« on: October 03, 2014, 05:12:33 pm »
Some thoughts after reading the past few pages of this thread:
I think the idea of doing some sort of referral system is very important and should be done. This is very exciting!
I dont think that spending money to inflate the yield on bitUSD is a good use of funds. bitUSD yield should accurately represent the profit that is being made. A referral system is a much better use of funds than this.
If possible, we should try to do this referral plan without diluting BTSX above 2 billion shares. Part of the draw of BTSX as a crypto investment is supposed to be the fixed supply of shares, with shares being burned over time.
How about the following idea:
There are two stages of the referral program funding.
Stage 1: Acquire funding from several sources:
* Ask for community donations of bitUSD or BTSX. Provide some non-monetary status reward? Donated shares will be used to fund the campaign. (Actually, asking for bitUSD donations is better than BTSX. It increases the use of bitUSD and doesnt create downward pressure on the share price)
* For a period of time, all burned delegate payments are instead used for the campaign.
* Use BTSX shares as collateral to create bitUSD, use that for funding (will require some interest payments).
Using this funding, get the referral program going with no inflation. Then assess whether it is working effectively or not.
If it is working, and BTSX value is increasing, perform a small dilution of a known, fixed amount, at a higher share price, to continue the program. It is very important tha everyone knows in advance exactly how much inflation there will be, so we can still say 'there will eventually be a max 2.1 billion BTSX, just as we say for bitcoin that there will be no more than 21 million bitcoins).
Summary: Yes on referral campaign, but hold of on dilution until BTSX increases in price if at all possible, to minimize the size of dilution. Only dilute if necessary, try to fund as much as possible from other sources (profits, donations, shorting bitUSD into existence and spending it).