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Messages - Felix

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 需不需要增发,我来算个帐。
« on: November 02, 2014, 03:04:16 pm »



在理!!!   如果跟apple pay合作,完全可以增发!但增发的股份一定要给新人,而不是老人, 是新的delegate!


BM  = Bitch Master, 如果他到中国,站着进来,躺着回去!


BM船长先拿共识做广告 把大伙拉上船
开到中间 开始打劫 修改共识  强行合并  还不准下船!

当初你要是这么说,共识可以改,AGS IS GIFT,PTS要被终结,总量要通胀

 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

But again, after dilution,new bts should be dedicated to new delegates, not to all delegates!The most worrying thing will be,after the presale of music DAC, BM would merge the music shares again by dilution. 

关键是现在的法律是空白,根本不能保护我们中小散户!所以中文qq群有人认为,BM is Bitch Master!

我越来越担心的事情终于发生了!当初,我在英文社区第一个出来反对通过增发来吸收合并ags和pts,如果BM真的为btsx股东考虑,就不应该增发,而是应该用3I公司自己的btsx股份去回购补偿ags/pts持有人!结果没人响应我,英文区有人甚至说,这钱是不能动的,用于3I公司发展和开发的!现在好了,得寸进尺,要求增发来支付delegate 报酬!真是贪婪!如果是真的极大推动bts发展的,我是同意增发的,就像我当时同意merging 一样!但前提,增发出来的bts股份应该给新人,新的delegate !我甚至反对那个把delegate分为两类的做法!我更加担心的是,现在music正在预售中,所以BM为了不影响预售,嘴里面含糊地说,目前不考虑合并music, 我极其怀疑后面,他又要以,为了壮大bts的理由,合并music!BM这个人讲话挺会忽悠,大家一定要注意!增发口子一开,后面就完了!

Non-developing delegates just need to choose a payrate below 3%, and they will inflate less money than is burned through transactions. Then it will be exactly like the old system. In fact, all current delegates will have their payrate changed to 3% so they do not inflate more than is burned.

If we only talk about the low payrate delegates, we know the old system is more self sustained and more similar to a centralized company, delegates get pay from the revenue of the company. However, for new system, even there is no transaction/delegates are not doing anything, delegates still get same pay. It's just not that reasonable.

I am suggesting from the perspective of psychology. The common users don't the math like us. If you want to rebate, look at the current price, then you will understand how common users make their decisions. They accept that their shares are diluted because we need great developers or market promoters to increase the total value of BTS, but they don't accept that delegates are continuously diluting their shares without doing additional work. Remember that BTS is a DAC, a DAC  should cover its operating cost by its revenue, instead of diluting.

The above opinion is the result of a fully discussion among many key Chinese community members, but it's just a proposal that we think is a little better than the current one.

Remember that BTS is a DAC, a DAC  should cover its operating cost by its revenue, instead of diluting.

Good point!Right!

Btswildpig is correct.  Hopefully he will be successful explaining this to the chinese community!

Most chinese understand it well!

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 通胀是否损害了受托人外小股东的利益
« on: November 01, 2014, 04:06:28 pm »
去看看有通胀的币 那个有好下场?


还是这里明白人多!目前来说,坚决反对通胀!如果实在有很牛的组织,团队参与进来,能够有力提升比特股市场地位的,可以考虑增发给他们!但前提是,等vote功能好了以后,全体投票表决! 为了防止大户,分散开恶意投票,还必须想个办法!这帮delegate,如果有了通胀,真是旱涝保收啊!深山野猪,赶快把这边的意见,翻译到英文区!

Have you done the math? My current remuneration for the hours I've spent maintaining a delegate: frequent releases, vps costs and setup, helping other delegates get up and running, maintaining price feeds, etc. Has so far been around $2 a month. At one point during the high price days I almost cleared $4 a month.

If that is greedy than I'm not sure what to say.

Keep in mind this is all open source. If you feel this strongly you can clone the project and make your own DAC with no dilution. The hard part will be finding the staff that'll work for transaction fees.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

If you think you have a big loss as delegate, please give up the delegate position!Ok?I will serve btsx holders for free!
In nature, you donot take the delegate as the honorary role!

Nothing is more dangerous than someone in a financial system who has great power claiming that "he does not need money , just serve the people ".

Because a pure good person like that would have go to the third world country and help the poor people already instead of playing a major role in a financial system .
What you said is nonsense!一派胡言

Have you done the math? My current remuneration for the hours I've spent maintaining a delegate: frequent releases, vps costs and setup, helping other delegates get up and running, maintaining price feeds, etc. Has so far been around $2 a month. At one point during the high price days I almost cleared $4 a month.

If that is greedy than I'm not sure what to say.

Keep in mind this is all open source. If you feel this strongly you can clone the project and make your own DAC with no dilution. The hard part will be finding the staff that'll work for transaction fees.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

If you think you have a big loss as delegate, please give up the delegate position!Ok?I will serve btsx holders for free!
In nature, you donot take the delegate as the honorary role!


NO!! I realize Bitcoin is the 800lb gorilla in the room right now but that may not always be the case. If we are going to enshrine anything it cannot be tied to an existing tech. That just assures BTS' place as a second class citizen.

"Less % than bitcoin" is the marketing version, to sell the idea.

The real version is "50 BTS per block cap".  Nothing in the code about bitcoin.

Do you compare the degree of market acceptance between BTC and BTS? Do you know the gap between BTC price and BTS price?
Do not take minority shareholders as idiots!

To the thread title I have to say: Who is going to pay for all this?

As a campaigning IT delegate I have real expenses. VPS services are not free. DDOS protection is not free. My time is not free.

I can sit on my BTS stash and wait for "them" to do the work but you don't have to go very far up the food chain before you run out of "them" and realize it's either do it yourself or it doesn't get done.

Delegates have already had the transaction costs as remuneration!This is definitely not the reason! Even to accelerate the development of bts system, new bts shares after dilution shall be dedicated to those new delegates (not all delegates). right? But it still leaves the issue about how to estimate the contribution led by new delegates!!! As all such issues are not clear, you, greedy delegate,have began to attempt to robbing the fortune of all shareholders!Shameless! 

I think dilution is already the fairest way to raise funds. Simple donations put donors at a disadvantage where as dilution adds or takes the same value per share for everybody. That means that every stakeholder, despite the amount he holds, is incentivized to vote in such a way that value per share is maximized. One can't harm others without harming oneself and oneself can't gain without letting others gain.

This is no guarantee for good decisions but as already stated you have always the possibility to hedge in- or outside the system.

Nope! dilution for raising funds? dilution for delegates!!! At least, the benefit from dilution shall not be  only for delegates!

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