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Messages - yidaidaxia

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General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: February 02, 2014, 11:54:12 am »

And as I mentioned, I think we need to have the white papers updated before test chain(which might become real) starts.

Today I made more progress on the block generation and validation algorithm.   The wallet has successfully mined a few blocks and the difficulty goes up when there is not enough Proof of Stake. 

Tomorrow I will do the following:
1) Select inputs from your wallet oldest-first so that your transactions can be validated as quickly as possible and contribute the most to securing the chain.
2) Automatically generate transactions to yourself if it will generate enough CDD to reduce the difficulty to the minimum amount.

In response to the question about eliminating mining, I have concluded that ripple-style consensus would have more downsides than straight up POS mining.  Namely, even with 100 nodes people would call it centralized.   I will probably work on a consensus based system in the future, but the POS mining is easier now.

Unlike NXT most of the transactions fees are paid as dividends and only a small portion paid to miners.   Also unlike NXT, everyone is contributing to the security of the network when they make a transaction.

To my understanding, at least in the MVP, the Ripple style consensus and the neural network style positive feedback loop is abandoned. Am I wrong?

If it is true and you have already made the decision, I suppose a more clear and official announcement needs to be made.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 讨论下2.28的BTS X测试链
« on: February 01, 2014, 06:12:45 pm »

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:42:53 pm »
Bytemaster, appreciated for your effort on daily update w/ big progress on Bitshares X development. I'm really excited about it. One question: do you plan to update the white paper of Bitshares or/and POS recently? I think it makes sense to have this 2 documents updated before 2/28 Bitshares X public test/release then people could be clear about what's the detailed mechanism/logic of bitshares system operation. Thanks.

ok :) Why not decentralize this and give a material incentive to the nodes to be nodes? Without an incentive the biggest stakeholders or those with non-material goals would run nodes. But the system itself doesn't guarantee that nodes are run.

What makes you think those with non-material goals wouldn't be making so much more?   If we pay nodes to participate then everyone will want to be on the receiving side which means you need a fixed reward divided among all players.

Lets step back a second and reconsider everything... suppose you did something like this:

1) Use a mining algorithm like momentum where the difficulty is adjusted by square of the coin days destroyed by the block. 
2) Pay a very small percentage of the fees to the miner.
3) If two blocks are found at once, the one with the most CDD wins.

The consequences of this approach are as follows:
1) block times return to 5 minute intervals rather than seconds...
2) if there are no transactions CDD is 0 and difficulty is infinity... therefore variation in transaction volume will have a bigger impact on the difficulty adjustment than adding or removing miners.
3) centralization one block at a time returns... but if you allow everyone's CDD to factor in then someone excluding transactions is unlikely to win.  Thus the network errors on the side of including transactions rather than excluding them.
4) You end up increasing the expenses of operating the network (paying miners) and thus reducing the dividend.

I suspect that the mining reward can be as low as 1% of the transaction fees and it would be enough incentive for many people to mine in the background at some steady state.  Mining will always be profitable because if it were not people would stop mining.

Overall I think I like this... though I lament the performance cost.

This introduces a perverse incentive for nodes not to forward transactions... though I suspect the damage caused by this would be small..

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Dan: Bitshares X earn 5% or more on Ether
« on: February 01, 2014, 02:54:42 pm »

来自我的 HUAWEI P6-T00 上的 Tapatalk

期待。目前市场响应有限,但随着228的接近且官方消息及代码进度越来越靠谱,市场一定会有大波动,尤其228前后,会很有趣。 :D :D

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 大家过年好啊!
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:59:40 pm »

你其实避开了个很实际的问题,BTS的价值是从何而来,凭什么现在4000万美元的筹码今后能凭空涨10倍100倍甚至1000倍。溢价的部分是从何而来。目前有筹码的人80%是投资者。是不会去用Btsx 做资产交易的,今后要交易的人要花大笔资金来购买BTS,这样的经济生态环境合理吗

市场的大小不是这么算的。 假设BTS不再涨价。 就LZ说的这2000W,其实是单次交易的最大额度,但真实交易量大多是由大量的小额交易组成的。假设只有1W个玩家的话, 每个人只交易1000块,但是跟不同的人来回交易10次,这就是1个亿的生意了,假设有10W个用户,交易100次呢?

 所以只要交易活跃,这个市场就会无限大。就算真的想做单次超过2000W的生意,可以分成多次,这样抵押的BTS就可以重复使用了。 而就算有人不想分多次,他必然要收购足够多的BTS,随着他的收购,BTS价格水涨船高,不需要全部收购400W,也已经足够抵押2000W了。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 讨论下2.28的BTS X测试链
« on: January 30, 2014, 06:22:42 pm »

(出处: 巴比特论坛)

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: [翻译贴]BitShares状态更新[1.21更新]
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:53:10 am »

2 月 28 号是比较完整的。二月一号这个是非常粗糙的。二月一号这个也有可能被取消,专注于二月二十八号版本。

Thanks. Also my expectation. Let's wait for bytemaster's response.


So we will just test this feature(BTS X allocated to AGS/PTS) or also including other features of Bitshares X at Feb 28th test?


The last BTC and PTS block on feb 28 th will be used for the snapshot of the bitshares XT blockchain.  This will be the first feature complete test network. 

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To my understanding, it's a feature complete version and we will test and report bugs for all the features.
Cuz, for BTS genesis block allocation only, you don't need a whole test network.
(Or, you can wait for bytemaster himself to confirm this.)


So we will just test this feature(BTS X allocated to AGS/PTS) or also including other features of Bitshares X at Feb 28th test?


The last BTC and PTS block on feb 28 th will be used for the snapshot of the bitshares XT blockchain.  This will be the first feature complete test network. 

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记得之前对此处理解有争论,有人认为这里的"first BTS"是指第一个区块,然后说其实总量不是200万。。虽然不明白这逻辑。也有人争辩说这里的语法指的是第一批提供资金的人。但是first显然理解成修饰BTS比较自然。

然后我看了这个帖子的讨论后觉得比较清楚了。所谓firts BTS是指第一个推出的可支持16种布特资产交易的区块链。

50% of first BTS money supply will be allocated to PTS holders

50% of first BTS money supply will be allocated to AGS holders.





此贴兼作对下文的回答-----PTS: 美丽的泡沫


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