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Messages - lnxsrt

Pages: [1]
The new 1.4 miner is acting strange on Linux. Old version worked fine for days and days. The new one will sometimes go a day, sometimes just a few hours. It ends up looking like this...

Total CPM (15m) 0.00 HPM (15m) 0.00 | CPM 646.06 HPM 189.66 | A/R 2118/3 (70600.00% rej)
Worker 0-0 GeForce GTX 770 CPM (15m) 0.00 HPM (15m) 0.00 | CPM 645.51 HPM 189.50 | A/R 2118/3 (70600.00% rej)

Seems like a bug of some sort.

BitShares PTS / Re: arCUDAminer for Linux
« on: January 20, 2014, 05:45:07 pm »
Anything compiled for new Ubuntu seems to work fine on my Arch Linux as well. But, you should also consider compiling for CentOS. It has an older GLIBC version.

Got my 770 GTX pumping out 1120 CPM on Arch Linux. Seems to be working excellent.

Is there any way you could compile a linux version for CentOS? It has an older GLIBC version.

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