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Messages - nodata

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Muse/SoundDAC / 404 - shite not found
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:27:31 pm »
Hi. Anyone know what happened to peer tracks?

I am a DJ and producer and I have been explaining the concept of a DAC to a lot of my friends in the music industry. It has some of them scarred (mostly those who work for labels) and others every excited (mostly artists).

Ive been promoting because they had an excellent business model and it was very exciting for a lot of my producer friends who hate the idea of being signed... but now its gone. What the hell.

General Discussion / "grass roots" flyer with infographic?
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:47:30 am »
Hey everyone.. Im just kind of brainstorming here..

Im not the greatest at making infographs or flyers, but what about the idea of marketing bitshares by putting up flyers in key areas, like cyber cafes and coffee shops that frequent lots of IT people, or hacker conventions.

It would probably be a 'light' infographic that gives a very basic idea of what bitshares is, then have a website address and a qrcode linking to the same website for people with smartphones.

This would be something that anyone could print out and put up in a tech-heavy populated area like starbucks, or your local hackerspace, cybercafe or even up on telephone poles and local bulletin boards.

Of course you wouldn't want to put something like this up anywhere as you would want to target your audience, but Im kind of just brainstorming here.

Does anyone think this would help?

Does anyone have any ideas what it should look like if one were to be made? And if so, where do you think it would be beneficial to be put up?

General Discussion / Re: Orphaned Ideas Still Worthy of Discussion
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:30:21 am »
I still think having the wallet expanded to other platforms is essential to get people to see it. One of the largest platforms in the world right now is android.

Even if it was a web wallet that supports mobile devices, thats a huge user base that could start using it. A web wallet with mobile support might even be better than an android app; it, ideally, would be iOS compatible.. apple still has that ban on crypto wallets for iOS and iOS has another HUGE user base thats ripe for exposure.

General Discussion / Re: Is there an official infographic?
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:20:40 am »
wow, you got to know all 4000 people before adding them? Damn impressive ;P ...

there was this one made by 3I I believe:

and this one was made by MeTHoDx, but I think it might still be a work in progress:

General Discussion / Re: Some advice from a convert.
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:15:01 am »
 +5% to the OP. IMO he has hit the nail on the head

General Discussion / Re: Just sent to wrong address
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:10:42 am »
I accidentally did the same thing sending money out of the bter exchange to my wallet.. except it didnt go to my wallet, it went to the last person I sent it too from within the exchange. Luckily I knew the guy and he sent it back..

bter should also somehow make you double check where you're sending it too.. or maybe I should just not be so careless

General Discussion / Re: android/iOS wallets
« on: August 31, 2014, 12:52:39 pm »

and the NXT devs have a working one in beta as well:
(yes i realize its closed source, but it is a working nxt droid wallet)

Would you seriously trust closed source applications!?  ::)

not at all, but theres a very good chance it will go open source when its out of beta

just took a look, the blackcoin droid wallet has 500 to 1000 downloads, and the p2pwallet has 100 to 500 downloads

General Discussion / Re: ELI5 competition
« on: August 31, 2014, 09:19:22 am »

excellent idea. ELI5 are essential to people who are trying to understand a complex subject

any updates? I have a GPU thats dying to mine for this :D

General Discussion / Re: android/iOS wallets
« on: August 31, 2014, 07:40:28 am »
Also, the devs have plans for an SPV functionality on the chain .. so things are moving ..

also, whats SPV? I googled it, that has something to do with java?

General Discussion / Re: android/iOS wallets
« on: August 31, 2014, 06:01:30 am »

actually the "wallet" (gui) already is a webapplication and could easily be
a) made available to be loaded from an external server with minor security drawbacks
b) pimped for small size screens

Cool. I  +5% that notion.

but currently devs are too bussy getting the market online ... IMHO mobile support is much less important then THE CORE feature (bitassets) in the blockchain

Agreed 100%

also .. the blockchain is not even a month old .. how long did it take for bitcoin to have an android wallet?

I respectfully disagree with this reasoning. Just because the blockchain is new and small is not a good excuse to not create a droid wallet. It only makes sense, people want mobility... blackcoins got one several: (also supports peercoin, the other PoS coin)

....and this one too: (not on play store, unverified publisher)

and the NXT devs have a working one in beta as well:
(yes i realize its closed source, but it is a working nxt droid wallet)

The Competition seriously believes there's a demand for droid wallets and I think it should be a priority given that almost everyone has a smartphone or tablet now. Maybe integration into p2p wallet?

visual representation A+

but for the text explanation, please ELI4

once you get it fine-tuned you should post it in
and xpost it to

Good job :)

Technical Support / Re: Recovering lost wallet from old windows install
« on: August 28, 2014, 05:23:37 pm »
I was the one posting for cambie24, and I did not realize the whole folder was the wallet. Thank you for the help, I think we figured it out :D

General Discussion / android/iOS wallets
« on: August 11, 2014, 06:55:13 am »
Are there any plans for an iOS or android wallet for bitsharesX? I did a search and didnt find much of anything here on the forums

Im putting this thread in marketing because penetration into the mobile market places will help huge in getting people to use/trade bitshares. iOS and android are huge markets with huge user bases.

Even if the primary users are power users with wallets they compiled themselves, having the option of trading bitsharesX on their smartphone is very appealing to lots of people. Even if the wallet isnt that advanced, even just having a basic wallet will appeal to users who are considering getting into trading bitsharesX

This is just an idea, but I think its a very important to break into the mobile market as its a huge and constantly growing user base. Even someone just seeing a wallet on the google play store or the apple app store will make people look into it. Even the windows apps store has some potential.

And yes, I realize that apple is a real bitch when it comes to crypto-currency wallets getting approved, but android is pretty much a sure deal and thats the hugest mobile market out there right now

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