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Messages - ripplexiaoshan

Pages: 1 ... 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 [138] 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 ... 153
中文 (Chinese) / Re: AGS的 交易和转让问题探讨
« on: January 23, 2014, 09:17:04 pm »
貌似只能给整个钱包或者密钥,无法分割。 AGS类似不动产,就像认捐了3I公司的一栋楼之类的意思,算财产,转让可以,但是只能全部转出去。 PTS才是真正的可流通股票

有没有其他的解决方案?比如一个100%premined “agsshares”, 可以让用户导入钱包,然后就可以在新的chain上交易?

如果3I想做这个事的话,技术上肯定是可以实现的,不过至少现在应该是没有这样的打算吧。而且设计AGS的初衷就是要绑定你的投资,不能随意转让和交易吧,否则,不就是另外一个PREMINE100%的PTS了吗。朝令夕改总是不好的。  而且虽然AGS不能交易,但BTS是可以交易的,以后DAC获赠的东西应该也是可以交易的。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Freetrade 的山寨币投资指南 (翻译)
« on: January 23, 2014, 09:09:35 pm »
LZ 翻译的不错。不过作者是MMC的作者,明显是在给MMC做广告吧,当然作者也自己承认了。但是MMC从刚上BTER平台的5块,到现在的1块出头,基本上是一路跌,貌似都没反弹过。。。

The reason is that we have a lot of inflation at the moment, because we are issuing coins very rapidly. 30% issued already. When the block rewards start to get smaller, the price will have the potential to increase very rapidly. It is difficult to say when that will happen - it's market timing.

Well said. As a matter of fact, most of the coins are facing the inflation problem, instead of deflation as amateurs think. If new money does't join in the game, the price of most of the coins will go down, even the block rewards decrease drastically. Not to mention that the flow of new altcoins will continuously have a finger in the pie.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: AGS的 交易和转让问题探讨
« on: January 23, 2014, 08:43:04 pm »
貌似只能给整个钱包或者密钥,无法分割。 AGS类似不动产,就像认捐了3I公司的一栋楼之类的意思,算财产,转让可以,但是只能全部转出去。 PTS才是真正的可流通股票

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 讨点 BTS
« on: January 23, 2014, 04:13:26 am »
bid 的排序是不是反了啊,怎么最大的在上面,看起来怪别扭的

PTS是可以交易的,如果3I发展的好的话(又越来越多大家喜欢的DAC出现),价值肯定是要远高于AGS的,事实也是这样,现在大概已经是1.5以上的比例了。 AGS怎么转让,目前来看确实还不清晰,貌似只能全部转让,而不能拆分,类似房子这种不动产。

Technical Support / Re: no outbox in "my messages"?
« on: January 22, 2014, 03:21:11 pm »
The "sent item" below inbox is actually "outbox"...

中文 (Chinese) / Re: keyhotee 钱包的安全特性
« on: January 22, 2014, 01:05:02 am »
LZ说的很明白了,感谢! 关于COINJOIN,很早之前有人提醒过Bytemaster,不知道他是不是从那儿得到的启发,总之这个是很重要的

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Freetrade 的山寨币投资指南 (翻译)
« on: January 21, 2014, 11:38:47 pm »
LZ 翻译的不错。不过作者是MMC的作者,明显是在给MMC做广告吧,当然作者也自己承认了。但是MMC从刚上BTER平台的5块,到现在的1块出头,基本上是一路跌,貌似都没反弹过。。。

Technical Support / Re: Was I Hacked?
« on: January 21, 2014, 03:30:28 pm »
According to

This wallet received 18.14 pts from  PnP1xTNDi6EnGWSj7BALyobvJ8b3hd7P5d   and PYYn3c3QmLe2R1T3Ps9VriNyQPdKtf8vkZ , I guess at least of them is your wallet address? then all pts went to PZpbAVvD9AhyYAnAXd6BTsfnDJrEoraubx . If you didn't do anything, then your wallet must be hacked. Did you encrypt your wallet?

Technical Support / Re: 0 k/s?
« on: January 21, 2014, 05:59:21 am »
Im using a HD7790-DC2 series. It works just fine with CGminer just not with PTSminer unless I have a config wrong.

there are many miners that support your card, and proved to be very stable, maybe you can give up on CGminer and use these GPU miners:

Technical Support / Re: solo mining is difficulty low enough
« on: January 21, 2014, 05:56:43 am »
Hi Im looking to start mining and cant find any beginners guides I was thinking maybe I should try solo mining but Im not sure its viable or whether I should just stick to pools dont know if it makes much difference but I have a AMD fx 8120 8core! but a link to both miners would be nice sorry to be a pain in the arse

Solo mining is not viable at all, go to or to download the miner and start mining, you'll get your first share very soon!




现在获得的捐赠承诺是都发出去,不发出去有一万张嘴会去质疑。公司的人一样要去挖pts, 去买ags, 怎么成功就退休了?我作为公司外的人,我没看到ags哪里有助于公司的条款。


公司发展再好还没跟你分成果?这么多PTS都是大众开个电脑挖出来的,白给公司未来的股份,不想分享还不简单,做成ripple的样子。或者想MSC, 不花钱的没份。这样还不算分享成果还要怎样?获得捐赠也是用于开发和宣传提高PTS价值,自己不留钱,这样不算分享你还要哪样,把AGS分给你得了。

捐了一些BTC得到一些AGS, 稍微有些不安,感觉3I很多东西没有说清楚, 我想这也是AGS捐赠量下降的原因之一吧, (我说BTC捐赠量, )
希望3I能把AGS的用途说清楚,  AGS捐赠应该只能用于一切和AGS捐赠者有利益的项目上,但好像3I没有这个承诺吧,

3I早就承诺了,所有的AGS捐赠都不是公司获益,而会全部应用于DAC和相关项目的开发。甚至还公开了花费详单的链接,每个人都可以查。 你可以去官网上看一看1月份的NEWS LETTER

PTS has its own website, as posted above. But I think a link should be included  in .


中文 (Chinese) / Re: Bts原理理解及应用实例
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:41:39 pm »

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