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Topics - xiahui135

Pages: 1 [2]
中文 (Chinese) / bts有区块浏览器吗?
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:20:13 pm »
然后想着近期不登陆钱包了,区块链能看到余额就可以了。可是网上百度搜索了下,发现只有一个网站打着bitshare blockchain explorer 的名字,打开之后发现没有根据长地址查询的功能。

General Discussion / possible way to optimize the bts client
« on: January 11, 2015, 02:46:08 am »
The bts client is hard to use on my coputer. Opening the client often leads no response, and once opened i need to download all the blocks Which is useless for me.

I wonder whether can the client just download the  latest blocks for average user.

Let us look at a situation like this:
Average joe want to receive money from another.  Joe firstly want to open the client ,and then watch his/her account credit. 
Now joe have to try to open the client many times, and have to wait a whole day to finally find her credit in the account.

So i think it may be better firstly allow open the client, then load the newest blocks and the higher blocks. The history blockchain may load after those.
I do not know whether the client can be developed like this, or some simpler client has already exist.
If there is some mistakes, please correct me.

中文 (Chinese) / 求教bitshares钱包该怎么用
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:38:26 pm »


hi guys, after several months's reading, I register my fresh and only account.I want to say what I feel.

I feel we more like to encourage people to buy Bts, and make more people become our share holders.
But as you know, only the company those serve their customers well  can create real value and make real money. Serving customers is the guarantee of high price of the share.

I feel Bts is week on serving people and companies.  If BitUSD or BitCNY can be used in real world and help more people, value of BTS share  of course will increase. I wonder the community have too many innovations, but can hardly make and wait one innovation strong enough to serve people.

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