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Messages - lzr1900

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9
Technical Support / Re: too many keys,i can't import.
« on: October 15, 2015, 12:49:00 am »
i use mac.that was too difficult forme

I've heard someone with 40k keys say that if you just wait a long time (leave it running over night), it will works.
Also, try Firefox instead of Safari. Someone else posted that they couldn't import 20k keys using Safari but could using Firefox.
:'( I wait almost 24 h,still spinning ..

Technical Support / Re: too many keys,i can't import.
« on: October 15, 2015, 12:25:48 am »
i use mac.that was too difficult forme

Technical Support / too many keys,i can't import.
« on: October 15, 2015, 12:07:38 am »
I have 30k keys in my 1.0 wallet,I wait for almost a day!still can not import.
What can i do????

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: October 14, 2015, 11:40:09 pm »
this is crazy!

Technical Support / Re: If i only have my private key...
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:16:14 am »
but i import my private keys,it shows i have no balance in it,whats wrong??

Technical Support / If i only have my private key...
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:31:02 pm »
If i only have my private keys of my account,can i claim my shares in 2.0?

General Discussion / Re: The Final Countdown!
« on: October 13, 2015, 01:01:45 pm »
2.0!!!!!!! +5%

General Discussion / Re: Testnet Light Wallets for Mac & Windows
« on: October 06, 2015, 10:53:26 am »
so many bugs

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Back from Boston
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:41:40 am »
time to pump some note

Is gemstone still related to BitShares?

They moved to NXT because their technical advisor recommended it.  I suspect that he held a good few NXT though personally.
So,this announcement dead too?
what a joke.


Truly, I learn something new every day. From the Urban Dictionary:


Meant to be used to substitute the word "loser". Not to be confused with "laser".

Example: Paul is a stupid person. However, Kimberly does not think he is a lzr.
侮辱 呵呵


As the original press release stated, they plan a "Part 2"  later this month. 
I just want to know where the Part 2 is.

So do I.  :)

I spent 90 minutes on the phone with their CEO a few nights ago and I know he still has multiple big plans involving BitShares.  Like most people, he will announce things when he has his ducks in a row.

It‘s been a long wait.

Depends on your time scale, but yes.  They've run into some unfortunate disruptions that they are working to recover from.  Stuff happens.

I've talked to their CEO several times this week.   Still excited about what he's got planned, but it's not the same plan he had in June.  I'd say they have slipped a number of months at this point.  Check back in 1Q16.
First in June2015,now 1Q16… hehehe.
so many hypes.I would say the summer announcement about this was overhype.

慾火重生 :D

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: October 04, 2015, 02:12:49 am »
result oriented the best strategy was:
instead of removing our sell orders (or moving them higher)
adding buy orders much lower !!!

Grats to whoever had buy orders ready on the orderbook  ;)

If people had added a bunch of buy orders this never would have happened.  It was the lack of sufficient buy orders on the books that caused it.

That and the fact that cagara had 250 btc left and every long was completely tapped out.

I did my part.

Big Fat Liar!

the order is 2h old
We will see.


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