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Messages - itsik78

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MemoryCoin / Re: Team 8 targets at CMO
« on: March 01, 2014, 03:31:41 pm »
fuck off itsik.. clear enough ?

I didn't want stalemate taking this position as it would be very bad for the coin.
1 response is equal 1000 words...
Need I say more? :)
Good luck tomorrow! Still waiting for Seraphim to let me know what he thinks.

MemoryCoin / Re: Team 8 targets at CMO
« on: March 01, 2014, 10:02:08 am »
Hi tomorrow,
Glad to see I have good competition, at last...
I didn't want stalemate taking this position as it would be very bad for the coin.
If seraphim thinks you're good for the coin (he knows you better than I do) I will vote for you as well.

Note that one condition for me voting for you would be to have Robonix as the site admin in your team.

Good luck!

MemoryCoin / Re: Thoughts/Suggestions about the Template
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:57:53 pm »
Thanks for opening this discussion!
It's still a work in progress, but most is already done.
Robonix has done a tremendous job and he's open for comments / suggestions.


MemoryCoin / Re: Support MMC on
« on: February 26, 2014, 08:31:01 pm »
Note that you can vote 10 times every day.
Also, if you renew your IP (easily done on a mobile phone) you can vote again... :)

Very nice!
Thanks for the service.

How come the MMC Wallet and miners are not made available on Freeware sites?

Excellent idea!
I'll get on it for the major sites.

Also it really could do with a introduction to MMC and coin mining for people not as familiar as most people here. I would think it would help drive the coins uptake and growth...
I'm already doing that mainly on BitcoinTalk. We'll give it another push this week.


MemoryCoin / Re: [Android] MemoryCoin Price Ticker Widget & Alerts - Live
« on: February 20, 2014, 10:53:59 pm »
Hi! I just wanted to mention that you are still apparently using the MtGox BTC/USD price for the Android widget; this is clearly nowhere near the true market price for BTC. This morning it says 4 cents for a MMC, but I noticed the Bter price spike and then realized that the market price for MMC is really closer to 15 cents.

Might be worth a fix; I don't know how many people use the widget, but it's grossly misleading at the moment. :)

True :) Already fixed but haven't uploaded it yet. Will do it tomorrow.

I'm liking this app and widget.
Very clean interface and easy to use.
Thanks.  :)
I left 5 stars and a review. 

+ you can now see when was the last time the crawler saw you online.
Please add Max and I'll get a lot of people to use it.

MemoryCoin / Re: [ANN] - GPU,CPU(yam) - The Awesomest Pool!
« on: February 18, 2014, 09:59:18 am »
n00b question!
Can i mine with many "workers" to the same wallet adress?

Yes you can

MemoryCoin / Re: Amazon EC2 Cloud Mining Guide
« on: February 13, 2014, 09:58:50 pm »
That's exactly what I was doing before I sold all my MMC.

However why would you mine if you can just buy the coin cheaper? :)

Also you will not get the same results as the profit calculator suggests.

I spend $4,000 on EC2 spot instances mining MMC.

I would've been better off just buying the coin.

Actually in the beginning it was quite profitable but not anymore.

That's exactly what I was doing before I sold all my MMC.

However why would you mine if you can just buy the coin cheaper? :)

Also you will not get the same results as the profit calculator suggests.

I spend $4,000 on EC2 spot instances mining MMC.

I would've been better off just buying the coin.

Actually in the beginning it was quite profitable but not anymore.

Currently I'm getting better results than the calculator showed me and it is profitable for the 1.5 hours I'm mining.
But I guess it could be luck.
I'm mainly doing it now for about 12 hours with 30 servers for a quick test of profitability.

MemoryCoin / Re: Amazon EC2 Cloud Mining Guide
« on: February 13, 2014, 08:51:02 pm »
This server usually costs around 27 cents per hour.
At this price and current rates it's around break even, but since I believe BTC and MMC will both go up, I'm mining with a few servers.

MemoryCoin / Amazon EC2 Cloud Mining Guide
« on: February 13, 2014, 06:48:33 pm »
Hi there,
I saw a couple of posts asking for this, so I made a quick AMI (Amazon Machine Image) + tutorial for easily mining MMC on Amazon EC2.

Note that it is your own responsibility to calculate the profitability of such mining in relation to the current spot price on Amazon.

1. Login to your AWS management console and choose N.Virginia (usually cheapest), Oregon or N. California

2. Choose "AMIs" from the left side menu.

3. Change the "Owned by me" filter to "Public images" and enter the AMI id according to the region you selected:
N. Virginiaami-0367636a

N. California

4. Verify that you see an AMI called "MemoryCoin Mining Rig" with the corresponding AMI-ID.

5. Right click it and choose "Spot Request".

6. On the left Choose "Compute Optimized" and then on the servers list choose cc2.8xlarge and click "Next: Configure Instance Details"

7. Choose the number of instances you want to run and the maximum price per hour you are willing to pay. To calculate how much you should pay use Agran's profit calculator. This server generates approx. 34 HPM. Also take into account the current low BTC rate and the very low MMC rate that I believe (This is not an advice!) both would go up significantly in the near future.

8. Review and Launch -> Launch.

9. Create a key pair if you don't have one AND SAVE THIS FILE as you will need it to access the server. Mark the "I Acknowledge..." checkbox and choose "Request Spot Instance".

10. "View Spot Requests" and wait for your spot request to be fulfilled.

11. When it is fulfilled you can choose "Instances" from the left side menu and wait a few seconds until the server initializes to see it in the list.

12. Connect to the server either via Putty (after using PuttyGen to convert the key to a .ppk file) or directly in the browser via the Java SSH client Amazon offers or any other SSH client of your choice.

13. Run "top" and you should see yam at the top of the list. If you do, all is well and all that remains is to edit the cfg file with your wallet address and restart the miner. Click ctrl+c to quit top.

14. Run: "sudo nano /yam-mmc.cfg" Enter your wallet address instead of the one appearing in the file (shift+insert is paste in linux).

15. Click Ctrl + O to save the file and then Ctrl + X to quit nano.

16. run top again and note the process number of yam (the number under "PID" on the left. Ctrl + c to quit top.

17. Run "sudo kill -9 <PID>" where <PID> is the process id of yam you've noted on the previous step (for example: "sudo kill -9 720")

18. Now we're all set to start mining! Run: "sudo /etc/init.d/" and note the message that says you can see the progress by looking at "/var/log/mmc-mine.log"

19. You're mining MMCs! As the message says, you can view the ongoing progress by checking the log file. You can do that, for example, by running: "less /var/log/mmc-mine.log" (Click shift+f to view the ongoing log).

20. You can safely quit the SSH window and it will continue mining until your spot request is terminated.

21. (This is what I do and is not an official advice  :P ) Don't sell your newly acquired MMCs for low!!! Keep them to get more value.


MemoryCoin / Re: Guide to Cloud Mining Memory Coin
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:37:12 pm »
I have a couple questions.
I can use AWS (Amazon) is there an easy setup for that service if I choose to go that direction?
I'll create an AMI for that and explain how to use it.

Excellent job CNO team!

MemoryCoin / Re: [JOB] Video Creation
« on: February 12, 2014, 09:30:35 am »
any updates on that?
It's in the oven.
Will be ready in a week.

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