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General Discussion / Re: sidechains and trustless gateways
« on: August 01, 2017, 05:01:55 pm »
Sidechains (2 way peg) would be excellent, however wouldn't it potentially make EBAs redundant?

I think it'd be far less politically controversial to sidechain with eos than to migrate/merge BTS into/onto EOS.

Highly unlikely the user will see the message here, your best bet is to send another very small transaction with a memo (direct message to their bitshares account)

please check roadmap for the open source explorer finally released!

and TODO list for version 1:

Great work oxarbitrage! Your roadmap references full time work for two weeks, not worth throwing together a worker proposal to cover expenses/time?

Keep it up :)

Will the landing page go directly to the form, or will there be a description of Bitshares itself and links to the BTS community/services on the landing page?

"Bitcoin United Offers 3 Second Confirmations & 10,000 Transactions Per Second On August 1" - HuffingtonPost

Ok, so with regards to BTCI (Bitcoin Instant), a realistic goal is to take a snapshot of the Bitcoin blockchain prior to the 1st Aug deadline (where it may fork into 2 or 3+ blockchains). We have performed snapshots against bitcoin and protoshares in the past for Bitshares, so this isn't an insane task to complete in 10 days.

It was proposed that the genesis.json file could be modified to include the sharedrop of the 'BTCI/BTC4' UIA against external BTC holders (mandatory witness upgrade).

General Discussion / Re: Subsidizing Market Liquidity
« on: July 19, 2017, 03:45:49 pm »

What do you think of performing manual UIA sharedrops against participants in fill orders for MPA on the BTS DEX?

I'm thinking of taking the list of an MPA's asset holders, then grabbing each of these user's trading history for the last month, then filter for fill orders & evaluate their market making participation for sharedrop issuance.. should we only be incentivizing fill orders or should we also consider incentivizing collateral?

General Discussion / Re: HERTZ - Oscillating Formula Based Asset
« on: July 19, 2017, 03:38:30 pm »
Users mentioned concerns regarding the peak and trough phases of a HERTZ token, specifically that at the peak there would be overwhelming selling/settling pressure (less buy pressure) and that during the trough there would be overwhelming buying pressure (why sell when it's going up?).

To combat these moments of market imbalance, we could potentially utilize BSIP's 19/20 (MPA/UIA dividends) to incentivize the purchase of HERTZ at the peak and the sale of HERTZ during the trough.

What do you think? Dividends for providing market making?

For BTS-1.0 BM had put up a bounty for creating a snapshot from the PTS chain.
IIRC there were at least two winning submissions, one of which was mine. I don't think my implementation from back then would scale to today's BTC chain, though.
I'm sure there are better ways today. Basically, you need a snapshot of BTC's UTXO database at a specific point in time.
The only research have found thus far is this paper:

Do you have a link to these previous discussions of a bounty and the submissions? Would be an interesting read, thanks.

Whilst the 1st Aug deadline is quite a close deadline, we could perform the snapshot by this period (performed previously) then figure out the UIA distribution mechanism later on (many sharedrops perform their distribution months after the snapshot has taken place).

My original post was in reference to a new graphene chain's initial base asset distribution where as Stan's idea is to take a snapshot of an external blockchain as the basis of an UIA's distribution within the BTS network. Both ideas have a common issue that the documentation regarding external blockchain snapshot & distribution mechanisms are lacking, this can however change as we have a functioning worker proposal mechanism with a large reserve fund pool & offers of bounties being placed on Stan's idea.

Would anyone be up for the task? Or do you have input on the ideas in general?

Had a very relevant discussion in the Bitshares Telegram group chat today:

All hands on deck.  There are now three forks to bitcoin.  Why not have four?   Lets sharedrop a bitcoin UIA on the DEX.  Who can write the code to hand them out to all BTC addresses on August 1.
I might do a bounty to someone who can credibly make it happen. (I might pay the cost of doing it, if it's feasible in the time we have.)
The problem is generating a bitshares account for every bitcoin account.
People would have to create an account and prove they had  bitcoin on Aug 1.
So it might work like claiming angel shares.
Well, you are likely to get matching shares in every chain for every BTC you hold on that date.
Then they will diverge in value.
Bitcoin is replacing itself with several clones.
Altcoins in every sense.

What about an intermediary graphene chain for performing the snapshot/sharedrop (inc free account registration) then import the keys to bitshares through some kind of one-way sidechain?

Did the initial distribution of BTS (from protoshares) require the distributor to create accounts in advance?

No.  Just import your BTC keys into any account you like.

In which case, they wouldn't need a bitshares account prior to the snapshot, they could just import their BTC private keys at their discretion later on

Ok, so we can declare the snapshot date and promote it immediately - the code to import your bitcoin wallet and claim your shares can be developed in parallel and released when ready.

Relevant links:

Next task, that I think I should look at, is to look at price feeds.

Are there any assets that needs extra witnesses running price feeds?
As a non-block producing witness so far it doesn't make any sense for me to start publishing price feeds for anything, if I've understood this correct.
I might start to publish some feeds, just for the sake of it, but I need to set up a good price-feed script for that.

Anyhow, if anyone thinks I should post any specific price feeds, just give me a shout out here or on the Whaleshares Discord or Team Gridcoin Slack channels as I'm always in either of them.
Perhaps HERO, ALTCAP.XDR and HERTZ (in the future)? There are MPAs which accept price feeds from non-wittness/committee users, however you may need to request permission to do so.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares platform ready for August 1
« on: July 19, 2017, 02:14:04 pm »

I would like to ask if bitshares ready for BIP148 rather I should say, is bitshares support the BIP148 that is happening soon...

Bitshares is certainly ready to replace Bitcoin as the #1 cryptocurrency, sure.

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