General Discussion / Re: The fact about bitshares when 1 PTS only worth 0.006 BTC. And the reason?
« on: June 02, 2014, 10:07:02 pm »Development has never been happening faster than it has these past few weeks and we have more developers coming on line in the next 3 weeks.I remember the Mastercoin guys saying exactly the same stuff about three months ago. Since then, they are still incredibly slow and have underdeliver.
I would suggest that the biggest thing that slows down development early on is getting the basic framework in place and communicating the ideas. You cannot exactly bring in the painters, electricians, roofers, and plumbers on the same day you show up to dig the foundation.
We have been through most of the hard part and getting people up to speed while everyone lives in different places is very challenging. We now all work in one location and it has greatly enhanced throughput.
Just look at the github logs at the number of people and frequency of commits.
It's a scary thought to think that the development could be slower. The speed of development is not a source of satisfaction for me when today there is still no working product.