« on: October 16, 2015, 04:59:20 am »
A few minutes ago a witness asked on Telegram why was he missing blocks. I've found that he was getting negative latency's arround -500ms, asked if hi had ntp installed and he didn't. A minute later (and about 15 minutes after he switched to another node and stoped missing blocks) I missed 3 blocks in a row and witness started showing super high latency's from all witnesses (above 200 seconds??), replayed blockchain and started producing again:
1125246ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72017 time: 2015-10-16T04:18:45 latency: 246 ms from:
holytransaction irreversible: 71988 (-29)
1128179ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72018 time: 2015-10-16T04:18:48 latency: 179 ms from:
init10 irreversible: 71990 (-28)
1131131ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72019 time: 2015-10-16T04:18:51 latency: 131 ms from:
delegate-1.lafona irreversible: 71991 (-28)
1134292ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72020 time: 2015-10-16T04:18:54 latency: 292 ms from:
bitcube irreversible: 71995 (-25)
1137159ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72021 time: 2015-10-16T04:18:57 latency: 159 ms from:
init3 irreversible: 71996 (-25)
1140059ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72022 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:00 latency: 59 ms from: s
pectral irreversible: 71997 (-25)
1143163ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72023 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:03 latency: 163 ms from:
init6 irreversible: 71998 (-25)
1146460ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72024 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:06 latency: 460 ms from:
delegate-clayop irreversible: 71999 (-25)
1149207ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72025 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:09 latency: 206 ms from:
init7 irreversible: 72000 (-25)
1152026ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72026 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:12 latency: 26 ms from: s
partako irreversible: 72001 (-25)
1155266ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72027 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:15 latency: 266 ms from:
delegated-proof-of-steak irreversible: 72002 (-25)
1158043ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72028 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:18 latency: 43 ms from: c
yrano irreversible: 72003 (-25)
1160989ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72029 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:21 latency: -10 ms from: riverhead irreversible: 72004 (-25)
1164001ms th_a witness.cpp:179 block_production_loo ] Generated block #72030 with timestamp 2015-10-16T04:19:24 at time 2015-10-16T04:19:24
1167204ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72031 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:27 latency: 204 ms from: init5 irreversible: 72006 (-25)
1169258ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011944cd05a88b065c97459067e9433cf8a365","00011952892be327107879d8403f9cea3e6a2137","00011959da81c677a2df19da61c6c4aee44f95a4","0001195d1d6ea4375ae4f68399e9df2ed2b61105","0001195f39e0d57cedc4fdca4ad4dfcf585bdd99"]
1170130ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72032 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:30 latency: 130 ms from: delegate-1.lafona irreversible: 72007 (-25)
1173026ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72033 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:33 latency: 26 ms from: bhuz irreversible: 72007 (-26)
1176166ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72034 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:36 latency: 165 ms from: harvey-xts irreversible: 72008 (-26)
1179163ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72035 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:39 latency: 163 ms from: init2 irreversible: 72008 (-27)
1182153ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72036 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:42 latency: 153 ms from: init0 irreversible: 72009 (-27)
1185002ms th_a witness.cpp:179 block_production_loo ] Generated block #72037 with timestamp 2015-10-16T04:19:45 at time 2015-10-16T04:19:45
1188022ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72038 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:48 latency: 22 ms from: mindphlux.witness irreversible: 72010 (-28)
1191282ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72039 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:51 latency: 282 ms from: bitcube irreversible: 72011 (-28)
1194157ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72040 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:54 latency: 157 ms from: init3 irreversible: 72011 (-29)
1197042ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72041 time: 2015-10-16T04:19:57 latency: 42 ms from: cyrano irreversible: 72011 (-30)
1200339ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72042 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:00 latency: 339 ms from: bue irreversible: 72011 (-31)
1203185ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72043 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:03 latency: 185 ms from: init10 irreversible: 72012 (-31)
1206022ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72044 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:06 latency: 22 ms from: wackou irreversible: 72012 (-32)
1209141ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72045 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:09 latency: 141 ms from: mr.agsexplorer irreversible: 72013 (-32)
1496796ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72045 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:09 latency: 287796 ms from: mr.agsexplorer irreversible: 72015 (-30)
1496796ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72045 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:09 latency: 287796 ms from: mr.agsexplorer irreversible: 72015 (-30)
1496796ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72046 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:12 latency: 284796 ms from: riverhead irreversible: 72015 (-31)
1496797ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72047 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:15 latency: 281797 ms from: init4 irreversible: 72015 (-32)
1496797ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72047 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:15 latency: 281797 ms from: init4 irreversible: 72016 (-31)
1496797ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72047 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:15 latency: 281797 ms from: init4 irreversible: 72016 (-31)
1496798ms th_a application.cpp:507 handle_transaction ] Got 1 transactions from network
1496798ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72048 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:18 latency: 278798 ms from: delegate-clayop irreversible: 72016 (-32)
1496799ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72048 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:18 latency: 278799 ms from: delegate-clayop irreversible: 72016 (-32)
1496799ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72048 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:18 latency: 278799 ms from: delegate-clayop irreversible: 72016 (-32)
1496799ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72049 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:21 latency: 275799 ms from: init8 irreversible: 72016 (-33)
1496800ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72049 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:21 latency: 275800 ms from: init8 irreversible: 72017 (-32)
1496800ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72049 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:21 latency: 275800 ms from: init8 irreversible: 72017 (-32)
1496801ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72050 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:24 latency: 272801 ms from: triox-delegate irreversible: 72017 (-33)
1496801ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72051 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:27 latency: 269801 ms from: init6 irreversible: 72022 (-29)
1496802ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72051 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:27 latency: 269802 ms from: init6 irreversible: 72022 (-29)
1496802ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72051 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:27 latency: 269802 ms from: init6 irreversible: 72022 (-29)
1496803ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72052 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:30 latency: 266803 ms from: delegated-proof-of-steak irreversible: 72022 (-30)
1496804ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72053 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:33 latency: 263804 ms from: dele-puppy irreversible: 72022 (-31)
1496805ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72053 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:33 latency: 263805 ms from: dele-puppy irreversible: 72025 (-28)
1496805ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72054 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:36 latency: 260805 ms from: verbaltech2 irreversible: 72025 (-29)
1496806ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72054 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:36 latency: 260806 ms from: verbaltech2 irreversible: 72026 (-28)
1496806ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72054 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:36 latency: 260806 ms from: verbaltech2 irreversible: 72026 (-28)
1496806ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72055 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:39 latency: 257806 ms from: in.abit irreversible: 72026 (-29)
1496807ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72055 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:39 latency: 257807 ms from: in.abit irreversible: 72031 (-24)
1496807ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72055 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:39 latency: 257807 ms from: in.abit irreversible: 72031 (-24)
1496807ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72056 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:42 latency: 254807 ms from: spartako irreversible: 72031 (-25)
1496808ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72056 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:42 latency: 254808 ms from: spartako irreversible: 72032 (-24)
1496808ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72056 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:42 latency: 254808 ms from: spartako irreversible: 72032 (-24)
1496808ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72057 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:45 latency: 251808 ms from: delegate.ihashfury irreversible: 72032 (-25)
1496810ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72058 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:48 latency: 248810 ms from: maqifrnswa irreversible: 72033 (-25)
1496811ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72058 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:48 latency: 248811 ms from: maqifrnswa irreversible: 72034 (-24)
1496811ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72059 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:51 latency: 245811 ms from: roadscape irreversible: 72034 (-25)
1496812ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72059 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:51 latency: 245812 ms from: roadscape irreversible: 72035 (-24)
1496812ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72060 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:54 latency: 242812 ms from: elmato irreversible: 72035 (-25)
1496814ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72060 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:54 latency: 242814 ms from: elmato irreversible: 72036 (-24)
1496814ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72061 time: 2015-10-16T04:20:57 latency: 239814 ms from: fox irreversible: 72036 (-25)
1496815ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72062 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:00 latency: 236815 ms from: holytransaction irreversible: 72037 (-25)
1496816ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72062 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:00 latency: 236816 ms from: holytransaction irreversible: 72038 (-24)
1496816ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72062 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:00 latency: 236816 ms from: holytransaction irreversible: 72038 (-24)
1496817ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72063 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:03 latency: 233817 ms from: xeldal irreversible: 72038 (-25)
1496818ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72064 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:06 latency: 230818 ms from: spectral irreversible: 72039 (-25)
1496819ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72065 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:09 latency: 227819 ms from: init7 irreversible: 72040 (-25)
1496820ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72066 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:12 latency: 224820 ms from: bitcube irreversible: 72041 (-25)
1496821ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72066 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:12 latency: 224821 ms from: bitcube irreversible: 72042 (-24)
1496821ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72067 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:15 latency: 221821 ms from: bhuz irreversible: 72042 (-25)
1496822ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72068 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:18 latency: 218822 ms from: init4 irreversible: 72043 (-25)
1496822ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72068 time: 2015-10-16T04:21:18 latency: 218822 ms from: init4 irreversible: 72043 (-25)
1496830ms th_a websocket_api.cpp:120 on_message ] e.to_detail_string(): 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
!ec: websocket send failed: invalid state
{"msg":"invalid state"}
th_a websocket.cpp:164 send_message
1496830ms th_a database_api.cpp:200 ~database_api_impl ] freeing database api 166198384
1496831ms th_a database_api.cpp:200 ~database_api_impl ] freeing database api 218846336
Produced a few blocks and again, missed another block, high latency's again above 70 sec but this time things came back to normal alone.
huz irreversible: 72427 (-29)
2452531ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011aeb78343c7bbd2c7ab4798208a27da4aad4","00011afa837
2454393ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72457 time: 2015-10-16T04:40:54 latency: 393 ms from:
in.abit irreversible: 72428 (-29)
2457171ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72458 time: 2015-10-16T04:40:57 latency: 170 ms from:
init7 irreversible: 72429 (-29)
2460020ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72459 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:00 latency: 20 ms from: s
partako irreversible: 72430 (-29)
2463039ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72460 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:03 latency: 39 ms from: w
ackou irreversible: 72430 (-30)
2466273ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72461 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:06 latency: 273 ms from:
maqifrnswa irreversible: 72430 (-31)
2469135ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72462 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:09 latency: 135 ms from:
mr.agsexplorer irreversible: 72431 (-31)
2470809ms th_a application.cpp:507 handle_transaction ] Got 1 transactions from network
2472120ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72463 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:12 latency: 120 ms from: init0 irreversible: 72433 (-30)^[[B^[[B
2554005ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72463 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:12 latency: 82005 ms from: init0 irreversible: 72434 (-29)
2554005ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72464 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:15 latency: 79005 ms from: xeldal irreversible: 72434 (-30)
2554006ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72464 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:15 latency: 79006 ms from: xeldal irreversible: 72434 (-30)
2554012ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72465 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:18 latency: 76012 ms from: bue irreversible: 72434 (-31)
2554014ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72465 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:18 latency: 76014 ms from: bue irreversible: 72435 (-30)
2554014ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72465 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:18 latency: 76014 ms from: bue irreversible: 72435 (-30)
2554014ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72465 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:18 latency: 76014 ms from: bue irreversible: 72435 (-30)
2554020ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72466 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:24 latency: 70020 ms from
: harvey-xts irreversible: 72435 (-31)
2554021ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72466 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:24 latency: 70021 ms from
: harvey-xts irreversible: 72435 (-31)
2554022ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72467 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:27 latency: 67022 ms from: init4 irreversible: 72435 (-32)
2554023ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72467 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:27 latency: 67023 ms from: init4 irreversible: 72436 (-31)
2554023ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72468 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:30 latency: 64023 ms from: spectral irreversible: 72436 (-32)
2554025ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72468 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:30 latency: 64025 ms from: spectral irreversible: 72439 (-29)
2554025ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72468 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:30 latency: 64025 ms from: spectral irreversible: 72439 (-29)
2554025ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72469 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:33 latency: 61025 ms from: dele-puppy irreversible: 72439 (-30)
2554026ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72470 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:36 latency: 58026 ms from
2554028ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72471 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:39 latency: 55028 ms from: init3 irreversible: 72441 (-30)
2554035ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72472 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:42 latency: 52035 ms from: init8 irreversible: 72441 (-31)
2554036ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72473 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:45 latency: 49036 ms from: riverhead irreversible: 72443 (-30)
2554038ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72474 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:48 latency: 46038 ms from: init5 irreversible: 72443 (-31)
2554039ms th_a application.cpp:458 handle_block ] Got block: #72475 time: 2015-10-16T04:41:51 latency: 43039 ms from: delegate-1.lafona irreversible: 72446 (-29)
[[B2563531ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011afa837d1e88f1cfeedd86602831a9590572","00011b0be306f248278d8bfc0197490b71fed46e","00011b14920371991c39b89346a7ba38e1ff7d3a","00011b18e99b70aab449c520e2a32b8876ea1b30","00011b1a8c7f9c65faf922cdec51403ad4906d7e","00011b1b640dc038ce0ab632469edcf1d3b65478"]
2563541ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011afa837d1e88f1cfeedd86602831a9590572","00011b0be306f248278d8bfc0197490b71fed46e","00011b14920371991c39b89346a7ba38e1ff7d3a","00011b18e99b70aab449c520e2a32b8876ea1b30","00011b1a8c7f9c65faf922cdec51403ad4906d7e","00011b1b640dc038ce0ab632469edcf1d3b65478"]
2563549ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011afa837d1e88f1cfeedd86602831a9590572","00011b0be306f248278d8bfc0197490b71fed46e","00011b14920371991c39b89346a7ba38e1ff7d3a","00011b18e99b70aab449c520e2a32b8876ea1b30","00011b1a8c7f9c65faf922cdec51403ad4906d7e","00011b1b640dc038ce0ab632469edcf1d3b65478"]
2563558ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011afa837d1e88f1cfeedd86602831a9590572","00011b0be306f248278d8bfc0197490b71fed46e","00011b14920371991c39b89346a7ba38e1ff7d3a","00011b18e99b70aab449c520e2a32b8876ea1b30","00011b1a8c7f9c65faf922cdec51403ad4906d7e","00011b1b640dc038ce0ab632469edcf1d3b65478"]
2563614ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2563616ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2563621ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2563625ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2563678ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2563771ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2563771ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2563795ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2563966ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2564145ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2565061ms th_a application.cpp:778 get_blockchain_synop ] synopsis: ["00011b0d956a01f4b06ecab56e024757167c0cea","00011b1d15be486b5977df8f47f22ec3fe4b2cbf","00011b25829cea17b02b78c6168ca0eee65a724d","00011b2927707acd5e5d0fd6bb4b5f5321c1df5f","00011b2b3e7377c6f75c178587286331461be982","00011b2c3a103e5a3d35cd6dcaace58b1e5d3308"]
2565231ms th_a application.cpp:507 handle_transaction ] Got 1 transactions from network
2565345ms th_a application.cpp:458
any clue?