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Topics - zhangweis

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / JDS (Just Dice Style Shares) Dry Run #1
« on: September 27, 2014, 01:46:26 am »
This dry run is over and dry run #2 is started at

  • shares allocation is planned to distribute like DNS which might be changed later. (20%PTS/20%AGS/10%Dev/50%Delegates
  • 5 sec. block interval
  • 2 blocks to get dice result which averages 7.5 seconds.
  • winning bets adds to shares supply which means all the share holders will pay the cost. losing bets are burnt which means all the share holders share the profit.

build instructions are similar with btsx.


中文 (Chinese) / JustDice风格的骰子DAC提议(JDS)
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:03:49 pm »
昨天晚上翻看Bitshares Dice,没有看到相关的进度。可能他们都忙于BTSX了。不过可能思路不太一样。

2.名字就叫Just Dice Shares (JDS)。从名字可以看出会尽量借鉴JD,另外会保持尽量简单。
3. House Edge - 1%
基本想法是101个delegates,第n个delegate由第n-2个block的secret产生的随机数从top 101个中选一个。之所以选择n-2是为了保证可以提前1个块知道下一个delegate是谁,保证未来可能的网络优化。从101个delegates随机选是为了保证delegates没法作弊。


1 week : clone BTSX的代码,改名为JDS,设置并运行testnet(JDST)。所以这一步只是BTSX的简单拷贝改名。
2 week: 投掷骰子,返回输赢结果并调整总体和dicer余额的cli支持
1 week: 投掷骰子的GUI支持
2 week: GUI重写,简化及优化。简化是去掉市场功能。优化是界面修改,比如使用大字体及移动风格。
2 week:完整GUI,比如my bets, all bets等等。


中文 (Chinese) / bitCNY叫比特元如何?
« on: August 28, 2014, 12:06:07 am »

General Discussion / When will the first BTSX clone start?
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:09:42 pm »
It's another mark of success.  8)

I think it will be cloned in 1 month.

For security reason, I want to set up an (sub) account or active key that can only do market related actions like buying, selling, shorting, covering. Transferring will be disabled for this account and some other account or parent account can do that.

How can I achieve this?

General Discussion / Transaction (amount) display bug in 0.4.4?
« on: August 21, 2014, 06:12:28 pm »
I found my latest transaction was displayed as 501 while it should be something much larger.
It's same for GUI and console "wallet_account_transaction_history".
When I dig deeper into the transaction details, I found that the transaction has 2 withdraw operations. The reported amount 501 is of the last withdraw operation. Now I want to know what amount the receiver will see. I guess it should be fine as there's always 1 deposit operation in the transaction.
For those who have the same issue, I think it's only an issue from sender side and receiver will still see the correct amount.
But it's really annoying to see the incorrect amount in the first glance.
Can someone have a check and fix it in 0.4.5? Thanks.

General Discussion / Bitshares offline wallet (cold storage)?
« on: July 29, 2014, 09:19:32 pm »
How can I protect my private key using similar way of offline wallet without ever exposing private key in any way in online machine/wallet? I guess it can be split in 2 sub-questions.
1. How can I generate a transaction without private key?
I don't know whether it's possible with TITAN. If it's not and I choose to compromise the anonymity, how can I generate the raw transaction on an online machine?
2. How can I sign it on an offline machine?
Is it the same algorithms as bitcoin? If yes, then it's quite easy to sign and for me, I need to sign in javascript as I'm using chromebook as offline machine for even higher security.

中文 (Chinese) / BTS矿池设想
« on: April 30, 2014, 11:47:40 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / DAC化的淘宝(私路3.0?)
« on: April 24, 2014, 02:16:04 am »
1.可以用bitshares insurance保险类似的仲裁人

As the GUI is delayed, I'm interested in a GUI made in pure js.
The benefit:
1. quick
The html+css+js makes it very easy and quick to write GUI. I think I can make a very simple prototype in a week if I can have some spare time as long as JSON-RPC interface is ready.
2. cross platform
Even on mobile platform like ios and android.
3. responsive page design
This makes it look and feel well on different devices.
4. easy
JS is easier than C in my opinion.

DAC PLAY / BOD's votes as feed source for gambling like soccer game
« on: April 14, 2014, 02:07:32 pm »
I think board of delegates can be the source for some event's result as long as the revenue of staying as BOD is bigger than cheating.
The wallet will show recent event's result your delegate votes. In case of cheating, you can vote against the delegate. Some percentage of payout can be used as the incentive for the delegates to vote. Multiple delegates can vote on the same event and split the fee to encourage more delegates vote on the same event.
In this way, we can set up a DAC competing with
Just some rough ideas. Does this make sense?

DAC PLAY / Use bitcoin block hash as source of random number
« on: April 02, 2014, 11:33:21 pm »
If we need some kind of POW for randomness, why not directly use bitcoin blockchain as source of RNG? The random number can be something like the future nth block's hash. As bitcoin mining involves randomness, it's more secure for a random number generation. The block's hash is difficult to find and it will be difficult for a miner to adjust the hash to his will (to win a lottery) even if he has say 51% power. If we carefully choose the way to use the hash(like hashing it to get the result number), it can be very difficult (if not impossible) to control the result of lottery.

Maybe we can even chain the blocks by using the hash as another block's index to make it more difficult but I'm not sure whether this will break the randomness.

The down side is that every node (or at least some nodes) needs to download 2 chains to verify the block. But considering the mining power on bitcoin, I think it's worth to directly use bitcoin chain. To improve this, some nodes may choose bypassing download of bitcoin blockchain by not verifying the random number generation or directly getting hash value from some online services like

KeyID / Bitshare DNS and distributed static site content
« on: March 20, 2014, 02:09:17 am »
With bitshare DNS, we can have a secure p2p network for naming. But if I want to put up some static web content, I still have point of failure risk as I need to point my DNS to an IP address. Some example risks:

. IP address banned.
. Attack on this IP.

Can we set up something backed by torrent and bitshare DNS? Something like twister( and pirate bay plan(

General Discussion / One possible attack to POS mining
« on: March 11, 2014, 03:55:11 am »
Please correct me as I'm not a native speaker and could have some wrong understandings.
Suppose I'm a bad miner, what can I do? I can
1. Exclude some transactions. This doesn't harm much as I can only make few attacks in a short period of time. In fact, you can't even tell whether I'm a bad miner excluding some transactions or I'm a good miner who hasn't received the transactions yet.
2. Roll back some transactions by rolling back some blocks. This is interesting. But how can I do that?
Well, I need some percentage of shares. Let's say I have 10% shares. As the yearly inactivity fees exist, most of shares will have (maybe much) less than 365 coin days. I can easily accumulate my coin days to 50% by not destorying the coin days for 5.x years. Using the coin days I accumulated, I can roll back a large number of blocks. The number can be really large (like 100) as I have 50% of coin days. How many confirmations do you need to feel safe for a transaction? 6, 10? I would say at least 100. Considering I can choose time when large CDD happened one day before and the diversity of the shares, the percentage of shares I need will be much less.

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