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Messages - zhangweis

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 交易App想法及原型
« on: February 18, 2017, 03:44:13 am »

中文 (Chinese) / 交易App想法及原型
« on: February 18, 2017, 03:40:52 am »

总之就是很不像个交易所。所以一个适用于交易用户的App会对以上人群有很大帮助,我花了很短时间做了个原型, 服务器在境外,第一次访问请耐心,未来会打包到App中,就不会有访问的问题了。

The market on bter to get our bitshares withdrawn was severely underpriced.   

However did anyone have bit coin left in bter from before the hack?    Any bitcoin  balance was  accounted for as BTC_B    to be fully compensated to those that got hacked. 

However I logged on today and they apparently refreshed my BTC_B balance to  0.            It was 2.5   and no transfer of funds yet?

Anyone else encounter this?

I hope its just a gliche i sent in a ticket today to get answers.

Thanks guys for any help

BTC_B balance is correct for me.

If we view bts as an exchange company, then we need to make profit from market ordering like 0.1% of the order amount just like most exchanges do. We can get both bitasset and bts from market transaction which can be put in interest pool and distribute like in bts 0.x (where you get interest when you move your bitasset).

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股储备银行放水计划
« on: July 27, 2016, 04:58:17 pm »

1. 已经抵押的BTS在对应bitCNY债务没有结清前不能再用于抵押,所以绝不可能每次可抵押的BTS数量会上升。
2. 这实际类似于M0->M2,按抵押率4倍计算,如果忽略掉价格上升造成抵押物价值上涨的影响,大概可以造1200w/(1-q)=1200w*4/3=1600万bitCNY,考虑价格上升的因素,假设每次推动价格上升50%(实际由于金额快速下降不可能每次都有50%的推升,所以这实际是个很高的估计),大概相当于每次是上次q=1/4*1.5=3/8。1200w/(1-q)=1200w*8/5=1920w。总共能造1920w bitCNY。实际上具体数量并不重要,我们只需要知道这个会越来越少而不是无限的就行。
3. 从来玩钱本身是不会造成财富的增长的。由于这实际是个不断加杠杆的过程,去杠杆的过程会迅速而痛苦。而触发这个去杠杆的过程,只需要价格往下降那么一点点,甚至是上涨没有原来那么快了。那么问题来了,如果到时候触发降杠杆,过程中会产生亏损吗?会由谁来承担?以怎样的方式来承担呢?

首先关于亏损,抵押产生CNY本身应该是不会产生亏损的(按BTS计算),如果CNY持有在手上的话。亏损应该是产生于用CNY购买BTS的过程。因为整个过程中没有主动卖出BTS,只有去杠杆Margin Call会被动卖出BTS,而这时的价格是远远小于买入价格的(大概1/4)。所以整个亏损大概是12y BTS*3/4=9y BTS。如果只是把上述复杂的过程看作融资,简单来说,亏损就是来自于高价购买了BTS而最后被迫低价出售。因为虚高的价格并不能维持。再说白点,就相当于融资炒股坐庄嘛,炒高价格还不出货,就是个傻庄。



General Discussion / Re: JDS(Just Dice Shares) testnet
« on: June 06, 2016, 06:53:26 am »
If this program can be added to Bitshares ,it will be a fee backed asset.
Then ,we can use any UIA to play dice.

Unfortunately, it's based on Lisk not BTS and not possible to read BTS blockchain info.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 重启JDS项目
« on: May 30, 2016, 06:41:09 am »

General Discussion / DCS(DiceShares renamed from JDS) testnet#2
« on: May 24, 2016, 05:02:38 am »
Original test post:,22454.0.html
White Paper:

To join the testnet, you can:
- Directly open on browser with secret "record truth cost animal congress harsh obtain surround puppy rain town exit". Click dices menu item to play dices.
- Setup a node by cloning and follow the instructions.

New features:
- RNG based on DPOS.
- Shuffle on every block so that delegate can only know its position 1 block ahead.
- UI optimization.

General Discussion / Re: JDS(Just Dice Shares) testnet
« on: May 16, 2016, 06:00:53 am »
Very cool .. do you have a whitepaper for this?
A draft white paper is put on google docs for comments.

General Discussion / Re: JDS(Just Dice Shares) testnet
« on: May 16, 2016, 03:40:26 am »
this thing will immediately marked as scam and copy cat of just dice if you keep that name.

Yes, you're right. Will DCS(Dice Shares) be a better name?

General Discussion / Re: JDS(Just Dice Shares) testnet
« on: May 15, 2016, 02:05:51 pm »
Very cool .. do you have a whitepaper for this?
Not yet. I'm working on the RNG part which may contribute to most content of a white paper but I'm not sure whether I can write it in English as I'm not a native speaker.

General Discussion / Re: JDS(Just Dice Shares) testnet
« on: May 15, 2016, 02:02:52 pm »
so if I get this right you're not associated with the actual just-dice site? wtf?
No, I'm not associated with but it's largely inspired by it.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 重启JDS项目
« on: May 15, 2016, 01:52:43 pm »
fork lisk,有什么优势?应用商店的模式也移植过来么?

DICE 很容易让人冲动,是个好游戏。
不会移植dapp那块。最早本来是想直接做成lisk上或以太上的dapp。但是由于随机数生成不受控,所以最后是fork LISK的方案。

中文 (Chinese) / 重启JDS项目
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:19:45 pm »
我现在有比较多的时间可用,所以准备fork LISK代码重启JDS。具体见英文贴,22454.0.html

General Discussion / JDS(Just Dice Shares) testnet
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:16:09 pm »
JDS is a decentralized dice blockchain. The purpose is to dice with generated random number fairly and quickly. All JDS holders will be the house. Players also need JDS to play dices.

Currently JDS is in very early stage and has a testnet running with development of several days. Only the dice transaction and jackpot part is finished and RNG part is not started.
To join the testnet, you can:
- Directly open on browser with secret "record truth cost animal congress harsh obtain surround puppy rain town exit". Click dices menu item to play dices.
- Setup a node by cloning and follow the instructions.

Initial token distribution is not planned yet.

JDS forks LISK which uses DPOS and Nodejs.
 - Consensus algorithm: DPOS
 - Block interval: 5 sec.
 - House edge: 1%
 - Max dice amount: 1% of all JDS
 - Dilution to pay dice payout if player wins
 - Burn dice amount if house wins

Rough plan:
 RNG (1-2 months)
 UI Optimization (1 week)

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