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Job Title:
Translate this text to Deutsch. Compensation: 250BTS!
Job status: CLOSED; FINISHED BY @Frodo
Job Description:
If you FLUENTLY speak Deutsch (Bairisch dialect is preferred), then please translate the text below, and post it here.
Please make sure your spelling is perfect, keep your translated wording as short as possible, your grammar is proper, and any punctuation you use is minimal and perfect. This text will be used in a short explainer video so please keep your sentences short.
Code: [Select]

Cryptocurrencies are the future and BitShares is the company to work with. Secure, stable and decentralized, their Smartcoin products and services allow your business to offer any number of digital currency options such as bitEUR, bitUSD, Bitcoin and many more!

1) Increased Customers = Increased Sales!
2) ZERO chance for Fraud or ID Theft
3) ZERO Chargebacks
4) FAST Payments (transactions in 1 second!)
5) EASY Payments (just scan the QR code)
6) TINY transaction fees (under 3 cents!)
7) Earn Yield on your Balances! (1 to 10%)
8) No volatility with market-pegged Smartcoins (1 bitEUR = 1 EUR)
9) Secure - Your money is cryptographically secured by blockchain technology
10) Your Crypto Coach at BitShares Munich is always available!
Expand your business with Smartcoin technology.
Contact your Crypto Coach at BitShares Munich today!

If *you* can't do it, but can recruit a friend to do it, please coordinate it. I need your help! :o
Job Type: One-Time
Job Compensation: 250 BTS
Job Category: Translation
Job Terms: Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation are imperative.
Once your translation is verified, then the funds will be released to your TITAN from bts:delegate.kencode.
To Apply: Just PM me and let me know you're working on it so I can mention that on this post.
Thank you for your help! :)

Français (French) / Please send this to every French media website!
« on: June 21, 2015, 08:09:35 pm »
Une entreprise Danoise est en passe de révolutionner l’industrie de la crypto-monnaie, la principale plateforme danoise d’échange de crypto-monnaie vient de franchir les derniers obstacles afin de permettre une meilleure compatibilité des crypto-monnaies.
"Nous avons combiné les avantages de la monnaie numérique dont le Bitcoin est le pionnier, avec une comptabilité des principales cartes de crédit ", selon les dires de Ronny Boesing, PDG de" Par le biais du travail effectué, nous avons éliminé la plupart des inconvénients majeurs des deux systèmes. Cet été, les consommateurs pourront bénéficier de l’intégralité des avantages des deux mondes !" 
Entrant dans le vif du sujet, Boesing précise : " Nous sommes maintenant capable d’offrir à notre clientèle une solution unique, homogène et globale combinant, l’argent sur internet, un payement peer-to-peer, et l’instantanéité des transferts de fond vers l’international. Quelqu’un aux antipodes pourra créditer votre carte de crédit dans le temps qu’il faut actuellement pour payer chez votre commerçant de quartier. " 
" C’est comme si votre épargne, vos comptes courants, et votre compte d’exploitation pouvaient être constamment à votre portée de main, accessibles sans aucun délai et partout dans le monde, avec des frais moins importants que ceux pratiqués par les banques commerciales et les sociétés de marché. " 
CCEDK est désormais la première place boursière dans le monde à rendre public ses registres de compte - en utilisant la même philosophie qui a fait de Bitcoin le succès qu’il est aujourd’hui : un journal public dans lequel toutes les transactions sont enregistrées de manière permanente et décentralisée. Concernant les risques et les craintes des utilisateurs, Ronny Boesing se veut rassurant : " Vous n’avez plus à vous inquiéter d’un piratage de notre plateforme, de l’honnêteté de notre fonctionnement interne ou bien encore de la solvabilité de la société. L’ensemble de nos nouveaux comptes formera un registre ouvert et public, vous resterez en possession de vos avoirs constamment alors même qu’ils seront sur notre plateforme d’échange ".
Ceci représente une innovation majeure. Boering énumère les principaux problèmes qui ont été solutionnés afin d’aboutir au système actuel:
La vitesse : Les virements internationaux classiques prennent plusieurs jours dans le système bancaire actuel. Nous vous permettons d’envoyer vos fonds partout à travers la planète en une seconde.
La confiance : Votre argent va directement de votre compte au destinataire, sans intermédiaire qui prend le contrôle de votre argent. Ainsi, CCEDK ne sera pas non plus un intermédiaire.
Flexibilité : Vous pouvez stocker votre argent dans les principales devises nationales et devises numériques. Vous pouvez les convertir en une seule seconde, aussi souvent que vous le souhaitez.
Compatibilité : Vous pouvez dépenser votre argent instantanément partout où les principales cartes de crédit sont acceptées.
Sécurité : Personne ne peut geler, saisir, pirater ou attaquer votre compte. Vous avez toujours le contrôle et votre identité ne pourra être usurpée.
Confidentialité : Uniquement ceux que vous autorisez pourront voir vos comptes. Nos registres sont publics afin d’assurer la transparence, mais vous pourrez garder le vôtre privé.
Rendement : Vous pouvez profiter des meilleurs rendements, le tout avec moins de risques que n’importe quel autre placement.
Stabilité : Nous offrons la stabilité d’une deuxième génération d’actif numérique qui a une volatilité beaucoup plus faible que les premières générations comme le Bitcoin. Nous pouvons désormais par le biais de notre SmarCoins indexer leur valeur sur le Dollar, l’Euro, le Yuan, l’or, l’argent, le Bitcoin et un nombre croissant d’autres devises et matières premières.
Contrats intelligents : Vous pouvez désormais programmer les transactions financières afin qu’elles s’effectuent automatiquement lorsque les conditions convenues préalablement sont remplies. Plus besoin de faire confiance à un intermédiaire, notre système implique uniquement l’accord entre les deux parties. Les paiements récurrents ou bien les éléments clefs de votre testament seront exécutés de cette façon.
Compte avec signature multiple : Vous pourrez partager le contrôle d’un compte avec des amis, la famille ou bien encore un associé.
Personne n’a jamais été en mesure de combiner toutes ces fonctions jusqu’à maintenant. Les gens ont pris l’habitude d’avoir à gérer les problèmes inhérents à un système financier hautement centralisé. Dorénavant, avec la monnaie numérique décentralisée, ceci n’est plus nécessaire. CCEDK combine les avantages et élimine les inconvénients des deux précédents systèmes.
Comment CCEDK a-t-il pu être le pionnier de ce système révolutionnaire ? " Par le biais d’un regroupement et d’un partenariat stratégique" précise Boesing. "Deux des partenaires les plus innovants de l’industrie ont fait équipe avec nous pour réaliser ce que personne n’aurait pu réaliser individuellement ".
"Nous avons commencé par notre propre plateforme d’échange internationale établie au sein de l’Union Européenne au Danemark. Nous avons lancé la structure il y a environ un an. Actuellement, offre la possibilité d’acheter et vendre des options sur les monnaies numériques le tout dans un environnement hautement sécurisé sur la base de l’authentification avec deux facteurs (2FA). Nous mettons à disposition un service clientèle ouvert 24/7 à destination du monde entier. Nous couvrons les cinq continents et 17 langues à ce jour. Par ailleurs, nous offrons la négociation anonyme de plus de 85 paires basées sur : BitUSD , BitEUR , BitCNY , Bitcoin , litecoin , BitShares , NuBits , NuShares , Dogecoin , DASH , Nextcoin , Blackcoin , peercoin et Fimkrypto. " 
"CCEDK a ensuite uni ses forces avec, détenteur d’une licence FOREX, afin d’offrir le service de la carte Nano. Ce partenariat offre des possibilités illimitées, et par conséquent nous sommes vraiment fiers après seulement un an de présence dans le secteur d’avoir l’occasion d’accomplir un impressionnant projet comme celui-ci. Il aboutira peut être à la première véritable carte de crédit crypto 2.0. Ils seront acceptés partout, pas besoin de convaincre les commerçants."
Récemment, a rejoint l’équipe. Ils constituent les développeurs de la deuxième génération de crypto-monnaie connu sous le nom de BitShares. " Ce partenariat nous donne accès plus en profondeur au réseau BitShares 2.0 afin de nous permettre d’effectuer des transactions de manière industrielle, plusieurs milliers de fois plus rapide que le Bitcoin," dit Boesing. "L’utilisation de la plateforme de Bitshares donne ainsi à CCEDK la possibilité de partager ses registres et ses services avec de futures plateformes d’échanges partenaires ainsi que des fournisseurs d’actifs numériques dans l’optique d’atteindre les marchés les plus éloignés. Cela permettra une diminution des commissions ainsi qu’une gamme croissante de produits et de services innovants. " 
Dans cette industrie qui évolue rapidement, le succès repose sur l’effet de réseau. En plaçant leurs registres sur le réseau Bitshares, CCEDK s’assure d’une croissance rapide afin d’être à terme le leader des plateformes d’échange, la plus lucrative et la plus sécurisée de la planète. "Les échanges avec des registres fermés seront menacés d’extinction "  a déclaré Boesing. " Si l’année prochaine, une plateforme d’échange n’est pas incorruptible, transparente, et décentralisée, comme la nôtre, il se pourrait qu’elle ne rivalise plus avec le secteur économique. "

The new BitShares Munich website will also sell POS and CTM's.
I've evaluated a few and I realize none support BitShares or CCEDK yet, but can you name a couple brands that I could approach (such as Revel, Odoo and Bitxatm) with this upgrade/distribution opportunity?
Please and thanx for any names/url's you can recommend...

What's going on?
Lots of 3-letter account names are being registered right now, why?
New accounts last 24h: 26,346 - huh?

OpenLedger / My money went to CCEDK, I traded into BTS and withdrew
« on: June 17, 2015, 09:15:43 am »
My personal Testimony
This, is, AWESOME.
  • I SEPA transferred (IBAN & BIC) some euros into CCEDK.
  • The euros showed up in my account at CCEDK in about 24 hours.
  • I was emailed upon the deposit.
  • I traded some of it into BTS.
  • I initiated a withdrawal to my BTS wallet.
  • It emailed me a hash that I copied/pasted into the withdrawal page.
  • A few seconds later, here it is:

So, if you haven't tried CCEDK yet, get in there now, you'll love it!
My NanoCard should arrive this week too.. I'm going to the (fiat only) coffee shop to spend some some crypto! 8)

Marketplace / Please help me translate the news article on CCEDK!
« on: June 16, 2015, 09:30:21 pm »
This one was so good, I want to blast it out in NINE languages, but this is time sensitive so please help if you can and spread the word too!
This General thread is the best place to get noticed, so please help if you can, we gotta get this out to the world!

Job Title:
Translate this news article text to your language. Compensation: 1,000BTS!
Job status: CLOSED
||||||| ♥♥ PLEASE VOTE ♥♥ ||||||| Open Wallet > Advanced > Console > approve delegate.kencode true ||||||| ♥♥ PLEASE VOTE ♥♥ |||||||
Job Description:
I'm not a paid Delegate yet, but part of my job is bringing Investors. It's very important that we get these news articles translated so they can be published on international websites. We need the text below translated into your language. If you FLUENTLY speak one of the following languages, then please translate the news article text below,
 and email it to me at
LANGUAGES NEEDED: Japanese, German(DONE), Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French(DONE), Indonesian, Arabic, Danish

Code: [Select]

Danish Firm Set to Revolutionize Cryptocurrency Industry, a leading Danish cryptocurrency exchange, has just demolished the final barriers to mainstream acceptance of crypto currencies.
“We have combined the strengths of digital currencies pioneered by Bitcoin with the universal acceptance of major credit cards,” said CEO Ronny Boesing.  “In the process we have eliminated most of the biggest drawbacks of the two systems.  This summer, consumers really can have it all!”
Quickly warming to his topic, Boesing went on to say, “We are now able to offer our customers a single, seamless, integrated solution combining Internet money, peer-to-peer payment, and instant international money transfers.  Someone on the far side of the planet can wire digital currencies to your debit card in the time it takes to swipe that card at your local merchant.”
“It’s like having your savings, checking, and trading accounts in the palm of your hand, accessible from anywhere in the world – at the speed of light – with dramatically lower fees than banks and exchanges have ever been able to offer.”
CCEDK has become the first exchange in the world to make its books completely transparent – using the same public ledger philosophy that made Bitcoin so successful.  “You don’t have to worry about our exchange being hacked or whether it is honest or solvent. Everything about our new accounts will be an open book and you control the keys to your own funds, even while they are on our exchange.”
This is game changing.  Boesing checked off the notoriously hard problems it solves.  It took all ten fingers.
 - Speed.  Wiring money takes many days in the current banking system.  We let you send it anywhere in the world in one second.
 - Trust.  Your money goes directly from you to its destination, no middlemen ever get control of your money.  That includes us.
 - Flexibility.  You can store your money in any mix of the top national and digital currencies.  And you can change that mix in one second, as often as you like.
 - Acceptance.  You can spend your money instantly, anywhere major debit cards are accepted.  We handle the conversions for you.
 - Security.  No one can freeze, seize, hack or attack your wealth.  You are always in control and your identity can never be stolen.
 - Privacy.  Only those you authorize can see your accounts.  We make our ledgers public for transparency, but you can keep yours private.
 - Yield.  You can earn better yields with less risk than any place else in the world.
 - Stability.  We offer stabilized second-generation digital assetss that have much lower volatility than first generation offerings like Bitcoin. Our SmartCoins can track the value of USD, EUR, CNY, Gold, Silver, Bitcoin and a growing number of other currencies and commodities.
 - Smart Contracts.  You can program financial transactions to happen automatically when agreed upon conditions are met.  No need to trust anyone, because our system enforces the agreement for both sides. Program recurring payments or even key parts of your own estate’s will.
 - Multi-Signature Accounts.  Share control over accounts with friends, family, and business associates in a completely accountable way.
Nobody has ever been able to combine all these features in one place until now.  Folks used to have to trade the problems of today’s highly centralized financial system for the problems of the digital currency world.  Not any more.  CCEDK has combined the advantages and eliminated the disadvantages of both systems.
How did CCEDK score this first-of-a-kind coup?  “Strategic teaming,” beamed Boesing, “Two of the most innovative partners in the industry have joined us to achieve what none of us could have done separately.”
“We start with our own EU-based international exchange in Denmark, which went live more than a year ago. offers buy and sell options for digital currencies in a secure environment on the base of two-factor authentication (2FA) with 24/7 worldwide customer support.  We span five continents and 17 languages so far. We offer anonymous trading of some 85+ crypto pairs based on BitUSD, BitEUR, BitCNY, Bitcoin, Litecoin, BitShares, NuBits, NuShares, Dogecoin, DASH, Nextcoin, Blackcoin, Peercoin and Fimkrypto as well as a 50+ Fiat pairs with validation.”
“Next, CCEDK joined forces with licensed Forex participant to offer the NanoCard. This is a partnership with no limitations, and as a result we are really proud after only one year in the industry to have the opportunity to offer an impressive project like this, the crypto currency community's perhaps first true crypto debit card 2.0 provided by NanoCard and banking partners", grinned Boesing.  It will be accepted everywhere – no need to convince merchants to use your favorite cryptocurrency.
Now, has joined the team. They are the developers behind the leading second-generation family of cryptocurrency products known as BitShares.  “This relationship provides us with deeply integrated access to the BitShares 2.0 network allowing industrial grade digital currency transactions several thousand times faster than Bitcoin”, said Boesing.  “Using the BitShares platform also gives CCEDK the ability to share its order books and services with future partner exchanges and digital asset providers to achieve deeper markets, tighter price spreads, and a growing suite of innovative products and services.”
In this rapidly evolving industry, success is all about network effect.  By placing their ledgers on the open BitShares network, CCEDK has positioned itself for rapid growth toward leading the most lucrative and trusted network of exchanges on the planet.  “Exchanges with closed order books are going the way of the dinosaur,” opinoned Boesing.  “Next year, if an exchange is not on an incorruptible, transparent, decentralized, open public ledger like ours, it might not even be in this business.”
If *you* can't do it, but can recruit a friend to do it, please coordinate it. I need your help! :o
Each language on each Chapter pays 1,000BTS each!
See above..
Job Type: One-Time
Job Compensation: 1,000 BTS
Job Category: Translation
Job Terms: Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation are imperative.
Once your translation is verified, then the funds will be released to your TITAN from bts:delegate.kencode.
To Apply: Just PM me and let me know which file you're working on. Thank you for your help! :)

A lot of us will be referring clients, users, government people and others to the Bitshares website.
We need some sort of a prominent legal disclaimer on
1. Something that shows who our "Team" is, ie:
2. A prominent link to our "Terms" in the footer menu at the bottom.
3. A current Copyright in the footer.
4. A simple message that states something like "Bitshares is a registered Virginia corporation and does not give legal or financial advice. Delegates and Workers for Bitshares are paid directly by said company blah blah.."
Once I officially launch the new BitShares Munich DAC, I just know the government will eventually interview us, so I need ALL of our public statements to reflect our intentions and disclaim us. Delegates and Workers need these publicly documented statements for our protection.
Please advise, thanx guys :)

Regarding the NanoCard, one of the things I would like to add to the "Gear" lineup (the new website won't be launched for another month or so) is..
1. Branding - How about a BitShares Munich NanoCard? For a small fee we can upload our logo, graphics and company info. CCEDK prints the cards and drop-ships them directly to our customers.
2. Affiliateship - Sign people up for the NanoCard and get a BTS kickback.
3. Discounts - The more we use the NanoCard, the more third-party points we get. So, if I signup for restaurant discounts, movies or travel miles, those points will accrue every time I use my NanoCard.
4. Cash Back - Every year we get a cash back reward (in BTS of course) for the number of times we used the card (similar to the way Discover does it).

Starting your own Meetup group costs like $25/year and you'll meet hundreds of new people interested in your crypto geekiness (investors, savers, local media, singles, clubs, students, etc).
Referral Rewards anyone??
Please help us bring BitShares to the masses, come on, get listed NOW:

Technical Support / What is the current average blockchain sync time?
« on: June 11, 2015, 02:16:43 pm »
I decided to upgrade yesterday from 0.9.0 to 0.9.2 to alleviate any 2.0 migration issues.
The hard drive is still grinding away and a friend of mine is installing 0.9.2 for the first time. It's been running for a full 24 hours now, any idea how much longer it will take us to sync up? In 0.8.0 and below I was able to sync it up in like 4 hours, but now..?

Random Discussion / Bilderberg 2015
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:52:52 pm »
I was going to cruise down there and give Kissinger the stinky finger, but the stasi has all the roads and trails blocked off for 6 miles around the hotel that they're meeting at this year.
Just google Bilderberg group if you aren't yet aware of these guys:

From their post (
Dear Users,
Regretfully we have to inform you that Comkort ( exchange is ceasing operation. Throughout the whole term of our existence we have strived to deliver an the best possible service for profitable cryptocurrency trading. And yet, the time has come to terminate our service.

In light of these event ALL users have to withdraw their funds before July 19th, 2015 inclusively. July 20th, 2015 we will suspend servers which will deactivate all the wallets and all further withdrawals will be technically impossible.

Trading will be stopped July 1st, 2015 at 18:00 GMT. All active orders will be cancelled.

We kindly ask you to help us spread the news by retweeting our tweet ( and by simply sharing the news, since it will greatly facilitate the transition process.

We thank all of you, who has been with us these past years. We learned through our project, which would not have existed without your support.

The reason for closing is quite simple - the exchange has not been profitable. And NO - we will not sell the source code )

Withdraw and possible issues

During withdraw you can get error. Don't panic. Just let us know creating support ticket and we will fix it.

We wish you all best of luck.

If you're in the Munich area, come one, come all!
I just posted our next meetup, so please RSVP if you can make it 8)

Random Discussion / Charles Hoskinson
« on: June 06, 2015, 01:14:54 pm »
1. Can someone point me to the reasons why Charles is no longer with Dan and Stan? Is there a story posted on this?
2. What is Charles working on now (he says a "better bitshares")?
He hangs with some pretty prominent guys too (, it seems a shame to have lost him, I'd like to read the truth about why he left, or got fired or whatever.
Please and thanx :)

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