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Messages - rnglab

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Openledger / Re: Internationalization of
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:51:56 am »
@ccedk point me to this thread, im able to do the spanish job also im registered at as okae.

Please confirm that everything is fine, thanks!

is all good, did you find in above thread?

testz asked me to add okae as Spanish translator. @okae you are already part of the Openledger translation team on Transifex.

I've also set myself as Spanish Reviewer.

Openledger / Re: Internationalization of
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:46:48 am »
Ok it seems I finished portuguese translation. I dont know why but it appears some random Russian and Spanish strings to translate when they weren't supposed to exist.

Updated again with corrections.

very good akado, did you receive my message about whether you had the interest to translate the affilation articel as well?

It's done already  :)

@cass, can you help Akado, I see no portuguese is yet active on landing page?

@testz @rnglab

Hi, I've just published Portuguese and Turkish translations.

Updated 2 typos I had now.

Openledger / Re: Internationalization of
« on: November 08, 2015, 10:16:19 pm »
Ok it seems I finished portuguese translation. I dont know why but it appears some random Russian and Spanish strings to translate when they weren't supposed to exist.

very good akado, did you receive my message about whether you had the interest to translate the affilation articel as well?

It's done already  :)

@cass, can you help Akado, I see no portuguese is yet active on landing page?

@testz @rnglab

Hi, I've just published Portuguese and Turkish translations.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: ntp version
« on: November 07, 2015, 01:09:02 am »
As Bhuz noted, Ubuntu released the respective security patches:

As well as Debian:

So a package upgrade should be enough.
Don't know why both OSs stay on version 4.2.6 though.

Stakeholder Proposals / ntp version
« on: November 06, 2015, 11:08:58 pm »
ntp packages for debian and ubuntu are seriously outdated.

We should all build last ntp version from source (4.2.8p4).

Code: [Select]
ntpd --version
ntpd 4.2.8p4

General Discussion / Poll: Funding Translations
« on: November 03, 2015, 10:01:37 am »
The main goal of this lead is to start building a team of Language Coordinators with reputable members from this community.

I think this could become a relatively stable part time job for translators and language coordinators at some point. Content will be ever growing. The value added by this service can be wide if done right, and alternatives to make it self-sustaining is not something we lack on BitShares.

More information about our continuous localization platform:

For Graphene User Interfaces:

For websites:,18711.msg240899.html#msg240899

Any advice will be appreciated!

First I want to apologize for the delay, I had to attend to some personal issues for the last two weeks. Everything is back in place now, so let the continuous localization process begin.

Now the good news, Continuous Integration is ready!

User Interface strings and integrated Help contents are now always up to date on Transifex. Also each 100% translated source file on Transifex triggers a commit to the source code, so every completed translation will always be available on subsequent web and light wallet releases.

Thanks to the exemplary work done by bitsacer, who keeps graphene-ui Turkish translation always 100% up to date, we can lively check that this process is working smoothly. Turkish translation is 100% on last light  and web wallets, at OpenLedger for example:  (on the Settings gear, click English to switch language)

Please check detailed instructions at:

Remember we can also translate, and "in context" with the respective Transifex Live projects at


General Discussion / Re: BitShares 2.0.151101 released
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:36:42 am »
rnglab updated

General Discussion / Re: BitShares Whitepaper(s)
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:58:18 pm »
I finally got the first release candidate for the first whitepaper approved by Daniel.
Smore more are in the pipeline and this is how I imagine the set of papers for BitShares 2.0
  • Financial Smart Contract Platform: Description of the core products UIA, MPA and the DEX.
  • Market Engine: Borrowing rules and margin calls. #mpa #borrow #short #margincall #collateral
  • General: The general concept of BitShares. #wallet #network #bts #accounts
  • Structure: BitShares as a business (DAC). #income #cost #profit #feeschedule
  • Growth: Incentives to grow the BitShares ecosystem are described and scalability is address. #referral #approval #lmax
  • Consensus: Addresses the consensus mechanism of the BitShares blockchain. #dpos #tapos #forks
  • History: The history of BitShares #pts #ags #bts0.9 #sharedrops

Any input or assistance is welcome.
Sources will be release when I get the time to clean up the repository.


Excellent work as always, cheers!!!

where can I view the result's of bitcoin's security audit?

They have a full time security auditor:

Sergio Lerner used to be security consultant for BitShares on III times; before becoming Bitcoin core security auditor.
 If we were going for an audit, and if he finds the time to., I think SDL wold be our best option.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 2 Release Coordination Thread
« on: October 21, 2015, 07:53:10 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh & BitShares Road Trip Video Release
« on: October 21, 2015, 08:25:41 am »
The video is excellent guys, thanks. And what it reveals... it moved me.

Glad to see that the human and intellectual warmth on this project is the same that I see on plain text since its beginning (that it was not just my projection), and how it has expanded.

Have to say that I'm admired by the patience and good will with which every storm was surpassed.

Given this rare integrity that makes possible to turn difficulties into knowledge, and the way those leanings are being consolidated, I'm sure that only good things are coming.


Can someone explain how I can push the translation to github ? thanks

I've just created a pull request from your updated translation. Sorry again for the delay, this will be automated soon!

By the way thank you for the constant feedback and the heads by opening issues on Transifex.

Can someone explain how I can push the translation to github ? thanks

Hey bitsaucer! I've briefly explained how to create the pull request a few posts above.

Hi bitsacer, you are doing a great job with Turkish translations.

As soon as I can, and if devs agree, I'll have to set up a server that bridges Transifex and Github because there's a lot of content that the wallet is fetching from github markdown pages. Meanwhile you can download your locale from Transifex and create a pull request for the respective file, in your case

 I check at least once a day if translations are up to date with the last commit and create the pull requests myself. I've been quite busy this week, sorry if there has been any delay.

I'll take your question to provide a general update. I haven't been more detailed  above for two reasons, one is to prevent devs from having to deal with many extra pull requests non related to priority issues, I don't want localization to be an extra effort to them.

The other reason is that now we have LOTS of content to translate from a different source (github markdown help pages). This is a non usual case for software localization as we have a folder structure instead of single locale/po files for each language. I like this approach because the same format can be deployed to web apps,  wikis,  Jekyll ( or sphinx websites ( or ) among other possibilities. Same will be possible with translated content.

Thus I'm happily struggling to bridge github markdown pages with transifex when I have the time.. I've already set up a server that ensures we always have up-to-date translations in Github and that the source text in Transifex resources are kept up-to-date with the text in Github (note for devs: a fork that automatically syncs  from upstream repository).
Just trying some hacks to make Transifex to respect the folder structure on github for each language, it's not a platform intended to manage folders but I've almost got it.

I'll make a more informative and better organized thread as soon as I have updates.

General Discussion / Re: Graphene GUI testing and feedback
« on: October 20, 2015, 06:30:06 pm »
Probably this has already been discussed; most new users would be annoyed to find out they have no access to their accounts from other devices, or perhaps even with no way to get back if the cache from the browser they used to create an account has been cleared, for instance.

I'd  suggest changing the BACKUP BRAINKEY RECOMMENDED for something like BACKUP BRAINKEY ^^^NEEDED^^^. or better making it a mandatory step.

Brainkey generation (or Wallet Management) page should then explain that for security reasons, for users not having to trust on a third party, all they're account keys are managed, encrypted and stored locally in they're browsers. That locking they're accounts is the way to prevent other users on that device to access that account, and specially that creating a backup, Brainkey being the most practical, is the only way to hold possession of that account and to be able to access back from any other device they want. Otherwise, once the browser cache is cleared, recovering access to they're accounts might not be possible.

Something like that but in English :P

what do you think?

Edit: forgot to say it's looking great

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