, it just slows down the entire process, so that I still only get about 11hpm.

I have posted detailed specs here:

Any ideas?
Hyperthreading does not play well with AES-NI.

For example GTX 780 he writes a maximum of 24 warp, but in fact their for her 48
App for check it:
Probably he has done it to avoid register spilling: his kernel could not run 48 threads in a warp on 780 without overusing the register file. Of course it could be in mistake too.

The 1gh miner uses workgroup size that the driver tells it it can use.

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