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Messages - betax

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I vote up as I did not know about Keyhotee then, just let me know if it goes ahead.

Marketplace / Re: 200 PTS - Bounty Rules and Procedures Document
« on: January 09, 2014, 06:19:17 am »
There is lots of Risk here both for the delivery person / company and for yourself and myself as an small investor. The bounties I have seen differ significantly in price (a new website, no idea what I want), json ticker and infographics, there is no measurement of work / plan for each actual bounty. Mainly I have lots of spare money (pts), give me something quick, I don't know how to price it but I will give you what I consider what is fair considering the risk you take.

I believe you need a clear and granular road map, and you should focus on very small bounties, each bounty should be rewarded for the completed work of week maximum, ideally a couple of days to reduce the risk for both parties.

You should borrow from agile methodologies, and match each bounty to a task in an iteration. For example building a website has many tasks and iterations, this should drive both collaboration between the people delivering the bounties plus also reduce the risk of knowledge management and key dependencies.

The owner of a particular work stream should publish the work required 2 weeks in advance to get the required people involved, ideally if you manage to get a team of 10 (ie developers) the work will be delivered by the same team with what I assume with a constant turnover of 2 people.

To cut the story short, small tasks, quick delivery, self organising teams, clear road map and most important good requirements for each iteration. Most important an iteration can be just a "mock up" of something to get good ideas of a requirement.

Hopefully it gives you some ideas or most probably I am just preaching to the choir. :)

make sure you have the paths set

export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-5.5/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


If you want to check it out in AWS try ami-c4bfd9f4 in Oregon.

sudo nano -w /etc/rc.local

to change start up.

 /bin/screen -dmS miner2 bash -c 'until /home/ubuntu/cudapts/src/cudapts <youraddress> 0, 1  && false; do echo "Error, restarting...";done'

this points at beeer as per hardcoded in code

and change yam.cfg in /home/ubuntu for your ypool cpu mining

on start sudo su to see your miners

screen -r miner1
screen -r miner2

This is enough for proof of work :)

If you like this please buy me a beer


Excellent thanks!

Got it working in an ubuntu instance but only getting 540 c/m “Kepler” GK104 / obviously I am doing something wrong

ryen what OS? and care to provide steps? thanks

Hi in CentOs 6 you will need to:

Install Yasm:

The dependency of osfinder is here:

chmod +x   

And finally install Cuda

I am installing now Cuda.. I will let you know hot it goes.



Technical Support / Re: Creating a genesis block using PTS as a model
« on: January 08, 2014, 06:25:16 am »
I will be very interested in an "Idiots" guide, bootstrapping template, start to finish to create a DAC forking from PTS.

1.1 Use existing algorithm
1.2 Tips to ensure CPU only mining if decide to change it.
2. Set the number of shares to mine
4. How to give 10 % to both PTS holders and AGS (the document is focusing on the extraction), how do we initialise it, how the holders can easily claim their shares (as per Memory Coin). (Note I am not mentioning the genesis block, that should be part of the introduction).
5. Business Logic, example areas where we can add our business logic, ie add more information to the block chain, extract info (as per donschoe) etc.

The simpler to get started the better, I see PTS and AGS as a way to honour a very easy way to get started with your own DAC, then let the community, users decide if your business idea is good to invest. If it is everyone is a winner!

BitShares PTS / Re: Dump
« on: January 08, 2014, 06:03:43 am »
Speculation and news, I have seen many blocks in Bter and Cryptsy to prevent the price of PTS going up, so I guess somebody is pushing the price down at the moment to buy low.
Bitcoin I guess is time to buy when it hits 700 :)

Ill love to test anything

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